Hospital Name: Hôpital du Sacre Coeur
Address: 5400 boulevard Gouin ouest, Montréal, Québec, H4J 1C5; Telephone: (514) 338-2222;Fax: (514) 338-2328
MUC Location: Montréal, Cartierville
Religious Affiliation: Catholic
Architect: Dalbé Viau & Alphonse Venne
Architectural Firm: Venne & Viau
Ground-breaking Date: 1924
Completion Date: 1925
1. Completion of the chapel dome:1925
2. Addition of two infirmiry (gardes-malades) wings: 1945
3. Addition of a floor for operation rooms: 1959
4. Extension at the back of the first floor for the biomedical centre: 1969
5. New emergency ward, interior renovations and room reorganization: 1970-71
6. Interior renovations: 1972
7. New wing for psychitric care and interior rearrangements of lab space: 1974
8. New wing to enclose the hyberbolic chamber and renovations to physical plant: 1980
9. Enclosure built around central stairs: 1982
10. Renovations to cytology and pathology: 1984
11. Renovations to security and emergency exits, elevators and physical plant: 1985
12. Resurfacing of the dome: 1986
13. General renovations to multiple wings: 1987
14. Renovations to geriatric ward: 1992
15. Renovations to electrophysiology and pneumology: 1995
16. Renovation of the Auditorium Emilie-Gamelin: 1997
17. Phase 2 of the centre for biomedicine: 2000
Renovation Architect: 2. Gaston Gagnier
3. Brais & Savard
5. Blais & Bélanger
6. Blais & Bélanger
7. Blais & Bélanger
8. Blais & Bélanger
9. Tétrault, Parrent, Languedoc & Associates
10. Tétrault, Parrent, Languedoc & Associates
11. Tétrault, Parrent, Languedoc & Associates
12. Tétrault, Parrent, Languedoc & Associates
13. Tétrault, Parrent, Languedoc & Associates
14. Almas Mathieu
15. Réne Ouellet
16. Tecsult
17. PNJP architects, Lemay & Associates, Réne Ouellet
Organizing Institution: Original: Soeurs de la Charité de la Providence
Current: Public institution with a board of directors.
One of the Université de Montréal's primary research hospitals.
900 beds in 34 wards in 1936
Architectural Notes: The hospital was built on a unique C-shaped footprint with wings running perpendicular to the main structure. The principle feature of the façade is the main chapel, transferred to office and administrative space since 1980.
Total floor area (1981)- 70 932 sq. meters
Floor area of original building (1925)- 54 441 sq. meters
Site area- 156 362 sq. meters
Floors: 6 plus 7th floor extensions on central axis
Building Footprint: C-shaped main building with five wings of varying size and form in the rear of the structure; the building is fronted by the Sacre-Coeur Chapel
Contractor: 1924-25: Ulric Boileau Ltd., Cooksville Shale and Brick Co. ltd.
1945: Concrete Construction, M. Boucher
1959: Concrete Construction
1969: Yvon Desjardins
1970-71: J. R. Cote
1978: Lalonde, Girouard and Letendre, J. H. Depuis
Material: 1. Internal: Steel reinforced concrete structure, visible around entrances and balcony sections.
2. External (superficial): Red brick with conrete and stone detailing on chapel and around windows and entrances.
3. Interior: The original interior was a mix of terra-cotta and plaster. Recent additions have added in-ceiling lights, wood panel finishing and new tile flooring to parts of the hospital.
Construction Notes: The internal steel and concrete structure is extended at the extremities of each wing, beyond the superficial façade, to provide balcony space on each floor. Balconies are not particularly ornamented but they do illustrate the significant mass of the hospital's internal concrete lattice.
Bibliography: Communauté Urbaine de Montréal/Service de la planification du territoire.Architecture civile I: Les Édifices Publics. Répertoire d'architecture traditionelle sur le territoire de la Communauté urbaine de Montréal, 1981.
Seguin, Normand (ed.).Atlas Historique du Québec: L'institution médicale. Québec: Les Presses de L'Université Laval, 1998.
The Contract Record and Engineering Review, 40 no. 23 (6 June, 1928)
Choquette, Danielle.L'Institut de réadaptation de Montréal: 50 ans d'histoire. Montréal: Institut de réadaptation de Montréal, 1999.
Footnotes: A more complete list of hospital renovations is available through the Blackader Lauterman Library, McGill University and the planning and development department of the Hôpital Sacre-Coeur.
Affiliated Buildings:
Sanatorium Prevost