Industrial Architecture Montreal 



  Hershey Canada Inc./National Licorice Co.

4211-4217, rue de Rouen;

Architect: Reeves, Charles Aimé
Building Type: food processing plant
Materials: brick, grey stone, reinforced concrete
Completed: 1907


View, looking east, of rear of building (1999)
Looking north at rue de Rouen façade (1999)
View, looking north, down ave. Desjardins (1999)


Communauté Urbaine de Montréal. Architecture Industrielle Montreal. Montréal: Le Service, 1982. : 234-235
Visuals: exterior photo.

Lambert, Phyllis. Inventaire des Batiments du Vieux Montreal. Quebec: Centre de documentation, Service de l'inventaire des biens culturels, 1977. : 87


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