Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Chen Shi]

陳詩(1864-1942)﹐男﹐字子言﹐號鶴柴山人﹐廬江人(今廬江)。Related Materials: 著有 曾著《尊瓠室詩話》,又編選安徽鄉先輩詩為《皖雅初編》保存文獻,但所錄小篇為多。另著有《尊瓠室詩》。。

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Writings of 陳詩 Chen Shi﹕
In 繡餘吟草:一卷(清徐南蘋撰)。民國二十三年(1934)鉛印本 Xiu yu yin cao: 1 juan (by Xu Nanping, Qing dynasty)
文﹕序 Wen: Xu: 繡餘唫草序: Xiu yu yin cao xu 序.1a
In 葂麗園詩續:一卷(民國呂美蓀撰)。民國二十二年(1933)仿宋排印本 Wan li yuan shi xu: 1 juan (by Lü Meisun, Republican period)
詩 shi: 附原作: Fu yuan zuo 詩續.19a
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