The Exhibit: ~ Canada ~ | |
| | | | Idishe dikhter in Kanade | Shir-ha-shirim / H. Hirsch | Fablen / H. Hirsch | Milhomeh veyhen | |
| | | | Far a brenendiger zun | By J. I. Segal : Fun mayn velt | Bazunder lider | Mayn shtub un mayn velt | |
| | | | By M. Ravitch: Der kern fun al'e mayne lider | Prehistorishe landshaftn | In di lange vinternekht | Di lider fun mayne lider | |
| | | | Ikh kum aheym | Toronto publications: In gerangl | Nisht geshtoygn, nisht gefloygn | In vogl | |
| | | | Aleyn | A likht far a groshn | Yidish un Yidishkeyt | Noentkayt | |
| | | | Montreal periodicals. Nyuansn no.1(Jan.1921) | Kanade no.1(July 1925) | Royerd no.1(Feb. 1927) | Montreol v.1 no.1(Dec.1932) | |
| | | Heftn no.2(May/June 1936) | Kanader zshurnal | Montreoler heftn | | Most Canadian literary activity has emanated from Montreal and Toronto. A dynamic Yiddish creative life existed in Montreal - and still does to some extent - fuelled by the immigration of scores of writers, including many poets, before and after World War II. In addition to a sampling of individual works by Montreal and Toronto poets, there are displayed a number of early Yiddish Canadian literary journals issued primarily in Montreal. |