Industrial Architecture Montreal 



  J.C. Wilson & Co. Building/Edifice Wilson

380, rue St-Antoine est;

Firm/Partnership: J.W. & E.C. Hopkins
Building Type: printing plant
Materials: red brick, red terra cotta,
Begun: 1880
Note: Originally paper product manufacturers.


Company advertisement from 1891; from Special Number of the Dominion Illustrated (Montreal: Sabiston Lithographic and Pub., 1891), 172.
View, looking south-east, of front elevation (1999)


Industries of Canada. City of Montreal Historical and Descriptive Review. Montréal: Historical Publishing Co., 1886. : 118
Location: Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections. McGill University Library.

Special number of the Dominion Illustrated devoted to Montreal, the Commercial Metropolis of Canada. Montréal: Sabiston Lithographic and Pub. Co., 1891. : 172-173
Location: Dept. of Rare Books and Special Collections. McGill University Library.
Visuals: exterior photo.
Note: Text accompanied by large advertisement, describes architectural style of building, and operations within.

Lambert, Phyllis. Inventaire des batiments du Vieux Montreal. Quebec: Centre de documentation, Service de l'inventaire des biens culturels, 1977. : 27


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