The Exhibit: ~ Authors ~ | |
![](icons/04_01%20Flowering%20of%20Modern%20Yid..jpg) | ![](icons/04_03%20Literary%20authors%20portraits.jpg) | ![](icons/04_04a%20Foshko%20cartoon.jpg) | ![](icons/04_05a%20Portrait%20album.jpg) | The flowering of modern Yiddish literature | Portraits of Yiddish literary authors | "Literary café"; | A. Mukdonyi, H.N. Bialik | |
![](icons/04_06a%20Scrapbook%20cover.jpg) | ![](icons/04_07a%20Matoneh%20poema.jpg) | ![](icons/04_08a%20Im%20Shekiat%20cover.jpg) | ![](icons/04_09a%20Ergits%20cover.jpg) | A Fishstein scrapbook | Hebrew authors. Zalman Shneour: A matoneh | Im sheki'at ha-hamah | Uri Zvi Greenberg: Ergits oyf felder | |
![](icons/04_10a%20Mefisto%20cover.jpg) | ![](icons/04_11%20Dos%20vayse%20leben%20title%20page.jpg) | ![](icons/04_12a%20Yudishe%20cascade.jpg) | Uri Zvi Greenberg: Mefisto | Itzhak Katzenelson: Dos vayse leben | Bin Goryon: Yudishe ksovim fun a vayten korev | | ![](authors.jpg) This section includes a selection of portraits of some major Yiddish creative writers. Many of them are studio portraits taken by B. Lipschutz, of New York, and mounted into Fishstein's albums. It will be noted that most of the earlier writers were productive in Hebrew in addition to Yiddish, and sometimes in Russian and other languages as well. |