Industrial Architecture Montreal 



  Drummond McCall Company Ltd.

930, rue Smith;

Architect: Robb, Frederick Garfield
Building Type: metalworking plant
Completed: 1923
Note: Originally manufacturers of foundry facings and supplies.


View, looking south-west, at main entrance (1999)
View, looking, south-west (1999)


Special number of the Dominion Illustrated devoted to Montreal, the Commercial Metropolis of Canada. Montréal: Sabiston Lithographic and Pub. Co., 1891. : 91
Location: Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections. McGill University Library.
Note: List the address as 207 St. James St. (Dominion 1891).

Chambers, Ernest J. The Book of Montreal: a Souvenir of Canada's Commercial Metropolis. Montréal: Book of Montréal, 1903. : 203, 205
Location: Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections. McGill University Library.


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