Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Shen Shanbao]

沈善寶(1808-1862)﹐女﹐字湘佩﹐號西湖散人﹐錢塘人(今浙江杭州)。Related Materials: 著有 名媛詩話﹐鴻雪樓詩詞初二集。杭州府志﹐杭州府志藝文志﹐崑山胡氏書目﹐國朝閨秀正始續集﹐小檀欒室彙刻百家閨秀詞﹐閨秀詞話﹐女世說有著錄。有李世冶﹐丁佩﹐佟景文﹐張美翊序﹐沈善寶自序﹐沈敏元﹐陳光亨跋。

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[ anthologies in this database containing works by 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao ]
名媛詩話十二卷續集三卷: 十五卷(清沈善寶撰)。清光緒五年(1879)鴻雪樓刻巾箱本
Ming yuan shi hua shi er juan xu ji san juan: 15 juan (by Shen Shanbao, Qing Dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao )
Guo chao gui xiu zheng shi xu ji: 10 juan, fu lu: 1 juan, bu yi: 1 juan, wan ci: 1 juan (edited by Yun Zhu, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao )
Xiao tan luan shi hui ke gui xiu ci: 10 ji 100 zhong 100 juan (edited by Xu Naichang, Qing dynasty)

    鴻雪樓詞﹕一卷 Hong xue lou ci: 1 juan - (All texts in this collection authored by 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao )
Dan ju xuan shi chu gao : 4 juan, ci : 1 juan (by Zhang Qieying, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao )
Xin fang ge shi cao: 5 juan (by Chen Yunlian, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao )
Xiao lian hua shi yi gao:2 juan (by Zhu Yu, Qing Dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao )
Hong xue lou shi xuan chu ji:4 juan,Hong xue lou wai ji:1 juan(by Shen Shanbao, Qing Dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao )
Li da ming yuan wen yuan jian bian: 2 juan (edited by Wang Xiuqin, Hu Wenkai, Republican period)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao )
[ remarks and biographies on 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao ]
《歷代婦女著作考》 P. 366 著錄 作者: 胡文楷
論沈善寶詞 Lun Shen Shanbao ci  作者/Author﹕ 雷瑨 Lei Jin
論沈善寶詞 Lun Shen Shanbao ci  作者/Author﹕ 雷瑊 Lei Jian
沈善寶[略傳] Shen Shanbao [lüe zhuan]  作者/Author﹕ 惲珠 Yun Zhu
論沈善寶詩 Lun Shen Shanbao shi  作者/Author﹕ 陳芸 Chen Yun
沈善寶 Shen Shanbao   作者/Author﹕ 嚴蘅 Yan Heng
論沈善寶 Lun Shen Shanbao  作者/Author﹕ 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao
論沈善寶吳藻鮑靚周琴 Lun Shen Shanbao Wu Zao Bao Liang Zhou Qin  作者/Author﹕ 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao
論沈善寶 Lun Shen Shanbao  作者/Author﹕ 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao
論沈善寶 Lun Shen Shanbao  作者/Author﹕ 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao
論沈善寶 Lun Shen Shanbao  作者/Author﹕ 沈善寶 Shen Shanbao
沈善寶 Shen Shanbao  作者/Author﹕ 王秀琴 Wang Xiuqin
[ Correspondence, etc. ]
念奴嬌 Nian nu jiao  作者﹕關鍈 Guan Ying
高陽臺 Gao yang tai  作者﹕關鍈 Guan Ying
徵招 Zheng zhao  作者﹕關鍈 Guan Ying
鵲橋仙 Que qiao xian  作者﹕吳藻 Wu Zao
如夢令 Ru meng ling  作者﹕吳藻 Wu Zao
六月九日邀雲林湘佩尺五莊看荷花座中次湘佩前遊韻(四首) Liu yue jiu ri yao Yunlin Xiangpei Chi wu zhuang kan he hua zuo zhong ci Xiangpei qian you yun  作者﹕顧太清 Gu Taiqing
倒次湘佩韻(二首) Dao ci Xiangpei yun  作者﹕顧太清 Gu Taiqing
金風玉露相逢曲 Jin feng yu lu xiang feng qu  作者﹕顧太清 Gu Taiqing
鵲橋仙 Que qiao xian  作者﹕吳藻 Wu Zao
如夢令 Ru meng ling  作者﹕吳藻 Wu Zao
寄武夫人沈湘佩:并序 Ji Wu fu ren Shen Xiangpei: Bing xu  作者﹕陳蘊蓮 Chen Yunlian
奉答吳興沈湘佩女史正始集選詩之約(二首) Feng da Wuxing Shen Xiangpei nü shi Zheng shi ji xuan shi zhi yue (er shou)  作者﹕勞蓉君 Lao Rongjun
呈沈湘佩夫人(二首) Cheng Shen Xiangpei fu ren (er shou)  作者﹕關鍈 Guan Ying
寄沈湘佩(四首) Ji Shen Xiangpei (si shou)  作者﹕關鍈 Guan Ying
送沈湘佩入都 Song Shen Xiangpei ru du  作者﹕關鍈 Guan Ying
寄懷沈湘佩 Ji huai Shen Xiangpei  作者﹕關鍈 Guan Ying
念奴嬌 Nian nu jiao  作者﹕關鍈 Guan Ying
高陽臺 Gao yang tai  作者﹕關鍈 Guan Ying
徵招 Zhi zhao  作者﹕關鍈 Guan Ying
贈沈湘佩夫人 Zeng Shen Xiangpei fu ren  作者﹕陳葆貞 Chen Baozhen
金風玉露相逢曲 Jin feng yu lu xiang feng qu  作者﹕顧太清 Gu Taiqing

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