The Exhibit: ~ Special Imprints ~ | |
| | | | Lider un gedikhten | Un du bist Got | In shvere minuten | By David Einhorn: Rekviem | |
| | | | Shtile gezangen | In shvartsn malkhes | Outside "The Pale" | Lieder / Y.Y. Propus | |
| | | | Halber tog | Oft zingt zikh | Intime nigunim | Yung poezye | |
| | | | Erd | Mit zikh | Shturm un drang | Oyf der shvel | |
| | | | Ruinengroz | Nakite lider | Post Holocaust imprints: Heftn far literatur | Bukareshtr zamlbikher | |
| | | Naye Yidishe dikhtung | Oysyes in blut | Farvoglte Yidn | | This section displays a variety of other interesting imprints, generally selected because of their place of issue or format. They include publications from Germany, Austria, and locations beyond the "Pale of Settlement" proclaimed by czarist Russia. |