Search Results
Number of matched records = 2504

Last Name First Name County Township Town Occupation Birthplace Full Record
Abrahams R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Abrahams W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Adams Benjamin Stormont Finch GO

Adams G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Adams J.C. Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Adams Joel Stormont Osnabruck GO

Adams John J. Stormont Osnabruck Farmer; Reeve of Township Canada GO

Adams P. E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Adams W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Adams W. E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Aggart Henry Stormont Finch GO

Agnew Stormont Roxborough GO

Ainsworth W. Stormont Cornwall Mille Roches Station Agent at Mille Roches Canada GO

Aird Alexander Jr. Stormont Roxborough GO

Aird Alexander Sr. Stormont Roxborough GO

Aird John Stormont Roxborough GO

Alair T. Stormont Finch GO

Alexander A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Alexander Charles W. Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Alexander H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Alexander J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Alexander James Stormont Osnabruck GO

Alexander John Stormont Finch GO

Alexander L. Stormont Finch GO

Alexander W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Algar K. Stormont Roxborough GO

Alguire Stormont Roxborough GO

Alguire A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Alguire A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Alguire D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Alguire D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Alguire D.P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Alguire Daniel Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Alguire G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Alguire G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Alguire H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Alguire H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Alguire J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Alguire J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Alguire J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Alguire J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Alguire J.M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Alguire P. Stormont Finch GO

Alguire P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Alguire R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Alguire R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Alguire S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Alguire S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Alguire W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Alguire W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Alguire William R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Allen James Stormont Roxborough GO

Amell Lewis Stormont Cornwall GO

Amo T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Anders W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Anderson A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Anderson G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Anderson J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Anderson John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Anderson Peter Stormont Osnabruck GO

Anderson R. Stormont Cornwall Township Clerk Scotland GO

Anderson T. Stormont Cornwall GO

Anderson T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Andress S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Andrews G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Annable Stormont Finch GO

Annable George Stormont Cornwall GO

Annable H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Annable Ira Stormont Cornwall Farmer Canada GO

Annable J.D. Stormont Cornwall Farmer Canada GO

Arbuthnott J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Arbuthnott N. Stormont Cornwall GO

Arbuthnott W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Archibald A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Archibald Cyril Stormont Osnabruck GO

Archibald H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Archibald J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Archibald Brothers Stormont Osnabruck GO

Armstrong M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Armstrong R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Armstrong W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Artibees P. Stormont Roxborough GO

Ashfield William Stormont Finch GO

Atchison William Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Builder Canada GO

Aube A. Stormont Finch GO

Aube T. Stormont Finch GO

Ault E.D. Stormont Osnabruck Aultsville Physician; Surgeon Canada GO

Ault I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ault Isaiah R. Stormont Osnabruck Aultsville Postmaster; General Merchant; Issuer of Marriage Licenses; 1st Deputy Reeve; J.P. Canada GO

Ault L.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ault O. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ault O.C.J. Stormont Cornwall Deputy Reeve of Cornwall Canada GO

Ault Samuel Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ault Simeon Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ault Simon Stormont Cornwall GO

Ault Simon Stormont Cornwall Moulinette GO

Ault W.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Aumelle E. Stormont Roxborough GO

Aumelle T. Stormont Roxborough GO

Aumelle W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Baggs S.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Bailey J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Bailey Joseph Stormont Cornwall GO

Baker Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker A.O. Stormont Osnabruck General Merchant Canada GO

Baker B. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker C.S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker Herman S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker J. A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker J. E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker J. E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Baker John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker John Stormont Finch GO

Baker Nelson Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker O. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker W. H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker W. J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Baker W. W. Stormont Finch GO

Baker William Stormont Roxborough GO

Balderick James Stormont Finch GO

Bancroft G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bancroft J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bancroft Levi Stormont Osnabruck GO

Barclay G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Barkley George Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Barkley Z. Stormont Finch GO

Barlow J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Barnes N. Stormont Roxborough GO

Barnhart A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Barnhart J. Stormont Finch GO

Barnhart L. Stormont Cornwall GO

Barnhart L. Stormont Cornwall GO

Barrey W. N. Stormont Finch GO

Bartley H. Stormont Finch GO

Battle C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bauchamp J. Stormont Finch GO

Bayne D. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Physician and Surgeon Canada GO

Beauchamp E. Stormont Roxborough GO

Beauchamp J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Beauford E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Beauford Eugene Stormont Osnabruck GO

Beckstead J.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Beckstead P. H. Stormont Finch Physician and Surgeon Canada GO

Begg Stormont Roxborough GO

Begg Stormont Roxborough GO

Begg George Stormont Roxborough GO

Begg J. M. Stormont Roxborough GO

Begg James Stormont Roxborough GO

Begg James Stormont Roxborough Farmer Scotland GO

Begg James Jr. Stormont Roxborough Farmer Canada GO

Bender G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Bender G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Bender P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Bender P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Bender R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Bender S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Bender S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Bender W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Benewa T. Stormont Roxborough GO

Bennett G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Bennett Henry Stormont Roxborough GO

Bennett Hugh Stormont Roxborough GO

Bennett J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Bennett R.D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Bennett T. Stormont Roxborough Farmer, Ex-M.P. England GO

Benoit A. Stormont Finch GO

Bergin Darby Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Physician and Surgeon; MP Canada GO

Bergin J. Stormont Cornwall Barrister, &c. Canada GO

Bergin J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Berna F. Stormont Roxborough GO

Berna L. Stormont Roxborough GO

Best V. Stormont Cornwall GO

Bingham H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Blackadder James Stormont Cornwall GO

Blackader T. Stormont Cornwall GO

Blackburn A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Blacklock Stormont Cornwall GO

Blacklock R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Blair D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Blair Edward Stormont Roxborough GO

Blair J. D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Blair James Stormont Roxborough GO

Blair Joseph Stormont Roxborough GO

Blair W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Boals J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Boals R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bockus C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bockus J.A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bockus M.A Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bogart E. Stormont Finch GO

Bogart John Stormont Finch GO

Boileau Jeles M. Stormont Finch Physician and Surgeon Canada GO

Boles John Jr. Stormont Finch GO

Bone M. Stormont Cornwall GO

Boots J. R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bourseli Stormont Finch GO

Boyce J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Boyce S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Bradshaw J. H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bradshaw J. H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bradshaw W. Stormont Finch GO

Branchet F. Stormont Roxborough GO

Brannan A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Brannan J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Brannan J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Breayer A. Stormont Finch GO

Breayer I. Stormont Finch GO

Bredin H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bredin Henry Stormont Roxborough GO

Bredin J.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bredin J.H. Stormont Osnabruck Farmer; Lumberman; Deputy Reeve Canada GO

Brennan J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Bride J.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bride W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bridges Stormont Cornwall GO

Bridges George Stormont Cornwall GO

Bridges J.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Britton John Stormont Roxborough GO

Britton Joseph Stormont Roxborough GO

Brooks W.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Brossard John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Brown Aaron Stormont Finch GO

Brown D.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Brown E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Brown E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Brown James Stormont Cornwall GO

Brown John Stormont Roxborough GO

Brown John Stormont Roxborough Mill Owner and Contractor Canada GO

Brown M. Stormont Cornwall GO

Brown William J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Brownell Stormont Cornwall GO

Brownell I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Brownell J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Brownell J.E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Brownell S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Brownell W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Bryan E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Buchanan A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Buchannan R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Buchannan T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Buckley D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Bulcher N. Stormont Finch GO

Bullock R.K. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Burgin J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Burns J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Burns John Stormont Cornwall GO

Burton B. Stormont Cornwall GO

Burton James Stormont Osnabruck GO

Burton W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Burton W.B. Stormont Cornwall GO

Burwash S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Bush A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bush A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bush G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bush H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bush Henry Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bush Ira Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bush J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bush J.E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bush L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bush P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bush T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Bushway J. Stormont Finch GO

Byres Stormont Finch GO

Cadman G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cain D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Caine J. Stormont Finch GO

Caine John Stormont Finch GO

Caine M. Stormont Finch GO

Caine Michael Stormont Finch GO

Caine P. Stormont Finch GO

Caine Patrick Stormont Finch GO

Caine Robert Stormont Osnabruck GO

Callahan T.O. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cameron Stormont Finch GO

Cameron Stormont Finch GO

Cameron A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron A. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron A.B. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron A.T. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron Alex D.A. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

Cameron Alexander Stormont Finch GO

Cameron Alexander Stormont Finch GO

Cameron Angus Stormont Finch GO

Cameron Angus D.A. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron D. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron D. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron D. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron D.B. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron D.D. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron D.J.B. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron D.S. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron Donald Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron Donald Stormont Finch GO

Cameron Donald Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron Dougal Stormont Finch GO

Cameron Duncan D. Stormont Roxborough Merchant Canada GO

Cameron E.B. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron H.B. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron H.S. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cameron J. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron J. A. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron J.H & D.H. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron J.J Stormont Cornwall GO

Cameron John Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron John Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron John Stormont Finch GO

Cameron John B. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron N. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cameron W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cameron W. Stormont Finch GO

Cameron William Stormont Finch GO

Campbell Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Campbell A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

Campbell D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell Daniel Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell Donald Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell F. Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell G.A. & L Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Campbell I.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell J. Stormont Finch GO

Campbell J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Campbell J. M. Stormont Finch Proprietor, South Finch Hitek Canada GO

Campbell J. M. Stormont Finch GO

Campbell J.E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell J.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell J.M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell J.M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell J.M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell James Stormont Finch GO

Campbell John C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell John M. Stormont Finch GO

Campbell John S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell K. Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell M. Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell M. Stormont Roxborough GO

Campbell N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell W. Jr. Stormont Finch GO

Campbell W. Sr. Stormont Finch GO

Campbell W.I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell W.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell W.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell W.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell W.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Campbell William Stormont Roxborough GO

Canada Co. Company Stormont Roxborough GO

Canada Co. Company Stormont Finch GO

Canada Trust & Loan Company Stormont Osnabruck GO

Canham G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Canham J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cannam J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Carey A. Stormont Finch GO

Carey T. Stormont Finch GO

Carlyle M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Carman R. B. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Barrister (Carman & Leitch) Canada GO

Carman & Leitch Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Barristers, & c. Canada GO

Carpenter C. Stormont Cornwall GO

Carr A.C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Carr Alexander Stormont Finch GO

Carr Hugh Stormont Osnabruck GO

Carr James Stormont Osnabruck GO

Carr Thomas Stormont Osnabruck GO

Carr Thomas Jr. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Carson Archibald Stormont Finch GO

Carter Alexander Stormont Roxborough GO

Carter Angus Stormont Roxborough GO

Carter D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cary S.P. Stormont Osnabruck Wales Merchant Canada GO

Cass Edward Stormont Cornwall GO

Casselman A. Stormont Finch GO

Casselman A. C. Stormont Finch School Teacher Canada GO

Casselman Arnold Stormont Finch GO

Casselman H. Stormont Finch GO

Casselman Hiram Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Casselman Philip A. Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Castleman George Stormont Osnabruck Woodlands Farmer Canada GO

Cavanagh E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cavanagh J. Stormont Finch GO

Cavanagh M. Stormont Finch GO

Cavanagh W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Chambers Stormont Finch GO

Chambers Charles Stormont Finch GO

Chambers G. Stormont Finch GO

Chambers J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Champin F. Stormont Finch GO

Chartrand X. Stormont Finch GO

Cheeley J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Chisholm Stormont Roxborough GO

Chisholm Stormont Cornwall GO

Chisholm Stormont Cornwall GO

Chisholm A.C. Stormont Cornwall Moulinette Farmer Canada GO

Chisholm C. Stormont Cornwall GO

Chisholm D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Chisholm J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Chisholm W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Christie D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Christie P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Christy J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Church of England Church Stormont Finch GO

Clancey P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Clark D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Clark Francis Stormont Osnabruck GO

Clark J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cleary M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cleary M. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cleary Thomas Stormont Cornwall GO

Clement A. Stormont Finch GO

Clement John Stormont Finch GO

Clevel J. Stormont Finch GO

Cline Alex E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cline G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cline G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cline G. W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cline George Stormont Cornwall GO

Cline J. H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cline J. S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cline Samuel Stormont Cornwall GO

Cline W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cline W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cline W. F. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cline W. W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Clowes Stormont Cornwall GO

Cockburn Stormont Finch GO

Cockburn A. Stormont Finch GO

Cockburn D. Stormont Finch GO

Cockburn G. Stormont Finch GO

Cockburn James Stormont Finch GO

Coleman Stormont Roxborough GO

Coleman A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Collins James Stormont Osnabruck GO

Collison S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Colquhoun William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Colquhoun William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Colquhoun William Stormont Finch GO

Colquhoun William Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Retired Merchant and Magistrate Canada GO

Colquhoun William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Conley Stormont Roxborough GO

Conlin E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Connel H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Connelley J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Connor T. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cook Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cook Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cook A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cook G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cook J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cook M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cook Michael Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Cook Samuel Stormont Finch GO

Cook T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Copeland J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Copeland John Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Registrar Scotland GO

Corcoran A. Stormont Finch GO

Corie J. Stormont Finch GO

Corie M. Stormont Finch GO

Cornwall Town Stormont Cornwall Cornwall GO

Cornwall Woollen Manufacturing Company Stormont Cornwall GO

Corrigan J. Stormont Finch GO

Corrigan M. Stormont Finch GO

Couglar H.G. Stormont Finch GO

Coulter J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Coulthart F. Stormont Finch GO

Coulthart J. Stormont Finch GO

Coulthart Jonah Stormont Osnabruck Lunenburg Carriage Maker; Township Clerk, 1878 Canada GO

Coulthart W. Stormont Finch GO

Countryman A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Countryman John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Countryman T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Countryman W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Court House Building Stormont Cornwall Cornwall GO

Courville C. Stormont Finch GO

Coventry D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Coventry J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Coventry J. Stormont Finch GO

Coventry William Stormont Finch GO

Coyle John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Coyle Peter Stormont Osnabruck GO

Craig R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Cramer Ira J. Stormont Osnabruck Aultsville General Merchant Canada GO

Cramp Terrance Stormont Finch GO

Crawford H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Crawford J. H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Crawford John Stormont Roxborough Merchant, Farmer and Post Master Canada GO

Crawford R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Crawford R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Crawford Robert Stormont Roxborough GO

Croil J. H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Croil John Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Scotland GO

Crosier F. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cryderman H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cryderman J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cryderman John J. Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Cryderman S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Crysler I. Ralph Stormont Roxborough GO

Crysler J. P. Stormont Finch GO

Crysler J. P. Stormont Finch GO

Crysler J. P. Stormont Finch GO

Crysler J. R. W. Stormont Finch Merchant Canada GO

Crysler John Stormont Finch GO

Crysler John P. Stormont Finch GO

Crysler John P. & J.R. Stormont Finch GO

Crysler R. Stormont Finch GO

Cummings A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cummings A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cummings D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Cummings D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cummings Donald Stormont Roxborough GO

Cummings J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cummings J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Cummings John Stormont Roxborough GO

Cummings Robert Stormont Roxborough GO

Cummings William Stormont Finch GO

Curran Michael Stormont Finch GO

Currie John Stormont Finch Farmer Scotland GO

Cutter S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Dafoe D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dafoe I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dafoe J. J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dafoe Jacob Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dafoe John Sr. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dafoe S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Daily John Stormont Cornwall GO

Daniels J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Daust A. Stormont Finch GO

Davidson D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Davidson D. Jr. Stormont Roxborough GO

Davidson J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Dawson D. Stormont Finch GO

Dawson J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dawson J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dawson J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dawson P. Stormont Finch GO

Day T. Stormont Roxborough GO

Delaney E. Stormont Roxborough GO

Delaney R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Denis John Stormont Roxborough GO

Denneny Patrick Stormont Roxborough GO

Dennis James Jr. Stormont Finch GO

Desermo A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Desjardine Stormont Finch GO

Deuster A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Devaney J. Stormont Finch GO

Devany M. Stormont Finch GO

Dewar Stormont Roxborough GO

Dewar A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Dewar D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Diannan J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Dickinson James J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Dillabough S. Stormont Finch GO

Dingwall A. Stormont Finch GO

Dingwall James Stormont Cornwall Cornwall County Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace Canada GO

Disguard J. Stormont Finch GO

Dixon G.G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Dixon J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Dixon James L. Stormont Cornwall GO

Dixon James N. Stormont Cornwall Canada GO

Dixon John E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Dixon Sidney Stormont Cornwall GO

Dixson A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Dixson J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dixson W.F. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dogan A. Stormont Finch GO

Donabar J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Donovan M. Stormont Finch GO

Doran D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Doran W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Doran William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Doran William Stormont Finch GO

Dorrie Antoine Stormont Roxborough GO

Dorrie G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Dorrie T. Stormont Roxborough GO

Dote P. Stormont Roxborough GO

Dougherty P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Driscoll S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Dropo E. Stormont Finch GO

Dropo Francis Stormont Finch GO

Dropo G. Stormont Finch GO

Dropo Herman Stormont Finch GO

Dropo J. F. Stormont Finch GO

Dropo John Stormont Finch GO

Dropo Peter Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Dropo William Stormont Finch GO

Duame A. Stormont Finch GO

Duame Alexander Stormont Finch GO

Duame James Stormont Finch GO

Duame Joseph Stormont Finch GO

Duame L. Stormont Finch GO

Dubee J. Stormont Finch GO

Dubois Joseph Stormont Finch GO

Duff Alexander Stormont Roxborough GO

Duff Andrew Stormont Roxborough GO

Duff R. Stormont Finch GO

Duff Robert Stormont Roxborough GO

Duffin A & W Stormont Osnabruck GO

Duffus C. J. Stormont Finch Crysler R. C. Clergyman St. Mary's Church Canada GO

Dunbar A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dunbar D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dunbar J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dunbar T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Duvall D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Duvall J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Duvall J.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Dyer Gregory Stormont Roxborough GO

Dyer J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Dyer O. Stormont Roxborough GO

Eaman G.P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Eaman J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Eaman J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eaman J. G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eaman J.N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Eaman Jacob R. Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Eaman Nicholas Stormont Osnabruck GO

Eaman W.I. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eamans J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Eamans N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Eamer D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eamer J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eamer M. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eamer M. Jr. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eamer M. Sr. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eamer P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eamer P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eamer W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eastman A.S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eastman C. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eastman D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Eastman H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eastman I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Eastman J.B.L Stormont Cornwall GO

Eastman N. Stormont Roxborough GO

Eastman N. Stormont Cornwall GO

Eastman O. N. Stormont Cornwall GO

Edgar J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Edgar J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Elderbroom B. Stormont Cornwall GO

Elight W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Elliott J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Elliott J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Embaulk Stormont Roxborough GO

Embaulk A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Embaulk J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Embaulk R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Empey Stormont Finch GO

Empey C. Stormont Finch GO

Empey C. E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Empey C. R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Empey D. S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Empey G. Stormont Finch GO

Empey H. M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Empey I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Empey J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Empey J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Empey J. S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Empey James Stormont Finch GO

Empey N. Sr. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Empey P. T. Stormont Cornwall GO

Empey R. R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Empey S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Empey W. C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Empy H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Enderson J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Erbeck E. Stormont Finch GO

Erskin R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Farlinger A. Stormont Finch GO

Farlinger A. Stormont Finch GO

Farlinger Alexander Stormont Finch GO

Farlinger Alexander Stormont Finch GO

Farney James Stormont Finch GO

Farran C.C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Farran C.C. Sr. Stormont Osnabruck Farran's Point Mill Owner; Lock Master Canada GO

Farre E.C. Stormont Cornwall GO

Farrel Ezra Stormont Finch GO

Farrel John Stormont Finch GO

Faughener James Stormont Finch GO

Feek A. Stormont Roxborough Farmer and J.P. Canada GO

Feek C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Feek J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Feek R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Feley Charles Stormont Finch GO

Feley William Stormont Finch GO

Ferguson C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Ferguson D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Ferguson D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Ferguson David Stormont Roxborough GO

Ferguson Duncan Stormont Roxborough GO

Ferguson H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Ferguson J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ferguson J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Ferguson James Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ferguson John Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Scotland GO

Ferguson Samuel Stormont Roxborough GO

Ferguson W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Ferguson W. & D. Stormont Finch GO

Fetherly J. Stormont Finch GO

Fetterly E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Fetterly E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Fetterly J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Fetterly J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Fetterly J.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Fetterly M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Fickes G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Fickes George Stormont Cornwall GO

Fickes Henry Stormont Cornwall GO

Fickes J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Fickes J.E. Stormont Roxborough GO

Fickes J.H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Fickes J.Harvey Stormont Cornwall GO

Fickes J.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Fickes James Stormont Cornwall GO

Fickes Jeremiah Stormont Cornwall GO

Fickes W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Fillise E. Stormont Roxborough GO

Finlayson A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Finlayson F. Stormont Roxborough GO

Finlayson J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Finlayson J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Finlayson T. Stormont Cornwall GO

Finnigan F. Stormont Finch GO

Fisher Malcolm Stormont Roxborough GO

Fisher W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Flagg J. Stormont Finch GO

Flannigan S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Fleming W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Flemming J. Sr. Stormont Finch GO

Flemming Thomas Stormont Finch Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Flinn L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Flinn T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Flynn Patrick Stormont Finch GO

Foley P. Stormont Finch GO

Foley P.T. Stormont Finch GO

Foley Thomas Stormont Finch GO

Forbes A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Forbes Charles F.H. Stormont Osnabruck Farran's Point Civil Engineer; Partial Line Surveyor GO

Forbes Donald Stormont Roxborough Farmer Scotland GO

Forrester J.W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Forsyth J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Forsyth James Stormont Cornwall GO

Forsyth James E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Forsyth S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Foster John Stormont Finch GO

Foster L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Foster L. Sr. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Fox W.M. Stormont Cornwall Parish Priest St. Andrew's Church Ireland GO

Fraser Stormont Cornwall GO

Fraser Stormont Cornwall GO

Fraser Stormont Cornwall GO

Fraser A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Fraser A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Fraser A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Fraser Alexander Stormont Roxborough Farmer and Councillor Canada GO

Fraser D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Fraser D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Fraser Duncan Stormont Cornwall GO

Fraser E. Stormont Roxborough GO

Fraser F. Stormont Roxborough GO

Fraser J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Fraser J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Fraser John Stormont Roxborough GO

Fraser M. Stormont Finch GO

Fraser R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Fraser W. Stormont Cornwall GO

French Benjamin Stormont Cornwall GO

French G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Froom N.R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Fulton C. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Grocery Store Canada GO

Fulton H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Fulton J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Fulton John Stormont Cornwall Farmer; JP Canada GO

Fulton Oscar Stormont Roxborough Merchant; Propr. Saw Mill; MP Canada GO

Furney Henry Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Furney Peter Stormont Finch GO

Fussie C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Fussie J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Fyke A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Fyke G.E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Fyke S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gachey D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Gallinger A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger B. Stormont Roxborough GO

Gallinger B.H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Gallinger D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Gallinger E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Gallinger G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger G.C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger G.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Gallinger J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger J.G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger James Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger M.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Gallinger P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Gallinger S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gallinger W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Gallinger W.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Galvan M. Stormont Finch GO

Gardiner Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gardner A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gauthier J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Gaynon J. Stormont Finch GO

Gethias M. Stormont Roxborough GO

Gibbons J. Stormont Finch GO

Gibbons R. Stormont Finch GO

Gibson D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Gibson Daniel Stormont Cornwall GO

Gibson David Stormont Cornwall GO

Gibson W.J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Gilchrist William Stormont Roxborough GO

Gillespie O. Stormont Cornwall GO

Gillespie & Ross Stormont Cornwall GO

Gilliard Robert Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gillineau Alexander Stormont Finch GO

Gillis Angus Stormont Finch GO

Gillis Donald Stormont Finch GO

Gillis Hector Stormont Finch GO

Gillis Neil Stormont Finch GO

Glancey P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Glasgow John A. Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Golbersky H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Gordon A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gordon Alexander Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gordon D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gordon Donald Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gordon T. Stormont Roxborough GO

Gordons B. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gore Benjamin Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gore N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Goudard Dennis Stormont Finch GO

Goudard E. Stormont Finch GO

Goudard M. Stormont Finch GO

Goudard P. Stormont Finch GO

Government Land Stormont Roxborough GO

Grady D. Stormont Finch GO

Grady J. Stormont Finch GO

Grady J. Stormont Finch GO

Grady James Stormont Finch GO

Grady John Stormont Finch GO

Grady M. Stormont Finch GO

Graham A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Graham D. Stormont Finch GO

Graham S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Graham W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Grandow J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Grandow W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Grant A. P. Stormont Finch GO

Grant A. P. Stormont Roxborough GO

Grant Angus Stormont Finch GO

Grant D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Grant D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Grant Ewen Stormont Finch GO

Grant G.P. Stormont Roxborough GO

Grant George Stormont Osnabruck GO

Grant J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Grant J. H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Grant J. P. Stormont Roxborough GO

Grant J.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Grant James Stormont Roxborough GO

Grant John Stormont Roxborough Farmer Canada GO

Grant John G. Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Grant W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Grant W. H. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Proprietor of Albion Hotel Canada GO

Graveley E. A. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Physician and Surgeon Canada GO

Graveley John Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Reeve of Township GO

Graveley John Stormont Cornwall GO

Graves O. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Gray Alexander Stormont Finch GO

Gray Clark Stormont Cornwall GO

Gray James Stormont Finch GO

Green G.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Grissel J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Groves George Stormont Cornwall GO

Groves J.B. Stormont Cornwall GO

Groves James Stormont Cornwall GO

Groves O. Stormont Cornwall GO

Gulliver D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Haines W. Stormont Finch GO

Halley D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Halley T. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hamblin Jesse Stormont Finch GO

Hamilton Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hamilton E. Stormont Finch GO

Hamilton H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hamilton J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hamilton J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hamilton Robert Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hamilton W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hanes L.J. Stormont Osnabruck Dickinson's Landing Proprietor, St. Lawrence Hotel Canada GO

Hanes W.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hanes W.W. Stormont Osnabruck Wales Proprietor, Hanes' House, Wales Station Canada GO

Hannible J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hare D. Stormont Finch GO

Hare P. Stormont Finch GO

Harris H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Harris J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Harrison Henry Stormont Cornwall Moulinette Merchant (Harrison & McDonald) Canada GO

Harrison J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Harrison N. Stormont Roxborough GO

Harrison & McDonald Stormont Cornwall Moulinette Merchants GO

Hart B. Stormont Cornwall GO

Hart B. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hart C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hart D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Hart G. Stormont Finch GO

Hart G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hart Osborne Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hart Philip Stormont Cornwall GO

Hart R.A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hart Stephen Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hart W. L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hart William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hartis Eustache Stormont Finch GO

Hartle M. Stormont Cornwall GO

Hartle W.H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Hartwell D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hartwell M.A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hartwell W.A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hartwell W.C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hawn C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hawn E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hawn John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hawn S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hawn Solomon H. Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Hawn William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Heagle Charles Stormont Cornwall GO

Heath J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Hebbert I. Stormont Finch GO

Hebbert Luke Stormont Finch GO

Hebbert U. Stormont Finch GO

Hebert T. Stormont Finch Crysler Proprietor, Crysler Hotel & Farmer Canada GO

Helman D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Helmer Stormont Osnabruck GO

Helmer Benjamin Stormont Roxborough Retired Farmer Canada GO

Helmer G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Helmer J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Helmer John Stormont Roxborough GO

Helmer L.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Helmer P. Stormont Roxborough GO

Helmer S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Helmer W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Henderson D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Henderson James Stormont Cornwall GO

Henderson John Stormont Cornwall GO

Henderson T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Henry J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Henry Thomas Stormont Finch GO

Herrington Stormont Finch GO

Hess D.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Hesson Stormont Finch GO

Hesson J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hesson S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hesson William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hickey Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hickey S.A. Stormont Osnabruck Aultsville Physician and Surgeon Canada GO

Hickinson J.J. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Physician and Surgeon Canada GO

High School Building Stormont Cornwall Cornwall GO

Hill D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hill H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hill J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Hill Martin Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hill R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hill S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hillard A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hodge A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Hodge A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hodge Andrew Stormont Cornwall Proprietor, Cornwall Mills Canada GO

Hodge Andrew Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Proprietor, Cornwall Mills Canada GO

Hodge Andrew Stormont Cornwall GO

Hodgins George Stormont Osnabruck GO

Holland Stormont Osnabruck GO

Holland J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Holland Richard Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Ireland GO

Holland William Stormont Roxborough Farmer Canada GO

Hollister A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hollister B. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hollister J.A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hoole H. & V. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hoople F. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hoople H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hoople J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hoople J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hoople W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hooples Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hoopole F. Stormont Roxborough GO

Horigan J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Horne T. Stormont Finch GO

Horsman R.P. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Station Agent, G. T. R. England GO

Hough Stormont Roxborough GO

Hough A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hough C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hough H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hough H. D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hough J. Stormont Roxborough Proprietor, Steam Saw Mill; Justice of the Peace Canada GO

Hough James Stormont Roxborough GO

Hough John D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hough S. G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hough W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hough W. C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hough W. N. Stormont Roxborough GO

Hudgins W.G. Stormont Osnabruck Aultsville M.E. Minister Canada GO

Huggart Henry Stormont Cornwall GO

Hughes M. Stormont Finch GO

Hume James Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Hume S. Stormont Finch GO

Hume William Stormont Finch GO

Hunt E. Stormont Finch GO

Hunt Ebenzer Stormont Roxborough GO

Hunt John Stormont Roxborough GO

Hunt M. Stormont Finch GO

Hutchins H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hutchins J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hutchins N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Hutt James W. Stormont Finch Farmer and Cooper Canada GO

Irvin G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Irvin J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Jackson J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Jackson William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Jardine Stormont Osnabruck GO

Jardine F. Stormont Osnabruck Newington GO

Jardine F. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Jardine J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Jardine John Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Scotland GO

Jardine W.A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Jesmer M. A. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Leveryman United States GO

Johnson J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Johnson T. Stormont Roxborough GO

Johnston Stormont Roxborough GO

Johnston B. Stormont Cornwall GO

Johnston C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Johnston E. Stormont Finch GO

Johnston E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Johnston G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Johnston G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Johnston Hugh Stormont Finch GO

Johnston J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Johnston J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Johnston J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Johnston John Stormont Finch Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Johnston M. Stormont Cornwall GO

Johnston N. Stormont Cornwall GO

Johnston R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Johnston R.O. Stormont Cornwall GO

Johnston T. Stormont Cornwall GO

Johnston T. Stormont Finch GO

Johnston T.H. Stormont Finch GO

Johnston W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Johnston W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Johnston W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Johnston William Stormont Finch Farmer; Stock Raiser; JP Ireland GO

Johnstone George S. Stormont Finch Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Johnstone J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Johnstone J.C. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Contractor and Builder Scotland GO

Johston Stormont Osnabruck GO

Jordon P. Stormont Finch GO

Joyant C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kahoe P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Kairnes Andrew Stormont Finch GO

Kane J.B. Stormont Roxborough GO

Karnes Thomas Stormont Finch GO

Kearns James Stormont Finch GO

Kearns John Stormont Finch GO

Kelly John Stormont Cornwall GO

Kennedy Stormont Roxborough Proprietor, Monkland Hotel Canada GO

Kennedy A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Kennedy D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Kennedy D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Kennedy D.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Kennedy John Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Kennedy Thomas Stormont Cornwall GO

Kennedy W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Kennedy W.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Kennedy William Stormont Finch GO

Kennedy William Stormont Finch Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Kenney Ralph Stormont Finch GO

Kenney William Stormont Finch GO

Kerins Andrew Stormont Finch Farmer Ireland GO

Kerr Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kerr Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kerr Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kerr Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kerr Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kerr Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kerr A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kerr J. Stormont Osnabruck Farran's Point Merchant; Reeve Ireland GO

Kerr J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kerwin Stormont Cornwall GO

Kewen Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kezar W. Stormont Cornwall Mille Roches General Merchant United States GO

Kief P. O. Stormont Cornwall GO

King W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Kinnear A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Kinnear H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Kinnear M. Stormont Roxborough GO

Kinnear W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Kippen A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Kirk A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kirk Daniel Stormont Cornwall GO

Kirk James Stormont Roxborough GO

Kirk W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Kirk William Stormont Roxborough GO

Kirkey J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Kirkpatrick Bros. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Dry Goods and Clothing, Readymade and to order Canada GO

Kittle John Stormont Finch GO

Kittle T. Stormont Finch GO

Labear J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Labrass F. Stormont Finch GO

LaClair P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Laclair Peter Stormont Roxborough GO

Lacy Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ladcrotes L. Stormont Finch GO

Lafess J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Laforce U. Stormont Finch GO

LaGroulx C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Lagrove A. Stormont Finch GO

Lagrove W. Stormont Finch GO

Lake George Stormont Cornwall GO

Lalonde A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Lalonde I. Stormont Roxborough GO

Lalonde J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Lalonde John Stormont Roxborough GO

Lalonde Joseph Stormont Roxborough GO

Lalonde L. Stormont Roxborough GO

Lamereaux Stormont Roxborough GO

Lamotte I. Stormont Roxborough GO

Lamotte L. Stormont Roxborough GO

Lang G. Stormont Finch GO

Lapier A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Lapoint M. Stormont Finch GO

Latrace Charles Stormont Cornwall Farmer Canada GO

Latrace N. Stormont Cornwall GO

Latrace W. Stormont Finch GO

Laucherage J. Stormont Finch GO

Laux J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Lawson Stormont Finch GO

Lawson A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Leach T. Stormont Roxborough GO

Leamerson Stormont Roxborough GO

Lee O. Stormont Cornwall GO

Legault E. Stormont Roxborough GO

Legault H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Legault J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Legault John Stormont Roxborough GO

Leitch David Stormont Cornwall GO

Leitch James Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Barrister (Carman & Leitch) Canada GO

Leslie William Stormont Finch Farmer and Hotel Proprietor Canada GO

Link Alexander Stormont Finch GO

Link Jacob Stormont Finch GO

Logan J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Loney John Stormont Cornwall GO

Long H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Long S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Loucks D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Loucks J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Loucks R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Loucks S.T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Loucks W.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Lowe G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Lowel H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Lucy J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Lyle J. Stormont Finch GO

Lyle John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Lynch E. Stormont Finch GO

Lynch P. Stormont Finch GO

Lynch William Stormont Finch GO

Macdonald Aeneas Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Deputy County Treasurer Canada GO

Macdonald H. S. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Barrister Canada GO

Mack William Stormont Cornwall Grain Dealer; MPP Lanarkshire, Scotland GO

Mackie George Stormont Finch GO

Mackie J. Stormont Finch GO

Maclennan D.B. Stormont Cornwall GO

Maclennan Donald B. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Barrister Canada GO

Maley A. J. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Proprietor of American House United States GO

Maley M.O. Stormont Finch GO

Maloney J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Maloney John Stormont Roxborough GO

Maloney M. Stormont Roxborough GO

Manion J.H. Stormont Finch GO

Manion M. Stormont Finch GO

Manley T. Stormont Finch GO

Manley Thomas Stormont Finch GO

Manning J.R Stormont Osnabruck GO

Manning J.S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Manning J.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Manson G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Manson W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Marjerison J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Marjerison M. Stormont Roxborough GO

Marjerison W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Markel G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Markel H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Markell C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell G.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell George Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell J.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell J.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell J.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell W.E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markell W.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Markle Stormont Osnabruck GO

Marron J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Marron M. Stormont Cornwall GO

Marsh J. Stormont Finch GO

Marsh J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Marshall E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Marshall Edward Stormont Osnabruck GO

Marshall James H. Stormont Osnabruck Fruit Grower England GO

Martin J. Stormont Finch GO

Martin J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Martin L. Stormont Finch GO

Martin R. & J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Martin S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Martin T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Martin Thomas J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Mason A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Masterson Lachlin Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Proprietor of Ottawa Hotel Canada GO

Matte J. Stormont Finch GO

Mattice C.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Mattice Corydon J. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Mayor Canada GO

Mattice E.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Mattice E.E. Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Mattice G.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Mattice Josh Stormont Cornwall GO

Mattice L. Stormont Cornwall GO

Mattice Noah Stormont Finch GO

Mattice W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Mattice W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Mattice W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Mattice W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Mattice W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Mattice William Stormont Finch GO

Maxwell Stormont Cornwall GO

Maxwell F.B. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Maxwell F.B. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McArthur A.G. Stormont Cornwall GO

McAuley A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McAuley D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McAuley M. Stormont Roxborough GO

McBain John Stormont Roxborough Farmer and Manufacturer of Rheumatic Bitters Canada GO

McBeath Stormont Roxborough GO

McBride J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McCadden J. Stormont Finch GO

McCaffery P. Stormont Cornwall GO

McCann S. Stormont Roxborough GO

McClare James Stormont Osnabruck GO

McClare James Stormont Osnabruck GO

McClare James A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McCleverty P. Stormont Roxborough GO

McCleverty W.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McClusky P. Stormont Finch GO

McConnel J. Stormont Finch GO

McConnel James Stormont Cornwall GO

McConnel Robert Stormont Finch GO

McConnel William Stormont Finch GO

McConnell A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McConnell T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McCracken A.P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McCrimmon J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McCuaig J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McCuaig R. Stormont Roxborough GO

McCullough John Stormont Finch GO

McCullow C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McCullow J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McDermid A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDermid H. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDiarmid D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDiarmid Duncan Stormont Roxborough Farmer, Dep. Reeve & School Trustee Canada GO

McDiarmid H. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDiarmid J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDiarmid J. Stormont Finch GO

McDiarmid J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDiarmid J.D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McDiarmid John Stormont Roxborough GO

McDiarmid John Stormont Finch GO

McDogall J.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A.A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A.A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A.B. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A.H. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A.J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald A.R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A.R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald A.S. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Alex B. Stormont Roxborough General Blacksmith Canada GO

McDonald Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Allan Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Angus Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Archibald Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald Archibald Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald C. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald C. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald C. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D. Stormont Finch GO

McDonald D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D. A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D. A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D. G. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Agent London and Canadian Loan and Agency Compnay, General Agent Loan and Insurance Canada GO

McDonald D. R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D.B. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D.B. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D.F. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D.J.B. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D.L. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald D.R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald David Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Donald Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald Donald Stormont Osnabruck GO

McDonald Donald Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Donald Stormont Cornwall GO

Mcdonald Donald A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Donald D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Donald R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Dougald Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald Dougald Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Duncan Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald Duncan A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald G. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald George Stormont Cornwall Moulinette Merchant (Harrison & McDonald) Canada GO

McDonald H. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald H. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald H. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald H.P. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald H.S. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald J. A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald J. D. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Proprietor, Commercial Hotel Canada GO

McDonald J. McB. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald J.A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald J.B. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald J.D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald J.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald J.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald J.R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald J.S. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald J.S. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald James R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald John Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald John Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald John Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald John Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald John B. Stormont Cornwall Farmer Canada GO

McDonald L. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald M. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald N. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonald N. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald R.R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald W. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonald & Harrison Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonell Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell A.A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell A.K. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonell A.R. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell Alexander Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell Angus Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell Archibald Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell D.R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonell Donald AE Stormont Cornwall GO

McDonell G. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell George Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell George Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Merchant and Postmaster Scotland GO

McDonell J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell J.A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell J.R. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell James Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell M. Stormont Finch GO

McDonell R. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell R. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell S. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell W. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDonell W.R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDougal A. Stormont Finch GO

McDougall Stormont Roxborough GO

McDougall A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDougall A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDougall D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDougall D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDougall D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDougall H. Stormont Finch GO

McDougall J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDougall J. Stormont Finch GO

McDougall J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDougall J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McDougall M. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDougall P. Stormont Roxborough GO

McDowall J. Jr. Stormont Finch GO

McDowall J. Sr. Stormont Finch GO

McEtharan C. Stormont Finch GO

McEtheran William Stormont Finch GO

McEwan Alexander Stormont Roxborough GO

McEwan C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McEwan Duncan Stormont Roxborough GO

McEwan G.A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McEwan H. Stormont Cornwall GO

McEwan J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McEwan J.A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McEwan J.A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McEwan John Stormont Roxborough GO

McEwan Joseph Stormont Cornwall GO

McEwan Joseph A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McEwan Peter Stormont Roxborough GO

McEwan Thomas Stormont Roxborough GO

McEwen Donald A. Stormont Roxborough Proprietor of Saw Mill (McEwen & Munroe) Canada GO

McGashie W. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGee Henry Stormont Roxborough GO

McGill A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McGill C. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGill Charles Stormont Osnabruck GO

McGill J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McGillis Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis A.C. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis A.R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis D.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis H. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis H.J.B. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis J.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis Joseph Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis M. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillis R.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGillvray A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McGillvray C. Stormont Roxborough GO

McGillvray D. Stormont Finch GO

McGillvray D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McGillvray K. Stormont Finch GO

McGillvray K. Stormont Roxborough GO

McGillvray M. Stormont Finch GO

McGillvray N.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McGinn A. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Proprietor, Livery Stables Canada GO

McGinnis J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McGinnis J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McGinnis J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McGlone William Stormont Finch GO

McGowan M. Stormont Finch GO

McGregor A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McGregor A.. Stormont Roxborough GO

McGregor D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McGregor Donald Stormont Roxborough GO

McGregor Duncan Stormont Roxborough GO

McGregor J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McGregor James Stormont Roxborough GO

McGregor M. Stormont Roxborough GO

McGregor R. Stormont Roxborough GO

McGuire D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McInnes Stormont Finch GO

McInnes D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McInnes J. Stormont Finch GO

McInnes John L. Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

McInnis Donald Stormont Finch Farmer Scotland GO

McIntosh Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntosh A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McIntosh A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntosh A. Stormont Finch GO

McIntosh A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntosh D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh D. Stormont Finch GO

McIntosh Donald Stormont Roxborough Farmer, Township Clerk and Div. Court Clerk Canada GO

McIntosh Duncan Stormont Finch GO

McIntosh H. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntosh H. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntosh J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntosh J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntosh J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntosh J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntosh J.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh J.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh John W. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh P. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh Peter Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntosh R. Stormont Finch GO

McIntosh S. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntosh W. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntyre A. Stormont Finch GO

McIntyre A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntyre A.F. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntyre Allen Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntyre D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntyre D. Stormont Finch GO

McIntyre Daniel Eugene Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Sheriff of Dundas, Sormont, and Glengarry Oban, Scotland GO

McIntyre Donald Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntyre Duncan Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntyre Duncan Sr. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntyre G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McIntyre Hugh Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntyre J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIntyre J. Stormont Finch GO

McIntyre J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McIntyre J. Stormont Finch GO

McIntyre John Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Merchant Reeve of Cornwall Canada GO

McIntyre Sherriff Stormont Cornwall GO

McIntyre W. Stormont Finch GO

McIntyre William Stormont Roxborough GO

McInytre D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McIver D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McKay A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McKay D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McKay J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McKay R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McKay William Stormont Finch GO

McKenzie Duncan Stormont Roxborough GO

McKenzie Farquhar Stormont Roxborough GO

McKenzie J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKeown M. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKeracher A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKeracher D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKeracher D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKeracher D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKeracher D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKeracher D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKeracher D. Jr. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKeracher Peter Stormont Roxborough GO

McKeracher Peter Stormont Roxborough GO

McKeye P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McKillican D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKillican E. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKillican J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKillican William Stormont Roxborough Farmer and Councillor Scotland GO

McKillican William Stormont Roxborough GO

McKillop A. Stormont Finch GO

McKinnon A.D. Stormont Finch GO

McKinnon D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McKinnon D.P. Stormont Finch GO

McKinnon Donald Stormont Finch GO

McKinnon J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLaren A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLaren Lawrence Stormont Roxborough Blacksmith Canada GO

McLaughlin Charles Stormont Cornwall GO

McLaughlin D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLaughlin D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLaughlin D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McLaughlin F. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLaughlin J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLaughlin P. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLaughlin & Cameron Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Marble Dealers Canada GO

McLean A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLean A.R. Stormont Finch GO

McLean Angus Stormont Finch GO

McLean D. Stormont Finch GO

McLean D.H. Stormont Finch GO

McLean D.P., Stormont Finch GO

McLean Donald Stormont Finch GO

McLean H. Stormont Finch GO

McLean H. & D. Stormont Finch GO

McLean J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McLean J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLean John Stormont Roxborough GO

McLean L. Stormont Finch GO

McLean L. Stormont Finch GO

McLean M. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLean Malcolm Stormont Finch GO

McLean N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McLean N. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLean Neil Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Agent Bank of Montreal GO

McLean P. Stormont Finch GO

McLean R. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLear James Stormont Cornwall GO

McLellan A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan Stormont Roxborough GO

McLennan A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan A.K. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan D.B. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan E. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan F. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLennan J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLennan J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLennan J.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan J.D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan James Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan K. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan M. F. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLennan Rod. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLennon D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLeod A. Stormont Finch GO

McLeod A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLeod A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLeod Angus Stormont Finch Farmer Scotland GO

McLeod D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McLeod D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McLeod Donald Stormont Roxborough GO

McLeod John Stormont Roxborough GO

McLeod W. Stormont Finch GO

McLeod William Stormont Roxborough GO

McMahon D. Stormont Finch GO

McMahon D. Stormont Finch GO

McMahon Dennis Stormont Finch GO

McMahon J. Stormont Finch GO

McMahon J.T. Stormont Finch GO

McMahon M. Stormont Finch GO

McMahon Thomas Stormont Finch General Blacksmith and Carriage Manufacturing. Plloughs for sale. Canada GO

McManus C. Stormont Finch GO

McManus Hugh Stormont Finch GO

McManus John Stormont Finch GO

McMartin Stormont Cornwall GO

McMartin Stormont Cornwall GO

McMartin D.A. Stormont Cornwall Farmer Canada GO

McMaster D.A. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan Stormont Finch GO

McMillan Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan Stormont Finch GO

McMillan A. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McMillan A.D. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan A.H. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan A.L. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan A.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McMillan Alexander Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan Alexander Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan Alexander Stormont Finch GO

McMillan Angus Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan Angus Stormont Finch Farmer Scotland GO

McMillan Archibald Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan C. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan D. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McMillan D. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan D. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan D.G. Stormont Finch Mill Owner and Township Councillor Canada GO

McMillan D.J. Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

McMillan D.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McMillan Donald Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan Duncan Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan E. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan E. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan H. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan H. Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan H.A. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan Hugh Stormont Osnabruck GO

McMillan Hugh D. Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

McMillan J. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McMillan J.A. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan J.D. Stormont Finch GO

McMillan J.D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McMillan J.H. Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan John Stormont Finch GO

McMillan John Stormont Roxborough GO

McMillan John R. Stormont Finch Farmer and J.P. Canada GO

McMillan William Stormont Finch GO

McMillan Bros Stormont Osnabruck GO

McMonegle G. Stormont Finch GO

McMonegle J. Stormont Finch GO

McMonegle R. Stormont Finch GO

McMullen A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McMullen D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McMullen H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McNairn Alexander Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

McNairn Alonzo Stormont Osnabruck GO

McNairn E. Stormont Cornwall GO

McNairn E. Stormont Cornwall GO

McNairn J & R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McNamara Stormont Finch GO

McNamara P. Stormont Finch GO

McNaughton Alexander Stormont Osnabruck Newington Inspector, Public Schools Scotland GO

McNaughton Alexander Stormont Finch GO

McNaughton Alexander Stormont Finch GO

McNaughton D. Stormont Finch GO

McNaughton D. Stormont Finch Reeve of Finch, General Agent for Agricultural Implements Canada GO

McNaughton F. Stormont Finch GO

McNaughton F. Stormont Finch GO

McNaughton J. Stormont Finch GO

McNaughton M. Stormont Finch GO

McNaughton P. Stormont Finch GO

McNeil Stormont Roxborough GO

McNeil Stormont Roxborough GO

McNeil Murdock Stormont Roxborough GO

McNeil N. Stormont Roxborough GO

McPhail Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail Archibald Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail Archibald Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McPhail D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail D. Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail Donald Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail Donald Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McPhail J.C. Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail John Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail John Stormont Roxborough GO

McPhail John A. Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail M. Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail W. Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhail William Stormont Cornwall GO

McPhee Alexander Stormont Osnabruck GO

McPherson Stormont Roxborough GO

McPherson A. Sr. Stormont Roxborough GO

McPherson Alexander Stormont Finch GO

McPherson Finlay Stormont Roxborough GO

McPherson J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

McQueen John Stormont Cornwall GO

McQuillan Stormont Cornwall GO

McQuillan R. Stormont Cornwall GO

McQuillan W. Stormont Cornwall GO

McQuin J.B. Stormont Finch GO

McRae Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae A. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae Alex. D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae Alexander Stormont Finch GO

McRae Alexander Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae C. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae C. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae C. Stormont Cornwall GO

McRae C. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae Colin Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae D. Stormont Finch GO

McRae D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae D. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae Donald Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae Donald Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae Duncan Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae Duncan Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae F. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae F. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae F. Stormont Cornwall GO

McRae F. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae Farquhar Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae Finlay Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae G. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae J. Stormont Cornwall GO

McRae J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae J. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae J.R. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae John Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae K. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae Murdock Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae R. Stormont Finch GO

McRae R. Stormont Roxborough GO

McRae William Stormont Finch GO

McTavish D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Mead J. Stormont Finch GO

Meagher James Stormont Cornwall Farmer Canada GO

Meek J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Meek T. Stormont Roxborough GO

Meek W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Meeker P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Meeker S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Meldrum C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Meldrum G. Stormont Finch GO

Meldrum R. Stormont Finch GO

Memorial Church Church Stormont Cornwall Cornwall GO

Merkell R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Miller Andrew Stormont Roxborough Farmer Scotland GO

Miller C. Stormont Cornwall GO

Miller D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Miller H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Miller J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Miller J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Milligan W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Millross A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Millross G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Millross J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Milroy J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Milroy R.K. Stormont Cornwall GO

Moak I. Stormont Cornwall GO

Moak Ira Stormont Roxborough GO

Moak Ira Stormont Osnabruck Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

Moak John Stormont Cornwall GO

Molson's Bank Company Stormont Cornwall GO

Monk Stormont Finch GO

Monk J.S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Monro John C. Stormont Finch Farmer, Physician and Surgeon Scotland GO

Monro R. Stormont Finch Township Treasurer and General Merchant Scotland GO

Monroe Alexander Stormont Finch GO

Monroe D. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Insurance Agent, Fire, Life, Accident, and Live Stock. Insurance effected at reasonable rates. Money to Loan on Real Estate Canada GO

Monroe Dougald Stormont Finch GO

Monroe G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Monroe George Stormont Finch GO

Monroe Norman Stormont Finch GO

Monroe R. Stormont Finch GO

Montgomery C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Montgomery D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Montgomery Daniel Stormont Roxborough Farmer Canada GO

Montgomery J.L. Stormont Roxborough GO

Montgomery J.W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Montgomery James Stormont Roxborough GO

Montgomery John Stormont Roxborough GO

Montgomery N. Stormont Roxborough GO

Montgomery R. Little Stormont Roxborough Farmer Canada GO

Montgomery W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Mook Charles Stormont Osnabruck GO

Moore John Stormont Finch GO

Moore William Stormont Cornwall GO

Moran James Stormont Finch GO

Moran John Stormont Finch GO

Morgan Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morgan Adaline Stormont Osnabruck Farming Canada GO

Morgan G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morgan G. I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morgan G. I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morgan H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morgan I.A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morgan J.M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morgan J.S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morgan Lydia Stormont Osnabruck North Valley Farming Canada GO

Morgan N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morgan W.G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morgan W.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morgan & Poapst Company Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morrison Stormont Roxborough GO

Morrison Archibald Stormont Roxborough GO

Morrison D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Morrison Duncan Stormont Roxborough GO

Morrison H. Stormont Finch GO

Morrison H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Morrison John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Morrison K. Stormont Roxborough GO

Morrison N. Stormont Roxborough GO

Morrison Neil Stormont Finch GO

Morrison R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Morrison William Stormont Roxborough GO

Morrow H. Stormont Finch GO

Morurty T. Stormont Finch GO

Moss G.P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Moss George R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Moss J.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Moss S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Moss S. T. Stormont Cornwall Farmer; Drover Canada GO

Moss Thomas Stormont Osnabruck GO

Mulherin A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Mulherin G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Mulherin J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Mullins A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Mullins Joseph Stormont Cornwall GO

Munro D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Munro D.C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Munro E. Stormont Roxborough GO

Munro H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Munro H. & R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Munro J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Munro P. Stormont Roxborough GO

Munro T. Stormont Roxborough GO

Munro W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Munroe Alexander Stormont Roxborough Proprietor of Saw Mill (McEwen & Munroe) Canada GO

Murphy T. Stormont Cornwall GO

Murray J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Murray J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Murray W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Myers F. Stormont Cornwall GO

Myers G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Myers J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Myers J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Myers Thomas Stormont Osnabruck GO

Myers W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Myres M. Stormont Cornwall GO

Myres Philip Stormont Cornwall GO

Naughton J. Stormont Finch GO

Naughton M. Stormont Finch GO

Neal J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Neil A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Nephew A. Stormont Finch GO

Nephew J. Stormont Finch GO

Neugent J. Stormont Finch GO

Nevil J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Nichols D. Stormont Finch GO

Norman David Stormont Roxborough Farmer England GO

Norman G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Norman J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Norman P. Stormont Roxborough GO

O'Leary Dennis Stormont Cornwall GO

O'Leary Mortimer Stormont Cornwall GO

Obey A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Obey E. Stormont Roxborough GO

Obey Felix Stormont Roxborough GO

Ogle G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ogle J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Otto G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Otto H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Otto J.A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Otto M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ouderkirk Eli Stormont Finch GO

Ouderkirk F. Stormont Finch GO

Ouderkirk G.A. Stormont Finch GO

Ouderkirk J. Stormont Finch GO

Ouderkirk N. Stormont Finch GO

Ouderkirk P. Stormont Finch GO

Pairo E. Stormont Finch GO

Palen J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Palen W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Paquette J. Stormont Finch GO

Parks H. Stormont Finch GO

Parks James Stormont Finch GO

Parlow John Stormont Cornwall GO

Patterson Angus Stormont Finch GO

Patterson Archibald Stormont Finch GO

Paymant H. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Proprietor of Central Hotel Canada GO

Pearrot Y. Stormont Roxborough GO

Pearson J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Pescott D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Pescott E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Pescott G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Pescott J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Philips H.C. Stormont Cornwall GO

Philips J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Philips W.R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Pickern John Stormont Finch GO

Piloe Charles Stormont Roxborough GO

Pitts C.P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Pitts J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Pitts R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Place W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Plamondon E. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Proprietor of St. Lawrence Hotel Canada GO

Poapst A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Poapst E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Poapst H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Poapst J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Poapst J.D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Poapst J.G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Poapst J.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Poapst James Stormont Cornwall GO

Poast Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

Pollock John Stormont Finch Farmer Ireland GO

Pool Charles Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Conties' Clerk, and Clerk of Div. Court England GO

Presseau J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Price William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Pringle Jacob F. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Judge of the County Court, Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry France GO

Prosser H.C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Provost A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Purcell P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Quail C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Quail C. Stormont Cornwall GO

Quail J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Quesnell A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Quesnell D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Quinell Stormont Finch GO

Quinell Henry Stormont Finch GO

Quinn A. Stormont Finch GO

Quinn A. Stormont Finch GO

Quinn H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Quinn John Stormont Cornwall GO

Rabilard F. Stormont Finch GO

Rabilard P. Stormont Finch GO

Racine A.C. Stormont Finch GO

Racine John Stormont Finch GO

Racine Joseph Stormont Finch GO

Racine Michael Stormont Finch GO

Racine Peter Stormont Finch GO

Racine Thomas Stormont Finch GO

Rady D. Stormont Finch GO

Rahal P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Rainboth E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rainey J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Rankin D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Rankin H.R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Raymond G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Raymond G.L Stormont Osnabruck GO

Raymond George Stormont Cornwall GO

Raymond I. Stormont Cornwall GO

Raymond J.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Raymond J.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Raymond James Stormont Cornwall GO

Raymond John Stormont Cornwall GO

Raymond John Stormont Cornwall GO

Raymond John Stormont Cornwall GO

Raymond O. Stormont Cornwall GO

Raymond William Clarke Stormont Osnabruck GO

Reveler H. Stormont Finch GO

Reveler J. Stormont Finch GO

Reveler Robert Stormont Finch GO

Richardson J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Roach D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Robb W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Robert Theodore Stormont Finch GO

Robertson Stormont Roxborough GO

Robertson A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Robertson C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Robertson G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Robertson G. Jr. Stormont Cornwall GO

Robertson G. Sr. Stormont Cornwall Farmer Canada GO

Robertson G.E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Robertson G.F. Stormont Cornwall GO

Robertson George Stormont Cornwall GO

Robertson H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Robertson J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Robertson John Stormont Roxborough GO

Robertson P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Robertson S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Robertson W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Robertson W.N. Stormont Cornwall GO

Robinson G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Robinson H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Robinson I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Robinson J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Robinson James Stormont Osnabruck GO

Robinson S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Robinson S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Robinson William Stormont Roxborough GO

Rochan H. Stormont Finch GO

Roe T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rombough A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rombough G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rombough J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rombough J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rombough J.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rombough Jacob Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rombough N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rombough W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rombough W. J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ross A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ross A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ross A.O. Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Lumberman Canada GO

Ross A.P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ross G. Stormont Osnabruck Newington GO

Ross G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ross G. Jr. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ross G. Sr. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ross R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Ross W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ross W. L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rouse J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Roys E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Roys W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Roys W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Roys W.A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ruddy J. Stormont Finch GO

Ruddy M. Stormont Finch GO

Runions Adam H. Stormont Roxborough Proprietor of Tannery, Leather kept constantly on hand Canada GO

Runions Edgar Stormont Osnabruck GO

Runions G. Stormont Roxborough GO

Runions J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Runions Levi Stormont Osnabruck Farmer; Stock Dealer Canada GO

Runnions A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Runnions B.G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Runnions J.N. Stormont Cornwall GO

Runnions P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Runnions S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Runnions W.R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ruports Amos Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports B. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports B. Stormont Cornwall GO

Ruports E.R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports F. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports G.L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports G.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports H.L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports J.G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports J.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports J.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports John Stormont Finch GO

Ruports L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports Philip Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ruports W.L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rushman N. Stormont Finch GO

Russell Stormont Roxborough GO

Rutley D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rutley Hiram Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Rutley J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rutley J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rutley J. Stormont Finch GO

Rutley J.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rutley James Stormont Finch GO

Rutley John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rutley John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Rutley Jonas Stormont Finch GO

Rutley Margaret Stormont Osnabruck GO

Ryan Edward Stormont Osnabruck GO

Sabora L. Stormont Finch GO

Salmon J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Salmon S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Sampson T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Samson G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Sanderson J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Sanderson T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Sauvage O. Stormont Finch GO

Saya J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Saya S. Stormont Roxborough GO

Scarlet J. Stormont Finch GO

Scott A. Stormont Finch GO

Scott Alexander Stormont Cornwall GO

Scott C. Stormont Cornwall GO

Scott George Stormont Finch GO

Scott J. Stormont Finch GO

Scott James Stormont Cornwall GO

Scott James Stormont Cornwall GO

Scott R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Scott Richard Stormont Finch GO

Scott Robert Stormont Osnabruck GO

Seron J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Serviss A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Serviss George Stormont Osnabruck GO

Serviss John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Serviss William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shanks I. Stormont Roxborough GO

Sharer D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver A.J. Stormont Finch GO

Shaver E. Stormont Finch GO

Shaver Elias N. Stormont Roxborough Farmer, Carriage Manufacturer, Post Master and Propr. of Tannery Canada GO

Shaver G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver H. Stormont Finch GO

Shaver H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Shaver H.J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver Henry Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver I.O. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver J. I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver J.D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver J.N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver J.N.E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver James H. Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Shaver John F. Stormont Finch GO

Shaver N.N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver Peter Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver S.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver S.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver U. Stormont Roxborough GO

Shaver W.T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaver William H. Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Shaw Stormont Roxborough GO

Shaw J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shaw Z. Stormont Roxborough GO

Shay J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shay W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Shearer James A. Stormont Cornwall Far Farmer Canada GO

Sheets A.W., J.A. & M.T. Stormont Cornwall GO

Sheets H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Sheets Jacob Stormont Osnabruck GO

Sheets John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Sheets N. Stormont Cornwall GO

Sheets O.E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Sheets W.I. Stormont Cornwall Farmer Canada GO

Shower J.P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Silmser D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Silmser H.W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Silmser J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Silmser P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Simser N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Simser W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Sloan Stormont Roxborough GO

Sluelas T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Smirl James Stormont Finch GO

Smirl Robert Stormont Finch GO

Smirl Robert Stormont Finch GO

Smith A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Smith Alexander Stormont Osnabruck GO

Smith C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Smith C. Stormont Cornwall GO

Smith G.C. Stormont Cornwall Agent for Travelers', Isolated Risk, Farmers' Fire, and Western Canada GO

Smith George Stormont Finch GO

Smith Hosea R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Smith J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Smith J.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Smith John Stormont Cornwall GO

Smith T. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Smith W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Smyth James Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Smyth Robert Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Dealer in Boots, Shoes, and Sewing Machines Ireland GO

Snetsinger F. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Snetsinger G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Snetsinger G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Snetsinger J.G. Stormont Cornwall Moulinette Merchant; M.P.P. Canada GO

Snetsinger J.G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Snetsinger John Stormont Cornwall Cornwall Builder and Dep. Reeve of Cornwall, Proprietor of the Skating Rink Canada GO

Snetsinger John Stormont Osnabruck GO

Snetsinger M. Stormont Cornwall GO

Snetsinger S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Snyder Stormont Osnabruck GO

Southworth J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Souvie E. & N. Stormont Roxborough GO

Souvie J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Sproul M. Stormont Roxborough GO

Sproul R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Sproul William Stormont Roxborough Farmer Canada GO

St. Andrews Church Church Stormont Cornwall Cornwall GO

St. Dennis D. Stormont Roxborough GO

St. Dennis J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Stark A. Stormont Finch GO

Stark D. Stormont Finch GO

Stark Wm. Stormont Finch GO

Stata C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stata D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stata G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stata N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stata W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Steele David Stormont Finch GO

Steele J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Steele J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Steele James Stormont Finch GO

Steele James Stormont Finch GO

Steele R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Steele William Stormont Finch GO

Steen C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Steen G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Steen G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Steen I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Steen Joseph Stormont Osnabruck GO

Steen Robert Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stephenson John Stormont Finch Farmer Ireland GO

Stephenson Thomas Stormont Finch GO

Stephenson William Stormont Finch GO

Steven James Stormont Finch Farmer Scotland GO

Stevenson A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Stevenson George Stormont Finch GO

Stevenson J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Stevenson John Stormont Finch GO

Stevenson P. Stormont Roxborough GO

Stevenson W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Stewart Stormont Roxborough GO

Stewart George Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Ireland GO

Stewart James Stormont Roxborough GO

Stewart P. Stormont Roxborough GO

Stewart P. Stormont Roxborough GO

Stewart R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stewart R. Stormont Finch GO

Stewart Robert Stormont Roxborough GO

Stewart Robert Stormont Finch GO

Stewart Tract Stormont Cornwall GO

Stewart Tract Stormont Cornwall GO

Stillwell J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stuart Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stuart A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stuart A.D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stuart D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Stuart Duncan Stormont Cornwall GO

Stuart Gilbert M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stuart J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stuart J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Stuart J.G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stuart J.N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stuart J.S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stuart R.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stuart W.G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Stubbs James Stormont Osnabruck GO

Summers D.D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Summers J.D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Sutherland A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Sutherland Alexander Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Sutherland J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Sutherland James Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Tait David Stormont Cornwall GO

Tait David Stormont Cornwall Farmer Scotland GO

Tait I.A. Stormont Cornwall Farming Canada GO

Tait J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Tait James Stormont Roxborough GO

Tait John Stormont Roxborough GO

Tait M. Stormont Cornwall GO

Tait R. Stormont Roxborough GO

Tait W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Tait Bros Stormont Cornwall GO

Talmie J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Taylor J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Thompson B. Stormont Cornwall GO

Thompson D. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Thompson D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Thompson D. Jr. Stormont Cornwall GO

Thompson H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Thompson H.W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Thompson Hugh Stormont Cornwall Farmer Scotland GO

Thompson J.A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Thompson John Stormont Finch Farmer and Bailiff Ireland GO

Thompson R. I. Stormont Cornwall GO

Thompson R.J. Stormont Roxborough Farmer and Merchant Canada GO

Tilton D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Tilton E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Tinkess B. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Tinkess J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Tinkess W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Tinkiss Stormont Roxborough GO

Tinkiss L. Stormont Roxborough GO

Tinkiss M. Stormont Roxborough GO

Tinkiss N. Stormont Roxborough GO

Tinkiss W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Tobin Moses N. Stormont Finch Berwick Proprietor of Saw Mill and Tannery Canada GO

Trembly J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Truedell N. Stormont Finch GO

Urquhart D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Vallance A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Valley J. Stormont Roxborough Farmer and Councillor Canada GO

Valley Peter Stormont Roxborough Hotel Proprietor, Farmer and Merchant Canada GO

Valley W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Vallez A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Vallez E. Stormont Roxborough GO

Vance J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Vance R. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Vance W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Vandyke J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

VanKoughnotts Stormont Cornwall GO

VanSteenburg G. Stormont Finch GO

VanSteenburg I. Stormont Finch GO

VanSteenburg J. Stormont Finch GO

VanSteenburg L. Stormont Finch GO

Villeneauve B. Stormont Roxborough GO

Villineuve A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Villineuve B. Stormont Roxborough GO

Villineuve C. Stormont Roxborough GO

Villineuve D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Villineuve P. Stormont Roxborough GO

Vinson J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Waddell James Stormont Osnabruck Farmer England GO

Wadell T. Stormont Roxborough GO

Wagner A. Dixon Stormont Osnabruck Dickinson's Landing Physician Canada GO

Wagner J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wagner L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wait H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Wait J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Waldroff A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Waldroff D. Stormont Cornwall GO

Waldroff H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Waldroff J.M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Waldroff L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Walker Stormont Cornwall GO

Warner Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner A. Stormont Roxborough GO

Warner A. Jr. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner B. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner F. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner G.E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner H. Stormont Finch GO

Warner Henry Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner J. Stormont Finch GO

Warner J.A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner John Stormont Finch GO

Warner L. Stormont Roxborough GO

Warner L.. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner Lyman Stormont Finch GO

Warner Marion M. Stormont Osnabruck Farming Canada GO

Warner N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner N. Stormont Roxborough GO

Warner P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner P.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warner W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Warren E. Stormont Cornwall GO

Watson Stormont Finch GO

Watson G.S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Watson P. Stormont Finch GO

Watt James Stormont Roxborough Farmer Canada GO

Weagant J.G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Weart H. Stormont Roxborough GO

Weart R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Weart W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Weart W. Stormont Roxborough GO

Welch B. Stormont Finch GO

Welch P. Stormont Finch GO

Welch Thomas Stormont Finch GO

Welsh A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Welsh P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Werley A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Werley A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Werley E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Werley G. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Werley H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Werley J.P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Werley J.T. Stormont Cornwall GO

Werley Peter H. Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Werley William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wert Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wert G.C. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wert George Stormont Osnabruck Farmer Canada GO

Wert H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wert N. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wert W.A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wert William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wheeler G. Stormont Cornwall GO

Wheeler P. Stormont Cornwall GO

Whitelaw J.A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Whitelaw William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Whitlaw J. A. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Whitmord R. Stormont Cornwall GO

Whyatt J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Whyatt J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Whyatt W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Winters Stormont Osnabruck GO

Winters A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Winters A. Stormont Cornwall GO

Winters J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Winters J. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Winters L. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Winters M. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Winters S. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Winters W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wiseman D. Stormont Roxborough GO

Wiseman John Jr. Stormont Finch GO

Wiseman John Sr. Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Wiseman William Stormont Finch Farmer Canada GO

Wood Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wood B. Stormont Cornwall GO

Wood C.H. Stormont Cornwall Woollen Manufacturer Canada GO

Wood E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wood F. Stormont Finch GO

Wood H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wood H.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wood H.W. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wood J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Wood J. Stormont Roxborough GO

Wood J. Stormont Finch GO

Wood J.E. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Wood John Stormont Cornwall GO

Wood John R. Stormont Osnabruck Foundryman; Machinist Canada GO

Wood P. Stormont Finch GO

Wood Stephen Stormont Cornwall GO

Wood W. Stormont Cornwall GO

Wood W.H. Stormont Cornwall GO

Wood W.J. Stormont Cornwall GO

Wood W.S. Stormont Cornwall GO

Woodhead John Stormont Finch GO

Wright James Stormont Finch Carriage Maker Ireland GO

Wright John Stormont Cornwall Farmer Canada GO

Wright R.B. Stormont Cornwall GO

Wright William Stormont Finch GO

Wyatt & Fulton Stormont Roxborough GO

Young William Stormont Osnabruck GO

Zearon D.H. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Zearon I. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Zearon P. Stormont Osnabruck GO

Zoar P.M. Stormont Cornwall GO