Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Ge Yi]

葛宜﹐明末清初人﹐女﹐字南有﹐海寧人(今浙江海寧)。Related Materials: 著有 《玉窗遺稿一卷》。清史稿藝文志﹐杭州府志﹐眾香詞﹐海昌麗則﹐國朝閨閣詩鈔﹐小檀欒室彙刻百家閨秀詞﹐小黛軒論詩詩﹐閨秀詞話有著錄。有李因題辭﹐朱邇邁撰行略﹐吳騫跋。

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[ Individual collections in this database authored by 葛宜 Ge Yi ]
Yu chuang yi gao:1 juan(by Ge Yi, Qing Dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 葛宜 Ge Yi )
[ anthologies in this database containing works by 葛宜 Ge Yi ]
Guo chao gui xiu zheng shi ji: 20 juan, fu lu: 1 juan, bu yi: 1 juan, you fu ti ci: 1 juan (edited by Yun Zhu, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 葛宜 Ge Yi )
Xiao tan luan shi hui ke gui xiu ci: 10 ji 100 zhong 100 juan (edited by Xu Naichang, Qing dynasty)

    玉窗詩餘﹕一卷 Yu chuang shi yu: 1 juan - (All texts in this collection authored by 葛宜 Ge Yi )
Guo chao gui ge shi chao: 100 zhong 100 juan (edited by Cai Dianqi, Qing dynasty)

    玉窗遺稿﹕一卷 Yu chuang yi gao: 1 juan - (All texts in this collection authored by 葛宜 Ge Yi )
歷代名媛書簡:八卷(民國王秀琴編集,胡文楷選訂)。商務印書館發行, 中華民國三十年(1941)四月初版
Li dai ming yuan shu jian: 8 juan (Compiled by Wang Xiuqin and edited by Hu Wenkai, Republican period)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 葛宜 Ge Yi )
[ remarks and biographies on 葛宜 Ge Yi ]
《歷代婦女著作考》 P. 690 著錄 作者: 胡文楷
葛宜[略傳] Ge Yi [lüe zhuan]  作者/Author﹕ 甘晉 Gan Jin
論葛宜詞 Lun Ge Yi ci  作者/Author﹕ 雷瑨 Lei Jin
論葛宜詞 Lun Ge Yi ci  作者/Author﹕ 雷瑊 Lei Jian
論葛宜詩 Lun Ge Yi shi  作者/Author﹕ 陳芸 Chen Yun
葛宜[略傳] Ge Yi [lüe zhuan]  作者/Author﹕ 惲珠 Yun Zhu
葛宜 Ge Yi  作者/Author﹕ 王秀琴 Wang Xiuqin

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