Industrial Architecture Montreal 



  Molson Brewery

1650, rue Notre-Dame est;

Architect: Hettinger, C.F.
Building Type: brewery
Begun: 1907
Alterations: 1909-1913; 1912-1913; 1922; 1929-30; 1933; 1943; 1950-52
Alteration Architect: C.F. Hettinger (1909-13; 1922; 1943) McDougall & Friedman, engineers (1912-13; 1922; 1952) McDougall, Smith & Fleming (1922; 1951-52) Barott, Marshall, Montgomery, Merret (1933)


View, looking south-east (1999)
The date-stone which marks the front entrance (1999)
Image showing the various additions (1999)
Detail of the date-stone (1999)


Burgess, Joanne. Paysages industriels en mutation. Montréal: Université du Quebec à Montréal; Écomusée du fier monde, 1997. : 24-25
Visuals: exterior photo, interior photo, drawing.

Denison, Merrill. The Barley and the Stream: The Molson Story. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1960. .


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