Search Results
Number of matched records = 4528

Last Name First Name County Township Town Occupation Birthplace Full Record
Abbott Asa Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Abbott Benjamin Hastings Sidney GO

Abbott John Hastings Sidney GO

Abbott R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Abbott S.A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Physician and Surgeon, Bridge St. Canada GO

Acker Hugh Hastings Sidney GO

Acker J. Hastings Sidney GO

Acker J. Hastings Sidney Frankford GO

Acker Jacob Hastings Sidney Frankford GO

Ackers Frederick Hastings Rawdon Stirling Blacksmith Canada GO

Adams A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Adams E. Hastings Hungerford GO

Adams J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Adams James Hastings Rawdon GO

Adams John Hastings Rawdon GO

Adams John Hastings Madoc GO

Adams Johnston Hastings Hungerford Farmer Ireland GO

Adams R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Adams S.L. Hastings Hungerford GO

Adams Sarah Hastings Hungerford Farming Canada GO

Adams Thomas Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Adams William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Addison George Hastings Madoc GO

Ager L. Hastings Madoc GO

Aikey A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Aikey Peter Hastings Hungerford GO

Aikey Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Akins P.D. Hastings Sidney GO

Albert P.O. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Alder R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Alexander A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Alexander James Hastings Hungerford GO

Alexander John Hastings Hungerford GO

Alexander William Hastings Hungerford GO

Alford H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Alford Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Alford Joseph Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Alkenbrack E.M. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Alkenbrack J.W. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Alkenbrack Samuel Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Alkenbrack William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Allan Adam Hastings Madoc GO

Allan Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Allard James Hastings Rawdon GO

Allard John Hastings Hungerford GO

Allen A.D. Hastings Hungerford GO

Allen Charles Hastings Madoc GO

Allen George Hastings Hungerford GO

Allen Henry A. Hastings Hungerford Marlbank Saw and Shingle Mill Canada GO

Allen J.S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Allen James Hastings Madoc GO

Allen John Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Lumberman Canada GO

Allen R.F. Hastings Hungerford GO

Allen Robert S. Hastings Madoc GO

Allen Thomas Jr. Hastings Madoc GO

Allen Thomas Sr. Hastings Madoc Farmer (Post Master at Cooper) & Collector of Town Ireland GO

Allen William Hastings Madoc GO

Allen William J. Hastings Madoc Farmer and Councillor Canada GO

Allison B.J. Hastings Tyendinaga Marysville Farmer; Insurance Agent for Royal Reaper Canada GO

Allison B.R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Allison Benjamin Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Allison J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Allison Orren Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Allison W.H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Allore Francis Hastings Hungerford GO

Anderson Hastings Thurlow GO

Anderson Alexander Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Anderson Ann C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Anderson Donald Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer; 1st Deputy Reeve Scotland GO

Anderson J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Anderson Jacob A. Hastings Sidney GO

Anderson James Hastings Hungerford GO

Anderson James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Anderson James Hastings Sidney GO

Anderson John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Anderson Joshua Hastings Sidney GO

Anderson Joshua Hastings Sidney GO

Anderson R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Anderson Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Anderson Samuel Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Andrew C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Anster Alfred Hastings Sidney GO

Appleby Nathaniel S. Hastings Tyendinaga Miller Prince Edward Co., Ontario, Canada GO

Appleby & Burdett Company Hastings Tyendinaga Milltown GO

Arbuckle William Hastings Hungerford GO

Archer Hastings Thurlow GO

Archer J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Archibald J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Archibald William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Archy Rose Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Arkel R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Armitage F. Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Ireland GO

Armitage George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Armitage James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Armstrong C. Hastings Sidney GO

Armstrong Clement Hastings Sidney GO

Armstrong John Hastings Madoc Madoc Gentleman Scotland GO

Artis John Hastings Madoc GO

Ash J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ashley Hastings Thurlow GO

Ashley A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ashley Charles Hastings Thurlow Foxboro Carriage Manufacturer Foxboro, Canada GO

Ashley D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ashley George R. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Ashley Harford Hastings Thurlow Farmer and Cheese Manufacturer Canada GO

Ashley Hiram Hastings Sidney GO

Ashley J.M. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and General Agent Canada GO

Ashley S. Jr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ashley Simeon Sr. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Ashley W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ashley William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Ashley William Hastings Thurlow Farmer and retired Carriage Maker Fredericksburg GO

Asseltine C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Asseltine O. Hastings Hungerford GO

Atcheson D. Hastings Sidney GO

Atkins H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Atkins R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Atkins W. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Atkins W.H. Hastings Madoc Madoc General Store and Shoemaker Canada GO

Atkins William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Auld James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Austin David Hastings Rawdon GO

Aylesworth Charles F. Hastings Madoc Farmer, Partial Line Surveyor & C.E. Ins. Of C. roads Canada GO

Bacon Charles Hastings Madoc GO

Bacon Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Bacon Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Bacon Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Bacon William Hastings Madoc GO

Badgley Hastings Thurlow Plainfield GO

Badgley A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Badgley I. Hastings Thurlow GO

Badgley Ira C. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Badgley J.A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Badgley James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Badgley Neil Hastings Thurlow GO

Badgley P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Badgley S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Badgley S.B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Badgley Sidney Hastings Hungerford GO

Badgley T.B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Badgley Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Badgley W. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Badgley William Hastings Hungerford Farmer and stock Grower Canada GO

Bahr Theodore Hastings Thurlow Belleville Furniture Manufacturer Prussia GO

Bailey Arthur C. Hastings Huntingdon General Merchant England GO

Bailey C. Hastings Madoc GO

Bailey David Hastings Rawdon Farmer England GO

Bailey James Hastings Rawdon GO

Bailey John Hastings Rawdon GO

Bailey Joseph Hastings Madoc GO

Bailey Samuel Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Bain James Hastings Sidney GO

Baker A. Hastings Sidney GO

Baker A.W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville GO

Baker Jerry Hastings Hungerford GO

Baker L.G. Hastings Rawdon GO

Baker W.S. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Baker William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Baker, W.F. & Co. Company Hastings Sidney Trenton Livery-men and Undertakers, Market Square Canada GO

Balance R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Balcanqual J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Balcanquell James Hastings Thurlow GO

Balcanquell William Hastings Thurlow GO

Baldrick J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Baldrick John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Baldwin Owen Hastings Thurlow Foxboro Farmer Canada GO

Baley J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Baley T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ballantyne S. Hastings Thurlow Belleville General Dealer in Sewing Machines; Music and Musical Instruments Scotland GO

Bamber Richard Hastings Sidney GO

Banker Garritt Hastings Hungerford GO

Banks John Hastings Hungerford GO

Barager B. Hastings Sidney GO

Barager Jacob Hastings Sidney GO

Barber J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Barber James Hastings Hungerford Farmer Ireland GO

Barber William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Bargar Charles Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Bargar George Hastings Rawdon GO

Barker Samuel Hastings Hungerford Farmer England GO

Barker T. Hastings Rawdon GO

Barker W.T. Hastings Sidney Trenton Druggist, Books and Stationery Canada GO

Barlow J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Barnes Hastings Thurlow GO

Barnum I. Hastings Thurlow GO

Barnum Simon Hastings Thurlow Cannifton Miller Canada GO

Barrager G. Hastings Rawdon GO

Barrett Hastings Thurlow GO

Barry James Hastings Madoc GO

Bartlett Paul F. Hastings Sidney GO

Bartlett Thomas Hastings Sidney Farmer; Cheesemaker England GO

Bartley O. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Civil Engineer; Provincial Land Surveyor Guernsey GO

Barton Aaron Hastings Rawdon GO

Barton F.J.G. Hastings Rawdon GO

Barton T. Hastings Rawdon GO

Barton William Hastings Rawdon GO

Bateman C.B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Bateman Edward Hastings Rawdon GO

Bateman James Hastings Rawdon GO

Bateman James Hastings Madoc GO

Bateman John Hastings Madoc GO

Bateman John Hastings Madoc GO

Bateman John Hastings Rawdon GO

Bateman John Hastings Madoc GO

Bateman John M. Hastings Rawdon GO

Bateman Joseph Jr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Bateman Joseph Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Bateman Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Bateman Thomas M. Hastings Madoc GO

Bateman William T. Hastings Rawdon GO

Bates T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bates William Hastings Hungerford GO

Bates William Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Battle L. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bayside Driving Park Company Hastings Thurlow GO

Beatty D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Beatty David Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Beatty J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Beatty Joseph Hastings Rawdon GO

Beatty William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Beaty Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Beckett Charles Hastings Thurlow Cannifton Lumberman Canada GO

Beckett William Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower Canada GO

Bedell B.W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bedell H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bedell W.H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bedford Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Belch S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Belcour Joseph Hastings Sidney GO

Bell Hiram Hastings Sidney GO

Bell John Hastings Sidney GO

Bell P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bell Richard S. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Printer England GO

Bell Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Bell Tyloson Hastings Sidney GO

Bell WillIam Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bell WillIam Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bell & Bell Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Barristers, Bridge Street GO

Belshaw J.T. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Farmer Canada GO

Belshaw James Hastings Rawdon GO

Benedict Charles Hastings Thurlow GO

Benedict E. Hastings Hungerford GO

Benedict G. Hastings Rawdon GO

Benedict P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Benedict R. Hastings Rawdon GO

Benn Charles Hastings Huntingdon GO

Bennett Edward Hastings Rawdon GO

Bennett Edward Hastings Sidney GO

Bennett John Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Ireland GO

Bennett John Hastings Hungerford GO

Bennett John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bennett L. Hastings Rawdon GO

Bennett Mary E. Hastings Sidney GO

Benson J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Bergoin Dennis Hastings Hungerford GO

Bergoin Peter Hastings Hungerford GO

Berry David Hastings Madoc GO

Berry James Hastings Madoc GO

Berry John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Besonday Solomon Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Best James Hastings Madoc GO

Best John Hastings Madoc GO

Best John Hastings Madoc GO

Best Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Best S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Best Samuel Hastings Madoc GO

Best W.J. Hastings Madoc GO

Best William Hastings Madoc GO

Billings B.M. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Bilton J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bird Hastings Thurlow GO

Bird Charles Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bird Charles Hastings Hungerford GO

Bird Daniel Hastings Madoc GO

Bird F.J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bird J.G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Bird James Hastings Hungerford GO

Bird James Hastings Sidney Farmer and Cheese Factory Ireland GO

Bird James Hastings Rawdon GO

Bird James M. Hastings Sidney GO

Bird John Hastings Hungerford GO

Bird L.F. Hastings Madoc GO

Bird Milton Hastings Sidney GO

Bird R. Hastings Rawdon GO

Bird R.R. Hastings Sidney GO

Bird Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Bird S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Bird Stephen Hastings Sidney GO

Bird Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Bird W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bird W.C. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bird W.H. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Farmer; Stock Breeder Canada GO

Bird W.T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Bird William Hastings Rawdon GO

Bird William H. Hastings Sidney GO

Bird William W. Hastings Sidney GO

Black D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Black D. & D. Hastings Tyendinaga Cheese Factory GO

Black M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Blackburn John Hastings Madoc Eldorado Post Master, &c Canada GO

Blair Hugh Hastings Madoc GO

Blair John Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Blair Sarah Hastings Madoc Farming Canada GO

Blair Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Blair William Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Blakely H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Blakely James Hastings Madoc GO

Blakely John Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Blakely John Hastings Madoc GO

Blakely Robert Jr. Hastings Madoc GO

Blakely Robert Sr. Hastings Madoc GO

Blakely William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Blanchard T.H. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Blanchard Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Blatherwich William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bleecker Henry Hastings Thurlow Belleville Barrister, Bridge Street Canada GO

Bleecker Henry Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Bleeker William Hastings Hungerford GO

Bleeker William Hastings Thurlow GO

Blessington P.O. Village Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bloxom John Hastings Hungerford GO

Bloxom William Hastings Hungerford GO

Boardman Moses Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Boddy John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bogart Abraham L. Hastings Hungerford P.M.; General Merchant; Mill Owner; Farmer Adolphustown Tp, Lennox Co., Canada GO

Bogart N.L. Hastings Hungerford GO

Bogart P.O. Village Hastings Hungerford GO

Boland B. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Boland John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Boland Patrick Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Boldrick George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Boldrick J.J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Boldrick John Jr. Hastings Tyendinaga Shannonville Farmer Canada GO

Bond Mary Hastings Madoc Farming Ireland GO

Bond William Hastings Madoc GO

Bonesteel Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Bonesteel John Hastings Thurlow GO

Bonesteel John H. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Bonesteel Norval A. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Bonesteel Samuel Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Bonisteel C.H. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Bonisteel C.R. Hastings Sidney GO

Bonisteel W.H. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Bonnet J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bonter O.H. Hastings Sidney Trenton Jeweller and Watchmaker, Front St. Canada GO

Boone P. Hastings Rawdon GO

Booth A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Booth John Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Boselau E. Hastings Hungerford GO

Bosely Louis Hastings Hungerford GO

Bouck Abraham Hastings Madoc GO

Bouk Thomas Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Boulter G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Boutellier G. Hastings Sidney GO

Boutellier J.L. Hastings Sidney Farmer Island of Jersey GO

Bowell Hastings Madoc GO

Bowell John Hastings Hungerford GO

Bowell Mackenzie Hastings Thurlow Belleville MP England GO

Bowen M. Hastings Madoc GO

Bowen M.T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bowen Victor Hastings Madoc GO

Bowen & Ellis Company Hastings Madoc Madoc Bakers Canada GO

Bowers C.S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Bowers J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Bowers John Hastings Hungerford GO

Bowers Samuel Hastings Hungerford GO

Boyd J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Boyle A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Boyle John Hastings Rawdon GO

Braddon M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bradley S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Bradshaw Hastings Thurlow Plainfield GO

Bradshaw John Hastings Thurlow Belleville GO

Bradshaw John J. Hastings Thurlow Thurlow Tp., Canada GO

Bradshaw Lewis Hastings Thurlow Farmer and Builder &c. Canada GO

Bradshaw W.R. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Bradshaw William Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Brady A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Brady Richard Hastings Hungerford GO

Brady W.J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Brandon Thomas Jr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Brandon Thomas Sr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Brandon William Hastings Hungerford GO

Breakell R.H. Hastings Madoc Madoc Bookkeeper England GO

Brennan Daniel Hastings Hungerford GO

Brennan James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Brennan John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Brennan John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Brennan M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Brennan P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Brennan P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Brennan Patrick Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Brennan S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Brentnell N. Hastings Thurlow GO

Brenton F. Hastings Thurlow GO

Brenton F.W. Hastings Huntingdon General Merchant and Trader Canada GO

Brettargh H. Hastings Sidney Trenton Minister, St. Peter in Chains Church GO

Brigden H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Brinkworth P.O. Village Hastings Rawdon GO

Brintnall James Hastings Sidney GO

Brintnell E.P. Hastings Thurlow Cannifton Farmer; Cheese Maker Canada GO

Brintnell George Hastings Thurlow GO

Brisoit C. Hastings Madoc GO

Bristol Norris Hastings Madoc GO

Broad John Hastings Madoc GO

Broad Joseph Hastings Madoc GO

Broad Joshua Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Bronk J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Brook John Hastings Sidney GO

Brooks Hastings Rawdon GO

Brooks A. Hastings Madoc GO

Brooks Arthur Hastings Madoc GO

Brooks E. Hastings Sidney GO

Brooks G.M. Hastings Madoc Madoc Grocerie, Liquors and Provisions Canada GO

Brooks George Hastings Rawdon GO

Brooks J.W. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Brooks John Hastings Rawdon GO

Brooks John Hastings Sidney GO

Brough William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Brougham James Hastings Hungerford GO

Brougham Richard Hastings Hungerford GO

Brower John R. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Brown Hastings Hungerford GO

Brown Alexander Hastings Sidney GO

Brown Alexander Hastings Madoc GO

Brown Alexander S. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Contractor Scotland GO

Brown G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Brown G. & J. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Foundry and Manufactory, Agricultural Works, Front Street Scotland GO

Brown G.N. Hastings Thurlow GO

Brown George Hastings Hungerford GO

Brown H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Brown J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Brown J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Brown J.A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Brown J.W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Brown James Hastings Hungerford GO

Brown James Hastings Sidney GO

Brown James Hastings Thurlow Belleville Foundryman; MP Scotland GO

Brown James Hastings Madoc GO

Brown John Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Brown John Hastings Rawdon GO

Brown John Hastings Madoc GO

Brown John Hastings Madoc GO

Brown John Hastings Madoc GO

Brown John Hastings Hungerford GO

Brown L.D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Brown P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Brown P. Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Brown Philip Hastings Rawdon GO

Brown Philip Jr. Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Brown T.H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Brown W. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Brown William Hastings Hungerford GO

Brown William Hastings Rawdon GO

Brunson John Hastings Rawdon GO

Brunson L. Hastings Rawdon GO

Brunson S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Bryant Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Bryson J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Buck Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Buckley M. Jr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Buckley M. Sr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Buckley P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Buckley William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bull Hastings Rawdon GO

Bull G.E. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Conveyancer, Clerk of Division Court, and J.P. Canada GO

Bull Henry Hastings Madoc Farmer and Bailiff Canada GO

Bullen & Lake Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Opposition Bus Co. GO

Burdett A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Burdett & Appleby Company Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Burgess P. Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Justice of the Peace Canada GO

Burgess Thomas Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Burgess W.S. Hastings Rawdon Wellman's Corner Farmer; Mason Canada GO

Burke J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Burke John Hastings Rawdon GO

Burke L.J. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Burke V. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Burkett Frank Hastings Rawdon GO

Burkett G.L. Hastings Rawdon GO

Burley E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Burley M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Burley N. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Burley William Hastings Hungerford GO

Burne D. Hastings Hungerford GO

Burnett Samuel Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Burnett William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Burns J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Burns J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Burns J.F. Hastings Hungerford GO

Burns Patrick Hastings Hungerford GO

Burns Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Burns Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Burns William Hastings Madoc GO

Burnside James Hastings Madoc GO

Burnside Robert Hastings Madoc Farmer and Road Contractor Ireland GO

Burrell J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Burrell William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Burrill E. Hastings Sidney GO

Burris H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Burris Jackson Hastings Madoc GO

Burris Joseph Hastings Rawdon GO

Burrows James Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Busby Alexander Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Busby John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Bush H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bush J. Hastings Sidney GO

Bush J. Hastings Sidney GO

Bush James Hastings Sidney GO

Bush John Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Bush Samuel Hastings Madoc GO

Bush W. Hastings Sidney GO

Bush William Hastings Sidney GO

Bushel J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Bushel William Hastings Hungerford GO

Butler Hastings Sidney GO

Butler James Hastings Rawdon GO

Bygott James Hastings Rawdon GO

Byrne Hastings Hungerford GO

Byrne Charles Hastings Hungerford GO

Byrne J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Byrne James Hastings Hungerford GO

Byrne John Hastings Hungerford GO

Byrne Patrick Hastings Hungerford GO

Byrne William Hastings Hungerford GO

C. & B. Mining Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Cadman William Hastings Thurlow GO

Cain C. Hastings Rawdon GO

Cain James Hastings Rawdon GO

Cain P. Hastings Rawdon GO

Calahan C. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Calahan D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Calahan John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Calahan M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Calahan Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Calder A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Calder J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Caldwell D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Caldwell G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Caldwell Jacob Hastings Rawdon GO

Caldwell Joseph Hastings Madoc GO

Caldwell M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Caldwell Stephen Hastings Madoc GO

Callaghan D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Callaghan D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Callaghan Mary Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Callaghan Patrick Hastings Rawdon GO

Callary D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Calligan D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Calvert D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Calvert J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Calvert S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Calvert William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Cameron Hugh Hastings Madoc GO

Campbell A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Campbell D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Campbell H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Campbell J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Campbell James Hastings Hungerford GO

Campbell John Hastings Rawdon GO

Campbell M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Campbell T.J. Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Cheese Maker Canada GO

Campbell W.F. Hastings Hungerford GO

Campion J.A & J.W Hastings Thurlow Belleville Importers of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Front Street GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Hungerford GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Sidney GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Rawdon GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Sidney GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Hungerford GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Hungerford GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Hungerford GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Huntingdon GO

Canada Co. Company Hastings Sidney GO

Caniff Hastings Sidney GO

Caniff A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Caniff Allen Hastings Hungerford GO

Canniff D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Canniff Isaac Hastings Madoc GO

Canniff J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Canniff Nancy Hastings Thurlow GO

Canniff T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Cannifton Village Village Hastings Thurlow GO

Card Joshua Hastings Sidney GO

Carey John Hastings Hungerford GO

Carey William Hastings Hungerford GO

Carle Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Carleton C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Carleton Christopher Hastings Hungerford GO

Carleton David Hastings Hungerford GO

Carleton John Hastings Hungerford Tweed Boot and Shoe Store Ireland GO

Carleton R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Carleton W.J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Carlisle Thomas Hastings Rawdon Farmer England GO

Carlton R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Carman J. Hastings Sidney GO

Carman John Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser England GO

Carman Patrick Hastings Madoc GO

Carman T.S. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Publisher, Front Street Canada GO

Carney R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Carney William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Carr Daniel Hastings Rawdon GO

Carr Jacob Hastings Rawdon GO

Carr John Hastings Sidney GO

Carr Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Carriage Factory Company Hastings Thurlow GO

Carscallan E. Hastings Thurlow GO

Carscallan J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Carscallan L. Hastings Thurlow GO

Carscallen I. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Carscallen L. Hastings Thurlow GO

Carson John Hastings Huntingdon GO

Carson John Hastings Hungerford GO

Carson Joseph Hastings Huntingdon GO

Carson William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Carter Edward Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Carter J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Carter Jacob Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Carter James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Casady John Hastings Rawdon GO

Casey J.B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Casey P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Casey Patrick Hastings Hungerford GO

Casey S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Casey S.S. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Casey S.T. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Casey W.T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Casey Willett Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

Caskey Allen Hastings Madoc GO

Caskey James Hastings Hungerford GO

Caskey James Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Caskey John Hastings Madoc GO

Caskey John Hastings Madoc Farmer and Cheese Manufacturer Canada GO

Caskey Joseph Hastings Madoc GO

Caskey Robert Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Caskey Samuel D. Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Cassibo E. Hastings Hungerford GO

Cassidy Christopher Hastings Hungerford GO

Cassidy James Hastings Hungerford GO

Cassidy John Hastings Hungerford GO

Cassidy John Hastings Madoc GO

Cassidy M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Cassidy P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Cassidy Patrick Hastings Hungerford GO

Cassidy Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Catholic Church Property Church Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cavanagh Hastings Hungerford GO

Caverley Edmond Hastings Rawdon GO

Caverley Sandford Hastings Rawdon Farmer & Agent for Agricultural Imp. Canada GO

Caverly Ebenezer Hastings Rawdon Blacksmith Canada GO

Caverly Joseph Hastings Madoc Madoc Carriage and Sleigh Manufacturer Canada GO

Chambers Charles Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Chambers James Hastings Madoc GO

Chambers James Hastings Madoc GO

Chambers James Hastings Madoc GO

Chambers R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Chambers Samuel Hastings Madoc GO

Chambers W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Chambers W. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Chapman Duncan Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Chapman John Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Chapman W.H. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Chapman William Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Stock Raiser; Justice of the Peace Canada GO

Chapman William A. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Chapman William and Sons Hastings Thurlow GO

Chapman P.O. Village Hastings Hungerford GO

Chard A. Hastings Rawdon Farmer and Cheese Factory Canada GO

Chard E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Chard J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Chard P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Chard P. Hastings Rawdon GO

Chard Peter Hastings Madoc Madoc Custom and Merchant Miller Canada GO

Chard Thomas Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Charlesworth H.M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Charlesworth James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Charlesworth John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Charlesworth W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Charlesworth William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Chase E.S. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Mining Interest, Dafoe House United States GO

Cheevers T.H. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Carriage Maker, Front St. Canada GO

Chesebro Charles Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Cheswright J.W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Druggist, Front St. Canada GO

Chisholm Hastings Sidney GO

Chisholm Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Chisholm James A. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Chisholm John Hastings Sidney GO

Chisholm M. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Hotel and Livery Canada GO

Chisholm William F. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Chrevier Paul Hastings Hungerford GO

Christ William Hastings Madoc GO

Christie Robert Jr. Hastings Madoc GO

Christie Robert Sr. Hastings Madoc GO

Church of St. Peter in Chains Church Hastings Sidney Trenton GO

Clancy Robert Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Clapp A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Clapp B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Clapp D.E. Hastings Thurlow Plainfield Lumber and Shingle Manufacturer Canada GO

Clapp David Hastings Thurlow Farmers Canada GO

Clapp David R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Clapp Dorland Hastings Sidney GO

Clapp Durlin Hastings Madoc GO

Clapp E. Hastings Thurlow GO

Clapp J.D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Clapp Philip Hastings Madoc Farmer Canada GO

Clapp S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Clapp S. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Clapp Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Clapsaddle A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Clapsaddle G. Hastings Hungerford GO

Clare George H. Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Clare H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Clare J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Clare James Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Clare M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Clare Thomas Hastings Hungerford Wicklow Co., Ireland GO

Clare William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Clare William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Clark Hastings Hungerford GO

Clark Alf Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Clark David Hastings Sidney GO

Clark Francis M. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Boot and Shoe Dealer, Bridge St. Canada GO

Clark Isaiah Hastings Hungerford GO

Clark J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Clark J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Clark J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Clark Joseph Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Clark Nathan Hastings Rawdon Farmer and President Cheese Co. England GO

Clark Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Clark Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Clark William Hastings Rawdon GO

Clark William S. Hastings Sidney GO

Clarke S.J. Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Grape Grower Canada GO

Clarke T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Clarry M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Clazey W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Clement E. Hastings Hungerford GO

Clement G. Hastings Hungerford GO

Clement James Hastings Huntingdon Hotel Keeper Canada GO

Clements James Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Clements R. Hastings Rawdon GO

Clements T. Hastings Rawdon GO

Clements T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Clergy Land Clergy Hastings Sidney GO

Close H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Close Robert Hastings Thurlow GO

Clother Lorenzo D. Hastings Madoc Carpenter and Joiner Canada GO

Clute T.G. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Merchant Canada GO

Coats James Hastings Rawdon GO

Cochrane Hastings Sidney Trenton GO

Cochrane J.C. Hastings Madoc GO

Cockins John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cockins John Sr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cockins William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cockins William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Coe John Hastings Hungerford GO

Coe Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Coe W. Hastings Madoc GO

Coe William Hastings Madoc Miner England GO

Coffey S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Colahan Hastings Thurlow GO

Colay Sanford Hastings Madoc GO

Coldon John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Coldon William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cole D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cole J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cole L.E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Coleman C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Coleman E.H. Hastings Sidney GO

Coleman P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Coleman Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

College Lands Hastings Sidney GO

Collins C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Collins E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Collins J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Collins James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Collins Joseph Hastings Sidney GO

Collins Patrick Hastings Sidney GO

Collins R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Collins Richard Hastings Sidney GO

Collins W. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Collins W.J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Collins William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Colvin John Hastings Madoc GO

Comerford Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Condon B. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Condon Edward Hastings Thurlow Belleville Barber & Bath House, Bridge St. Canada GO

Condon M.B. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Condon Martin Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Condon Michael Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Conley George Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Lumber Merchant Canada GO

Conley George Hastings Rawdon Farmer United States GO

Conley Hiram Hastings Rawdon GO

Conley John Hastings Madoc GO

Conley Newton Hastings Rawdon Stirling Blacksmith Canada GO

Conlin Francis Hastings Madoc GO

Conlin Hugh Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Conlin John Hastings Madoc GO

Conlin Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Conly Willliam Hastings Huntingdon GO

Connell J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Connell R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Connell Richard Hastings Rawdon GO

Connell T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Conner C. Hastings Madoc GO

Conners Hastings Madoc GO

Conners Michael Hastings Madoc GO

Conners William Hastings Madoc GO

Connor N. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Saloon, Bridge St. Ireland GO

Connor William F. Hastings Sidney Farmer United States GO

Cook Hastings Hungerford GO

Cook Hastings Thurlow GO

Cook Hastings Madoc GO

Cook James Hastings Rawdon GO

Cook John Hastings Madoc GO

Cook John Hastings Rawdon GO

Cook Richard Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Cook Sarah Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cook Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Cook W.M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Cook William P. Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Cooke James Hastings Rawdon Farmer and Councilman Ireland GO

Cooley J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Cooley Samuel Hastings Sidney GO

Coon Matthew Hastings Sidney GO

Cooney Hastings Huntingdon GO

Cooney A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Cooney J.F. Hastings Rawdon GO

Cooney John Hastings Madoc GO

Cooney W.J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Cooney William Hastings Rawdon GO

Cooper Hugh Hastings Madoc GO

Coopers P.O. Post Office Hastings Madoc GO

Copeland R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Copper Mine Company Hastings Madoc GO

Corbett Michael Hastings Sidney GO

Corby's Mill Village Hastings Thurlow GO

Cornell J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Corrigall D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Corrigan M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Corrigan M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Corrigan T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cosby James Hastings Sidney GO

Cosby Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Costello R. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Dry Goods, Front St. Canada GO

Cotter Richard William Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Cottom Hastings Huntingdon GO

Cotton John Hastings Rawdon Farmer Ireland GO

Coulter A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Coulter A.A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Coulter Alexander Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Coulter Andrew Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Coulter H.W. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Coulter Hugh Hastings Hungerford GO

Coulter J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Coulter J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Coulter James Hastings Hungerford GO

Coulter Joseph Hastings Hungerford GO

Coulter M.A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Coulter Robert Hastings Hungerford GO

Coulter Samuel Hastings Hungerford GO

Coulter William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Coulter William Hastings Hungerford GO

Coultson R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Coultson Robert Jr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Countryman A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Countryman H. Hastings Hungerford GO

Countryman John Hastings Hungerford Farmer; Stock Grower Canada GO

Cournoyer Hastings Hungerford GO

Cournoyer Antoine Hastings Hungerford Farmer; Stock Grower Canada GO

Cournoyer C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Cournoyer C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Cournoyer G. Hastings Hungerford GO

Cournoyer J.B. Hastings Hungerford GO

Cournoyer L. Hastings Hungerford GO

Cournoyer P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Cournoyer Paul Hastings Hungerford GO

Cournoyer Peter Hastings Hungerford GO

Cournoyer R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Cournoyer S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Court House and gaol Public building Hastings Thurlow Belleville GO

Courtney H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Courtney Sarah Ann Hastings Rawdon GO

Courtney William Jr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Cowan M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cowan M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Cowan P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cowan T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cox Philip Hastings Sidney GO

Coyle Mary Hastings Hungerford GO

Cragg G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Cragg George Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Thresher Canada GO

Craig F. Hastings Hungerford GO

Craig Francis Hastings Hungerford GO

Craige Charles Hastings Rawdon Stirling General Store; Reeve Ireland GO

Crawford H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Crawford J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Crawford Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Creeper Hastings Sidney GO

Creeper John Hastings Thurlow Belleville Gardener England GO

Cregg William Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Crier George E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Crippen Darius Hastings Sidney GO

Cronin J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cronk H.C. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Express and Livery Canada GO

Cronk J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Cronk Jacob Hastings Sidney GO

Cronk William N. Hastings Sidney GO

Cronkite J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Cronkwright J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Cross Alexander Hastings Madoc GO

Cross S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cross William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Croudass T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Crouse P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Crouter A.L. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Crown Land Company Hastings Madoc GO

Cruikshank David Hastings Sidney GO

Culhane James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Culhane Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Culkeen John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cullan J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Cullen J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Culver & Massey Hastings Sidney GO

Cummings A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Cummings D.L. Hastings Thurlow GO

Cummings G. Hastings Rawdon GO

Cummings George Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Cummings P. Hastings Rawdon GO

Cunningham J.M. Hastings Sidney Trenton Livery business Canada GO

Curray Alexander Hastings Hungerford GO

Curray R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Curray Robert Hastings Hungerford GO

Curray William Hastings Hungerford GO

Curry J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Curry Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer; 2nd Deputy Reeve Ireland GO

Curry William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Curtis Annie Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser United States GO

Cutle A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Dafoe A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Dafoe A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Dafoe A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Dafoe A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Dafoe Alexander Hastings Hungerford GO

Dafoe Anson Hastings Sidney GO

Dafoe B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Dafoe Daniel Hastings Sidney GO

Dafoe George Hastings Rawdon GO

Dafoe George Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Dafoe Henry Hastings Thurlow Foxboro Carriage Maker Canada GO

Dafoe Hiram Hastings Sidney GO

Dafoe J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Dafoe S.G. Hastings Hungerford GO

Dafoe William Hastings Sidney GO

Dafoe William J. Hastings Sidney GO

Dagenier J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Dagenier P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Daily P.R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Dale H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dale J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Dale R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Dale T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Daley D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Danford George Hastings Sidney GO

Danford John Hastings Sidney GO

Danford Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Danford Samuel Hastings Sidney GO

Danforth Samuel Hastings Rawdon GO

Darby M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Darby Patrick Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Darcy James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Darling William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Daugherty John Jr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Davenport George A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Successor to Geo. H. Haymes, Manufacturers, importers of Hats, Caps, Furs, Front St. GO

Davis A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Davis C. Hastings Sidney GO

Davis Cornelius Hastings Sidney Farmer United States GO

Davis J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Davis Lewis Hastings Sidney GO

Davis P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Davis Richard Hastings Madoc GO

Davis Richard Hastings Sidney Clinton Co., New York, United States GO

Davis Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Davis Samuel Hastings Rawdon GO

Davis Samuel A. Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Davis Thomas Hastings Hungerford R.C. Priest Canada GO

Davis W.H. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Davis William Hastings Thurlow Belleville Saddler, Front St. England GO

Dawe Frederick Hastings Hungerford GO

Dawe Joseph Hastings Hungerford GO

Dawe William Hastings Hungerford GO

Dawson Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dawson George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dawson L. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Day Henry W. Hastings Sidney Trenton Physician and Surgeon, Coroner, Member of the Council Canada GO

Day Peter Hastings Sidney GO

Deasey Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dechene F. Hastings Hungerford GO

Dechene J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Declare Mary Hastings Huntingdon GO

Degroff P. Hastings Thurlow GO

Delaney Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Deline Uriah Hastings Hungerford GO

Delore Bruno Hastings Hungerford GO

Delore John Hastings Hungerford GO

Demill Isaac Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Demorest B.G.G. Hastings Rawdon GO

Demorest B.G.G. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Physician; Money to Loan Canada GO

Demorest Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Demorest John Hastings Sidney GO

Demorest William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dempsey J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dempsey Michael Hastings Sidney GO

Dench J.S. Hastings Sidney GO

Denike A. Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Denike Isaac Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Denite A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Denyes A.N. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Denyes H.N. Hastings Thurlow GO

Denyes J.W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Denyes M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Denyes Martin Hastings Thurlow GO

Denyes Martin Hastings Rawdon GO

Denyes P. Hastings Thurlow GO

Denyes P.S. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Denyes R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Denyes S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Desislets J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Detlor Hastings Sidney GO

Detlor John McG. Hastings Hungerford Tweed General Merchant Canada GO

Devlin Joseph Hastings Madoc GO

Diamond Abraham Hastings Madoc GO

Dick Robert Hastings Thurlow Belleville Merchant Tailor, Front St. Scotland GO

Dickens James Hastings Sidney GO

Dickinson George D. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Barrister, Bridge St. Canada GO

Dillard Hastings Huntingdon GO

Dillsworth J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Dilyea Samuel Hastings Madoc Carpenter and Joiner Canada GO

Dingman Oliver Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Dingman W.H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Dingman W.H. Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Dix Margaret Jane Hastings Huntingdon Farming, Saw-Mill & Lumber Yard Canada GO

Dixon J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Dixon Joseph Hastings Madoc GO

Doak Edward Hastings Rawdon GO

Doak Joseph Hastings Rawdon GO

Dockstater J. Hastings Sidney GO

Dockstater T.W. Hastings Sidney GO

Dockstater W.B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Dockstator T.G. Hastings Huntingdon Roslin Roslin Hotel Canada GO

Doctor William Hastings Thurlow GO

Doherty Hastings Sidney GO

Domon James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Donaghue L. Hastings Hungerford GO

Donahoe John Hastings Sidney GO

Donald A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Donaldson John Hastings Thurlow GO

Donevan P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Donnan J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Donnan S. Jr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Donnan S. Sr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Donnelly William Hastings Madoc GO

Donnelly William Hastings Sidney GO

Donoghue D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Donoghue, F & Bros. Company Hastings Tyendinaga Mill Point Merchants Canada GO

Donohoe Luke Hastings Sidney GO

Doolan J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Doolan John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Doonan Edward Hastings Hungerford GO

Doran Edward Hastings Hungerford GO

Doran James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Doran T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dorland C.H. Hastings Sidney Trenton Dentist Canada GO

Dorland P.V. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Physician, Front Street Adolphustown Tp, Lennox Co., Canada GO

Dougall & Clure Hastings Madoc GO

Dougan John Hastings Madoc GO

Dougan Robert Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Dougan William Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Dougherty J. Sr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dougherty William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Doughty Edward Hastings Madoc GO

Doughty Richard Hastings Madoc GO

Doughty Stephen Hastings Madoc GO

Doughty William Hastings Madoc GO

Douglass J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Downes John Hastings Rawdon Farmer Ireland GO

Downey E. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Downey John Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Downey R. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Downey William Hastings Rawdon GO

Downing J. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Grocer, Front St. Canada GO

Downs J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Doxtator A. Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Doxtator William Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Doyle A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Doyle Charles Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Doyle Daniel Hastings Hungerford GO

Doyle J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Doyle L. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Doyle M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Doyle M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Doyle T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Doyle Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Doyle William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dracup E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Dracup R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Dracup Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Drewrey William Hastings Rawdon GO

Drewry G. Hastings Sidney GO

Drewry George Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Drewry J.C.S. Hastings Sidney GO

Drewry John Hastings Sidney GO

Drewry W.A. Hastings Sidney GO

Drummey John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Drummey W. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Drummey William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Drummy Patrick Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dryden James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Duffin F. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Duffin J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Duffy William Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Assessor Canada GO

Dulmage O.S. Hastings Madoc Carriage Maker Canada GO

Dulmage William Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Breeder Canada GO

Duncan G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Duncan James Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Duncan P.G. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Agent Canada GO

Duncan R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Duncan R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Dunham B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Dunn J.H. Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser United States GO

Dunn John Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Dunn Nathaniel Jr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Dunn Nathaniel Sr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Dunn O.W. Hastings Madoc Madoc Agent of Agricultural Implements Canada GO

Dunn T.A. Hastings Madoc GO

Dunnan W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Dunnet James W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Glasgow Warehouse - Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, Front St. Scotland GO

Dunning J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Dunning N. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dunwoody James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dunwoody John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Dunwoody T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Durkin John Hastings Hungerford GO

Dwyer William Hastings Sidney GO

Eagleson James Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Eagleson John Hastings Madoc GO

Eastbrook George Hastings Hungerford Tweed Grain Merchant and Flour Miller England GO

Easton R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Eastwood Hastings Rawdon GO

Eastwood Edgar Hastings Rawdon Hotel Keeper and Butcher Canada GO

Eastwood Susan Hastings Rawdon GO

Eaton Jacob Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Edwards F.L. Hastings Rawdon Farmer England GO

Egan John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Egan John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Egan P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Egan Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Egar W.G. Hastings Tyendinaga Mill Point Druggist Canada GO

Eggleton D. Jr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Eggleton D. Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Eggleton David Hastings Sidney GO

Eggleton P. Hastings Sidney GO

Eggleton Paul Hastings Sidney GO

Eggleton Paul Hastings Rawdon GO

Eggleton Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Eldorado P.O. Village Hastings Madoc GO

Ellinor George Hastings Sidney GO

Elliott Hastings Hungerford GO

Elliott Charles Hastings Hungerford GO

Elliott F. Hastings Thurlow GO

Elliott Francis Hastings Madoc GO

Elliott Francis Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Elliott Francis Hastings Rawdon GO

Elliott G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Elliott Henry Hastings Madoc GO

Elliott J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Elliott J.G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Elliott James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Elliott James Hastings Hungerford GO

Elliott John Hastings Hungerford GO

Elliott Joseph Hastings Hungerford GO

Elliott K. Hastings Rawdon GO

Elliott R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Elliott Robert Hastings Hungerford GO

Elliott Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Elliott Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Elliott William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Elliott William Hastings Hungerford GO

Elliott William Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Ellis S.S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Elliss D. Hastings Madoc GO

Elliss D.E. Hastings Madoc GO

Elliss James Hastings Madoc GO

Elliss John Hastings Madoc GO

Elliss S.S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Elliss William Hastings Madoc GO

Elliver Peter Hastings Rawdon GO

Elma John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Elma Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Elma William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Elmore Hastings Rawdon GO

Elmy G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Elverd Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Elvins R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Embery Edward Hastings Rawdon GO

Embury Allen Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Contractor and Builder Canada GO

Embury B. Hastings Hungerford GO

Embury James Hastings Hungerford GO

Embury John Hastings Hungerford GO

Embury John Hastings Madoc GO

Embury John T. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Embury M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Embury William Hastings Hungerford GO

Emerson George Hastings Thurlow Farmer Ireland GO

Emerson H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Emerson J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Emerson J.W. Hastings Hungerford GO

Emerson James Hastings Hungerford GO

Emerson John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Emerson P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Emerson Samuel Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer; Councillor Canada GO

Emerson William Hastings Thurlow Farmer Ireland GO

Emerson William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Emerson William Jr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Emery David Hastings Madoc GO

Emmons John Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer; Hop Grower Canada GO

Emmons R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Emmons T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Emo Thomas Hastings Huntingdon Farmer, General Merchant, Post Master Ireland GO

Empey Hastings Hungerford GO

Empey Eugene Hastings Madoc GO

Empey George Hastings Hungerford GO

Empey Jerbin Hastings Madoc GO

Empey Levius Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Empy E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

English Charles Hastings Madoc Farmer and Councillor Ireland GO

English Dixon Hastings Tyendinaga GO

English F. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

English I. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

English James Hastings Madoc GO

English John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

English Margaret A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

English Mary A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

English R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

English Robert Jr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Enright J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Esmond J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Eyer J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Fagan James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Fair Thomas J. Hastings Rawdon Farmer and President Cheese Co. Canada GO

Fairfield Hastings Thurlow GO

Fairman D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Fairman J.Q. Hastings Thurlow GO

Fairman S.H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Fairman W.M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Falkner James S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Falkner N. Baldwin Hastings Thurlow Belleville Barrister Ireland GO

Falkner N.B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Falle John A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Blacksmith, Front St. England GO

Fanning F.B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Fanning Frederick Hastings Thurlow Belleville Livery and Bus Proprietor, Bridge St. Canada GO

Fanning J.B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Fanning Walter Hastings Thurlow Belleville Livery and Bus Proprietor, Bridge St. Canada GO

Fargey J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Fargey James Hastings Hungerford GO

Fargey James S. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Fargey Peter Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Fargey T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Fargey W.R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Fargy James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Fargy P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Farley A.A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Farley Charles M. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Farley J.J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Farley James Hastings Sidney GO

Farley Manley Hastings Sidney GO

Farley Samuel Hastings Sidney GO

Farley W.C. Hastings Thurlow GO

Farnham T. Hastings Thurlow Superintendent of Roads Canada GO

Farnley Hastings Thurlow GO

Farnsworth John Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower England GO

Farnsworth Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Farrall John Hastings Rawdon GO

Farrell A.P. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Proprietor, Queen's Hotel, Front St. GO

Farrell David Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Farrell E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Farrell Eliza Hastings Hungerford GO

Farrell Fitzmaurice Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Farrell J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Farrell James Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower Ireland GO

Farrell James Jr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Farrell James Sr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Farrell P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Farrell R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Farrell R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Farrell Richard Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Farrell S. Sr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Farrington P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Faulkner A.B. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Faulkner D.W. Hastings Sidney GO

Faulkner Edwin Hastings Sidney GO

Faulkner James Hastings Sidney GO

Faulkner Stephen G. Hastings Sidney GO

Faulkner Sylvester Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Feeny Patrick Hastings Madoc GO

Feeny Patrick Hastings Madoc GO

Feeny William Jr. Hastings Madoc GO

Feeny William Sr. Hastings Madoc GO

Fegan R.F. Hastings Tyendinaga Shannonville Cabinet Maker; Founder, Manufacturer of Agricultural Implements Ireland GO

Felson F.W. Hastings Tyendinaga Mill Point Harness Maker Canada GO

Fenn Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Ferguson Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ferguson Homer Hastings Sidney GO

Ferguson J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ferguson R.T. Hastings Madoc GO

Ferguson W. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ferguson William Hastings Madoc Madoc Railroad Contractor Scotland GO

Fernley J.M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ferrin Elizabeth Hastings Sidney GO

Filleter Richard Hastings Sidney GO

Finch James Hastings Rawdon GO

Findlay's Plan Hastings Thurlow GO

Finegan James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Finkle Hastings Hungerford GO

Finkle Abel Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Finkle C. Hastings Sidney GO

Finkle C.W. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Finkle F. Hastings Rawdon Stirling GO

Finkle George Hastings Rawdon GO

Finkle Henry Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower Canada GO

Finkle J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Finkle J.S. Hastings Sidney GO

Finkle John Hastings Sidney GO

Finlan Hastings Hungerford GO

Finlan Joseph Hastings Hungerford GO

Finley A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Finley J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Finley James Hastings Hungerford GO

Finley William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Finn J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Finn John Hastings Hungerford GO

Finn Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Fish A.E. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Shirt Maker and Gents Furnishings, 260 Front St. England GO

Fisher Samuel Hastings Hungerford GO

Fitchett A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Fitchett A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Fitchett D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Fitchett M. Hastings Rawdon GO

Fitzgarald D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Fitzgarald E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Fitzgarald M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Fitzgerald D. Hastings Hungerford GO

Fitzgerald James Hastings Madoc GO

Fitzgerald John Hastings Hungerford GO

Fitzgerald William Hastings Hungerford GO

Fitzpatrick John Hastings Sidney GO

Fitzpatrick Patrick Hastings Thurlow Belleville Proprietor, Ontario Hotel, Front St. Ireland GO

Fitzpatrick Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Fleming D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Fleming David Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Scotland GO

Fleming I. Hastings Rawdon GO

Fleming J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Fleming N. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Fleming R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Flemming Peter Hastings Hungerford GO

Flemming William Hastings Hungerford GO

Fletcher A. Hastings Sidney GO

Fletcher James Hastings Sidney GO

Fletcher John Hastings Rawdon GO

Fletcher Joseph Hastings Rawdon GO

Flindall A. Hastings Sidney Trenton Hardware Merchant, Member of Council Canada GO

Flindall John Hastings Sidney GO

Flindall Reuben Hastings Sidney GO

Flinn John Hastings Hungerford GO

Flinn M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Flint Billa Hastings Hungerford GO

Flint J.B. Hastings Sidney GO

Flint J.B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Flint & Jellett Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Barristers & Solicitors in Chancery, Campbell St. Canada GO

Fluke William Hastings Hungerford GO

Flynn Frank Hastings Thurlow Belleville Billiard Saloon, Campbell St. United States GO

Foley Hugh Hastings Hungerford GO

Foley J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Foley James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Foley James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Foley John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Foley M. Hastings Rawdon GO

Foley M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Foley M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Foley Owen Hastings Hungerford GO

Foley P. Hastings Thurlow GO

Foley Patrick Hastings Hungerford GO

Foley S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Foley Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Foley Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Foot Hastings Madoc GO

Ford J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ford M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ford M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ford P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ford Peter Hastings Sidney Paper Manufacturer and Post-master England GO

Fordham A.H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Forestel J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Forgey P. Hastings Rawdon GO

Forgey Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Forgy William Hastings Hungerford GO

Forin John Hastings Thurlow Belleville Contractor, Builder and Architect Canada GO

Forrester James Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Forfarshire, Scotland GO

Forristell James Hastings Rawdon GO

Forristell John Hastings Rawdon GO

Forristell S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Forsyth John B. Hastings Sidney GO

Foster B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Foster Benjamin Hastings Thurlow GO

Foster C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Foster Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Foster D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Foster F. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Foster Henry O. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer; Cheese Manufacturer Canada GO

Foster J.E. Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower Canada GO

Foster J.G. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and General Agent, Issuer of Marriage Licenses Canada GO

Foster James Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Foster James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Foster Joseph C. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Foster S.D. Hastings Sidney GO

Foster W.A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Manufacturer Canada GO

Foster's Brickyard Company Hastings Thurlow GO

Foster, Barber & Brignall Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Dry Goods, Front St. GO

Founder Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Fox Alexander Hastings Rawdon GO

Fox Charles Hastings Madoc Carpenter and Joiner England GO

Fox Isaac Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Fox James Hastings Rawdon GO

Fox James Hastings Madoc GO

Fox James Hastings Madoc GO

Fox John Hastings Sidney GO

Fox John Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Breeder Canada GO

Fox John B. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer United States GO

Fox Michael Hastings Hungerford GO

Fox Samuel Hastings Rawdon GO

Fox Sidney Hastings Madoc GO

Fox Stephen Hastings Madoc GO

Fox Sylvester Hastings Madoc GO

Fox William Hastings Madoc Farmer, Carpenter and Joiner Canada GO

Fox William D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Foxboro Village & P.O. Village Hastings Thurlow GO

Foxen John Hastings Hungerford GO

Foxton William Hastings Thurlow GO

Foy James Hastings Hungerford GO

Foy John Hastings Hungerford GO

Fralick F. Hastings Rawdon GO

Fralick Tillittson Hastings Sidney GO

Francis Charles F. Hastings Sidney Trenton Barrister and Attorney-at-law Trenton, Hastings Co., Canada GO

Francis F. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Francis J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Francis J.T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Frankford Village Village Hastings Sidney GO

Fraser Duncan Hastings Madoc GO

Fraser John Hastings Madoc GO

Fraser John Hastings Madoc GO

Fraser William Hastings Madoc GO

Frawley M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Frederick John Hastings Sidney GO

Frederick Paul Hastings Sidney GO

Free A. Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Freeman James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Freeman John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

French I. Hastings Thurlow GO

French T. Hastings Hungerford GO

French Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

French William Hastings Sidney GO

Fretz Hastings Madoc GO

Fretz Hastings Madoc GO

Fretz Byard Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Fretz D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Fretz Jacob Hastings Sidney GO

Fretz John Hastings Sidney GO

Frinen William Hastings Rawdon GO

Frizzell W. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Frost Hastings Thurlow GO

Frost George Hastings Rawdon GO

Frost John Hastings Rawdon GO

Frost S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Frost William Hastings Rawdon GO

Fuller J.D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Fuller John S. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Post Master United States GO

Fuller William D. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Grain Merchant Washington, United States GO

Fuller P.O. Village Hastings Huntingdon GO

Gabourie J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Gabourie Joseph Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Gabourie Richard Hastings Hungerford GO

Gabourie & Maraund Hastings Hungerford GO

Gaffney D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Galagher James Hastings Rawdon GO

Gallivan J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Galner William Hastings Sidney GO

Galway A. Hastings Madoc GO

Galway Hugh Hastings Madoc GO

Galway William Hastings Madoc GO

Gannon R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Gardner George Hastings Rawdon GO

Garey John Hastings Madoc Madoc Sash and Door Factory United States GO

Gargan James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Garland James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Garner J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Garner L. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer United States GO

Garnsey E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Garratt William H. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Merchant, Front St. Canada GO

Garrett J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Garrett R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Garrison B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Garrison C. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Garrison Charles Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Garrison E. Hastings Thurlow GO

Garrison George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Garrison George Hastings Thurlow Blessington Farmer Canada GO

Garrison H.W. Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Justice of the Peace Canada GO

Garrison J.G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Garrison Joseph Hastings Rawdon Farmer -- Cheese Factory Canada GO

Garrison W. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Garrison William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Gartland Joseph Hastings Hungerford Farmer Ireland GO

Garvey Daniel Hastings Sidney GO

Gaulet William Hastings Sidney GO

Gault & McCaw Hastings Sidney GO

Gawen Henry Hastings Huntingdon Farmer England GO

Gawley Henry Hastings Madoc Farmer Canada GO

Gawley John Hastings Madoc GO

Gay C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Gay J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Gay James Hastings Huntingdon General Merchant and Post Master Canada GO

Gay James Hastings Sidney GO

Gay John Hastings Rawdon GO

Gay William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Geddes J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Geen Charles S. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer England GO

Genore A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Genore F. Hastings Hungerford GO

George Hastings Huntingdon GO

Germain E. Hastings Hungerford GO

Germain Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

German A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

German James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

German John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

German John Hastings Sidney GO

German Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Gerow J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Gibbs E.R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Gibson George Hastings Hungerford GO

Gibson H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Gibson J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Gibson John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Gibson R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Gibson Robert Hastings Hungerford GO

Gibson Robert Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Ireland GO

Gibson W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Gifford C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Gilbert Hastings Sidney GO

Gilbert Hastings Sidney GO

Gilbert A.H. Hastings Hungerford Tweed School Teacher Canada GO

Gilbert Benjamin Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Gilbert James Hastings Sidney GO

Gilbert M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Gilbert N.B. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Gilbert S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Gilchrist Hastings Thurlow GO

Gilchrist C. Hastings Thurlow GO

Gilchrist J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Gilchrist William Hastings Thurlow GO

Gillan John Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Gillan Patrick Hastings Madoc GO

Gillen James Hastings Hungerford GO

Gillen & Keith Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Hardware, Front St. GO

Gillum P.W. Hastings Sidney Farmer England GO

Girdwood William Hastings Rawdon GO

Glass Andrew Hastings Rawdon Stirling Conveyancer Ireland GO

Glass James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Glass, Jas. & Co. Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Importers of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Front St. Canada GO

Glen Ross Villege Hastings Sidney GO

Glover Alexander Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Goggins R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Golan Daniel Hastings Hungerford GO

Golan Mark Hastings Hungerford GO

Gold, B. Mining Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Golden A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Golden C.P.O. Hastings Madoc GO

Goldsmith Hastings Sidney Canada GO

Goldsmith Joseph Hastings Sidney GO

Goldsmith Perry Hastings Sidney GO

Goldsmith Peter L. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Goldsmith S.H. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Good Robert Hastings Rawdon Farmer -- Contractor for Stonelifting GO

Good Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Goodenough Hastings Sidney GO

Goodfellow Joseph Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Goodfellow Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Goodfellow Robert Jr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Goodfellow Robert Sr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Gordanier W.H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Gorden J.G. Hastings Rawdon GO

Gordon Alexander Hastings Madoc GO

Gordon G. Hastings Madoc GO

Gordon John Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Gordon R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Gordon Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Gordon Robert Hastings Huntingdon GO

Gordon Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Gordon Robert Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Gordon Robert Hastings Hungerford Farmer; Reeve of Hungerford Tp Fermanagh Co., Ireland GO

Gordon William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Gordon Mills P.O. Company Hastings Sidney GO

Goudge Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Goudy J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Gould E.N. Hastings Thurlow Plainfield Postmaster; Shoemaker Canada GO

Gould James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Gould Levi Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Gould P. Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer; Agent for Noxon & Bros., Agricultural Implements Canada GO

Gould William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Gould William Hastings Rawdon GO

Gousel Hastings Thurlow GO

Graham F. Hastings Thurlow GO

Graham Felix Hastings Thurlow Belleville Livery Business Canada GO

Graham George Hastings Sidney GO

Graham George Hastings Madoc GO

Graham J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Graham John Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Graham John Hastings Sidney Farmer Scotland GO

Graham John Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Graham Ketchan Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Graham M.E. Hastings Hungerford GO

Graham S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Graham S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Graham Samuel Hastings Hungerford GO

Graham T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Graham Thomas Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Tax Collector Canada GO

Graham Thomas Hastings Hungerford Thomasburg Wagon and Carriage Maker Ireland GO

Graham W. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Graham W.F. Hastings Thurlow GO

Graham William Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Graham William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Granger J.H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Grant John Hastings Thurlow Belleville Boot and Shoe Store, Front St. Canada GO

Grass C. Hastings Thurlow GO

Grass Daniel Hastings Sidney GO

Grass Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Grass Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Grass John Hastings Sidney GO

Grass Peter Hastings Sidney GO

Grass Robert E. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Gray George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Gray J.M. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Presbyterian Clergyman Canada GO

Gray R.T. Hastings Madoc Madoc General Merchant Canada GO

Gray Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Gray William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Gream Charles Hastings Madoc Madoc Solicitor England GO

Greatrix T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Greaves R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Green Alexander Hastings Rawdon GO

Green Charles E. Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser England GO

Green Darius Hastings Sidney GO

Green F. Hastings Rawdon GO

Green J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Green J. Hastings Sidney GO

Green J.B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Green James Hastings Sidney GO

Green John Hastings Rawdon Farmer Ireland GO

Green John A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Green Joshua Hastings Rawdon GO

Green Lewis Hastings Sidney GO

Green Lewis Hastings Rawdon GO

Green O. Hastings Rawdon GO

Green Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Green Silas Hastings Sidney GO

Green Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Green Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Green V. Hastings Rawdon GO

Greensheilds Hastings Rawdon GO

Gregg William Hastings Rawdon GO

Grier A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Grier James Hastings Rawdon GO

Griffin H.J. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Toronto House Ireland GO

Griffin T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Grills J.M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Grills Samuel Hastings Hungerford GO

Grills T. Hastings Hungerford GO

Grills Thomas Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Breeder of Fine Horses England GO

Guffin David Hastings Sidney GO

Gunn William Hastings Madoc GO

Gunning James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Gunsolus Peter Hastings Madoc GO

Guyette Joseph Hastings Hungerford GO

H.B. Rathburn & Son Company Hastings Hungerford GO

Hagerman A.W. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Hagerman Benjamin Hastings Rawdon GO

Hagerman D.M. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hagerman G.B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hagerman H.C. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Hagerman Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Hagerman J.S. Hastings Rawdon Farmer and J.P. Canada GO

Hagerman James Hastings Rawdon GO

Hagerman John Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Hagerman John Hastings Rawdon GO

Hagerman R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hagerman T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hagerman W.W. Hastings Sidney GO

Hagerty James Hastings Rawdon GO

Hagerty William Jr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hagerty William Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Haggerman J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Haggerman M. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Haggerty George Hastings Madoc GO

Haggerty J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Haggerty J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Haggerty James Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Reeve Canada GO

Haggerty M. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Haight C. Hastings Thurlow GO

Haight D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Haight J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Haight J.R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Haight John Hastings Madoc GO

Haight M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Haight P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Haight R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hailey L. Hastings Hungerford GO

Haines F.S. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Fancy Sporting Goods, Tobaccos Canada GO

Haines & Lockett Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks GO

Haley William Hastings Hungerford GO

Hall Adam Hastings Thurlow Farmer Scotland GO

Hall Andrew Hastings Thurlow GO

Hall B.A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hall G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hall G. Sr. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Hall George Hastings Sidney GO

Hall George Hastings Sidney GO

Hall J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hall James Hastings Thurlow GO

Hall James Hastings Thurlow Dominion Hotel Canada GO

Hall S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hallelt William Hastings Hungerford GO

Hallett S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hallett Samuel Hastings Hungerford GO

Halloran M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Halloway P.O. Village Hastings Thurlow GO

Halstead Asa Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Halsted D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Halton, G.C. & Co. Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville GO

Haly John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ham D. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Hambly Philip Hastings Thurlow GO

Hambly Philip H. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Baker and Confectioner, Caterer England GO

Hamilton A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hamilton Andrew Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Hamilton George Hastings Sidney GO

Hamilton J.S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hamilton John Hastings Sidney GO

Hamilton John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hamilton R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hamilton Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Hamilton W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hamilton William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Hanley D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hanley J.C. Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer; Store Keeper Ireland GO

Hanley John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hanley William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hanna John Hastings Sidney GO

Hanna William Hastings Sidney GO

Hannafin J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hannafin T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hannah Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Hannible A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Hannovan T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Harder John Hastings Sidney GO

Harder Peter W. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Harkins Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Harlow Hastings Rawdon GO

Harold P.O. Village Hastings Rawdon GO

Harper J. Hastings Madoc Madoc Baker and Grocer Ireland GO

Harrigan John Hastings Sidney GO

Harrington William Hastings Rawdon GO

Harrington William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Harris Hastings Sidney GO

Harris C. Hastings Madoc GO

Harris F. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Harris George Hastings Sidney GO

Harris Norman Hastings Huntingdon GO

Harris William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Harrison G.H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Harrison J.L. Hastings Hungerford GO

Harrison John Hastings Hungerford Retired Farmer Ireland GO

Harrison T. Hastings Hungerford GO

Harrison W. Hastings Hungerford GO

Harry John Hastings Sidney Farmer England GO

Harry William Hastings Sidney Farmer England GO

Hart Anthony Hastings Sidney GO

Hart John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hart Martin Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hart Michael Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hart O. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hart Thomas Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser England GO

Harty Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Harvey A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Harvey Archibald Hastings Madoc GO

Harvey J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Harvey R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Haslett John Hastings Rawdon GO

Haslett John J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Haslett William Hastings Rawdon GO

Haslip John Hastings Rawdon GO

Haslitt Joseph Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Hatfield Benjamin Hastings Sidney GO

Hatfield George Hastings Sidney GO

Haughton R. Hastings Rawdon GO

Haughton Robert Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Hawkins H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hawkins J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hawkins John Hastings Hungerford GO

Hawkins John Jr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Hawkins William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hawley H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hawley John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hawley N. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hawley Nancy Hastings Sidney Trenton Canada GO

Hawley Sheldon Hastings Sidney Trenton Ernesttown Tp., Addington Co., Canada GO

Hawley William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hayes D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hayes Joseph Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hayes M.P. Hastings Madoc GO

Hayes Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Hayes W. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hayse C. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hayton J. Hastings Madoc GO

Hayton Joseph Hastings Madoc GO

Hayworth J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hazard Louis Hastings Hungerford GO

Hazel Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hazeltine N. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hazzard John Hastings Madoc GO

Hazzard Joseph Hastings Madoc GO

Heagle Hastings Sidney GO

Heagle John Hastings Sidney GO

Heagle John H. Hastings Sidney GO

Heagle William Hastings Rawdon GO

Healey William Hastings Hungerford GO

Healy Dennis Hastings Hungerford GO

Healy William Hastings Hungerford GO

Hearns David Hastings Sidney GO

Heath D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Heath J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Heath William Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Hefferan T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Heffernan P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Helmer Charles W. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Photographer Canada GO

Helmer Rodney Hastings Rawdon Farmer and Brick Manufacturer United States GO

Helmer S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Henderson A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Henderson G.E. Hastings Madoc GO

Henderson George Hastings Hungerford GO

Henderson James Hastings Hungerford GO

Henderson John Hastings Thurlow Belleville Proprietor, Dafoe House Scotland GO

Henderson John Hastings Hungerford GO

Henderson L.H. Hastings Thurlow Attorney; Solicitor Canada GO

Henderson William Hastings Hungerford GO

Henderson & Henderson Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Barrister Canada GO

Henry Benjamin Hastings Hungerford GO

Henry Benjamin Hastings Hungerford Thomasburg GO

Henry David Hastings Hungerford GO

Henry T. Hastings Hungerford GO

Henry William Hastings Hungerford GO

Herald D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Herald H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Herd Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Herity A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Herity L. Hastings Huntingdon Moira Cheese Manufacturer Canada GO

Herity S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hess James Hastings Sidney GO

Hewitt David Hastings Hungerford GO

Hewitt J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hewitt John Hastings Hungerford GO

Hewitt John Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Hickerson William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hickerson William A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hicks H. Hastings Thurlow Farmer England GO

Hicks J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hicks Jacob W. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Hicks John Hastings Thurlow GO

Hicks Joshua Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Breeder of Thoroughbred Stock Canada GO

Hicks P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hicks R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Hicks Richard Hastings Hungerford GO

Hicks Samuel Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hicks William Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Highland D. Hastings Sidney GO

Highland J. Hastings Sidney GO

Hill Matthew Hastings Tyendinaga Shannonville Indian Agent Canada GO

Hinch John Hastings Hungerford GO

Hinch Patrick Hastings Hungerford GO

Hinch T. Hastings Hungerford GO

Hoard A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hoard N. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hoard R. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hobkins B. Hastings Hungerford GO

Hobson Benjamin Hastings Madoc GO

Hobson Charles Hastings Madoc GO

Hobson Christian Hastings Madoc GO

Hobson Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Hockey James Hastings Huntingdon Farmer England GO

Hodgens James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hodgin J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hodgin James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hodgin T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hodgins N. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hodgins Oren Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hoggard George Hastings Thurlow Belleville Proprietor, Anglo-American House England GO

Hogle Abner Hastings Rawdon GO

Hogle Alexander Hastings Rawdon GO

Hogle Austin Hastings Sidney GO

Hogle Francis Hastings Rawdon GO

Hogle Jacob Hastings Sidney GO

Hogle James Hastings Sidney GO

Hogle Joseph Hastings Rawdon Farmer and Township Clerk Canada GO

Hogle Lemuel P. Hastings Sidney GO

Hogle Sampson Hastings Sidney GO

Hogle William Hastings Rawdon Farmer and Mechanic Canada GO

Holbrook T.A. Hastings Sidney Trenton Proprietor, Queen's Hotel United States GO

Holcomb D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Holden H. Hastings Tyendinaga Shannonville Merchant; Post Master; Clerk of Division Court Canada GO

Holden John Hastings Sidney GO

Holden John H. Hastings Sidney GO

Holden S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Holden Sylvester Jr. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Holden Sylvester Sr. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Hop Grower Canada GO

Holgate Charles A. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer United States GO

Holgate John Hastings Sidney GO

Holgate Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Holland B. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Holland William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hollinger James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hollinger T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hollinger W. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hollingsworth E. Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer; Township Clerk Ireland GO

Holmes Hastings Thurlow Plainfield GO

Holmes E. Hastings Madoc GO

Holmes Elias Hastings Madoc GO

Holmes John Hastings Madoc GO

Holton Hastings Sidney GO

Homan J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Homans J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Homes J. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Detective Canada GO

Hoover H.A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hoover S.C. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hopkins C. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hopkins James Hastings Rawdon GO

Horigan J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Horigan M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Horigan T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Horton Albert Hastings Rawdon GO

Horton Edgar Hastings Rawdon GO

Horton Elijah Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Horton H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Horton J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hoskins I. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hoskins Ira Hastings Huntingdon Moira Farmer; Drover Canada GO

Hoskins J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hoskins James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Hotte D. Hastings Hungerford GO

Hotte Dennis Hastings Hungerford GO

Hotte John Hastings Hungerford GO

Hough A.E. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hough Isaac B. Hastings Sidney GO

Hough J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Houlett Andrew Hastings Madoc GO

Houston D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Houston J.G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Houston James Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Houston James Hastings Thurlow Roslin Farmer Canada GO

Howard David Hastings Thurlow Pump Manufacturer United States GO

Howard J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Howard M. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Howe D. Hastings Hungerford GO

Howe S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Howe William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Howell Richard Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hubble Charles Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hubble E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hubble H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hubble Ira Hastings Rawdon GO

Hubble N. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hubble Olonzo Hastings Rawdon GO

Hubble Peter Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Hubble Reuben Hastings Rawdon GO

Hubble Sylvenus Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Hubble William Hastings Rawdon GO

Hubel Charles Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Hubertus H.J. Hastings Madoc GO

Hubertus H.T. Hastings Madoc GO

Hudson Charles Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer England GO

Hudson Charles Hastings Thurlow England GO

Hudson Charles Jr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Hudson Charles Sr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Hudson Samuel Hastings Tyendinaga Shannonville Physician Canada GO

Hudson William Hastings Hungerford GO

Hudson William Hastings Thurlow Roslin Carriage Maker Thurlow Tp., Canada GO

Huff A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Huff Jacob Hastings Sidney GO

Huff Jacob Hastings Rawdon Stirling Farmer Canada GO

Huff William E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Huffman Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Huffman D. Hastings Sidney GO

Huffman David Hastings Sidney GO

Huffman E. Hastings Hungerford GO

Huffman G. Hastings Sidney GO

Huffman J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Huffman J.O. Hastings Thurlow GO

Huffman J.S. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Huffman J.S. Hastings Sidney GO

Huffman J.W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Huffman J.W. Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Huffman James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Huffman John Hastings Sidney GO

Huffman John Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Huffman John Hastings Rawdon GO

Huffman John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Huffman Wesley Hastings Madoc GO

Huffman William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Huffman William A. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Hughs William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hulburt Robert Hastings Hungerford GO

Hulsey G. Hastings Sidney GO

Hume T. Hastings Rawdon GO

Hungerford Hastings Hungerford GO

Hunt Hastings Sidney GO

Hunt J.W. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Hunt John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hunt M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Hunt Timothy Hastings Hungerford GO

Hunter John Hastings Madoc GO

Hunter W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Prince Edward Hotel Canada GO

Hunter W.J. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Carriage Maker United States GO

Huntley G. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Huntly T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hurley D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Hurley J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Hurst James Hastings Rawdon Farmer Ireland GO

Hurst William Hastings Rawdon GO

Hutchison Allen Hastings Sidney Farmer Scotland GO

Huyck E.R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Huyck I.C. Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Hyman S.O. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Manufacturer and Importer of Hats, Caps, Furs, Robes Canada GO

Institute for Deaf & Dumb Company Hastings Sidney GO

Irish J.R. Hastings Sidney Trenton Surgical and Mechanical Dentist Canada GO

Irvin James Hastings Sidney GO

Irvine A.C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Irvine John Hastings Thurlow GO

Irvine W.H. Hastings Hungerford GO

Irvine William Hastings Thurlow GO

Irwin C. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Merchant United States GO

Irwin James Hastings Hungerford GO

Irwin James Hastings Madoc GO

Irwin William Hastings Madoc GO

Irwine Dennis Hastings Hungerford GO

Irwine John Hastings Hungerford GO

Irwine Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Ivanhoe P.O Company Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ivers J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ivers John Hastings Madoc GO

Jackman William Hastings Rawdon GO

Jackson E.J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jackson George Hastings Sidney Trenton Insurance and agricultural implement agent United States GO

Jackson T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jamieson J.C. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Accountant Canada GO

Jamieson J.C. Hastings Hungerford Tweed Lumber & flour mills GO

Jamieson James Hastings Hungerford Tweed Berwick-on-Tweed, Scotland GO

Jarvis James Hastings Madoc GO

Jarvis Jonah Hastings Madoc GO

Jeff William Hastings Sidney Trenton Grain dealer Canada GO

Jeffery C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Jeffery J. Jr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Jeffery J. Sr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Jeffery John Hastings Rawdon Stirling Farmer and Councilman Ireland GO

Jeffery John Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Jeffery William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Jeffs James Hastings Rawdon GO

Johnson Hastings Sidney GO

Johnson Hastings Hungerford GO

Johnson Hastings Huntingdon GO

Johnson Albert Hastings Sidney GO

Johnson C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Johnson J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Johnson J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Johnson James Hastings Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser England GO

Johnson John Hastings Hungerford GO

Johnson John Hastings Rawdon Farmer England GO

Johnson Lester Hastings Sidney GO

Johnson O.B. Hastings Madoc Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser, Plast'r & Mason England GO

Johnson Obediah Hastings Madoc GO

Johnson William Hastings Sidney GO

Johnson William Hastings Thurlow Belleville Sign of Moose Head: Hats, Caps, Furs and Gents Furnishings Ireland GO

Johnson William Hastings Madoc GO

Johnson William H. Hastings Madoc GO

Johnston Adam Hastings Rawdon GO

Johnston Alexander Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Johnston Alexander Hastings Rawdon GO

Johnston Charles Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower GO

Johnston E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Johnston G.W. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Johnston George Hastings Sidney GO

Johnston James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Johnston James Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Johnston John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Johnston John Hastings Sidney GO

Johnston John Hastings Thurlow Belleville Inspector of Schools Scotland GO

Johnston L. Hastings Rawdon GO

Johnston Peter Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Johnston R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Johnston Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Johnston S.C. Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Councilman Canada GO

Johnston William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Johnston William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Johnston William Hastings Sidney GO

Johnston William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Johnston William Hastings Sidney Foxboro Farmer Scotland GO

Johnstown Cheese Factory Company Hastings Sidney GO

Jones Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jones Hastings Sidney GO

Jones Hastings Thurlow GO

Jones Hastings Sidney GO

Jones A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Jones Abel Hastings Sidney GO

Jones Abel H. Hastings Sidney GO

Jones Anson H. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Jones Charles Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Jones David Hastings Sidney Retired Farmer Canada GO

Jones J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jones J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Jones Jacob Hastings Sidney GO

Jones L. Hastings Thurlow GO

Jones M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Jones R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Jones R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jones Samuel Hastings Hungerford GO

Jones Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Jones Thomas Hastings Huntingdon GO

Jones W. Hastings Madoc GO

Jones W.H. Hastings Madoc Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser United States GO

Jones Washington W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Dry Goods Merchant United States GO

Jones Wellington Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Jones William Hastings Madoc GO

Jones William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jones William Hastings Thurlow Belleville Lumber Merchant Canada GO

Jonin Joseph Hastings Madoc GO

Jordan E. Hastings Sidney Frankford General Merchant Canada GO

Jordan Edward Hastings Sidney Farmer Ireland GO

Jordan F. Hastings Sidney GO

Jordan James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jordan James Hastings Sidney GO

Jordan James Jr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jordan James Sr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jordan T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jordan William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jorden J.H. Hastings Hungerford Tweed Saw Mill and Planing Factory United States GO

Jordison C.A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Jose Edward Hastings Thurlow Breeder of Thoroughbred Stock England GO

Jose Henry P. Hastings Thurlow Breeder of Thoroughbred Stock England GO

Jose Stephen Hastings Thurlow Breeder of Thoroughbred Stock England GO

Joyce George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Joyce Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Joyce V.H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Jubey H.F. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Juby Francis Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Builder Canada GO

Juby Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Juby James Hastings Rawdon Farmer England GO

Juby John Hastings Sidney GO

Juby Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Justice J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Kaiting William Hastings Hungerford GO

Kane J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Kane Leonard Hastings Madoc GO

Keegan James Hastings Rawdon GO

Keegan William Hastings Rawdon GO

Keely J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Keenan M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Keenan T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Keenan T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Keene Hastings Madoc GO

Keene L. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Keene Richard Hastings Madoc GO

Keene T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Keene Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Keene Thomas Jr. Hastings Madoc GO

Keene Thomas Sr. Hastings Madoc GO

Keene William Hastings Madoc GO

Kehoe Martin Hastings Sidney GO

Kehoe Michael Hastings Hungerford GO

Keith James Hastings Sidney GO

Keller Lewis Hastings Madoc GO

Keller W.A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Kelley Webster Hastings Sidney GO

Kelley William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kelley William W. Hastings Sidney GO

Kelly J.W. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Kelly James Hastings Madoc GO

Kelly Thomas Hastings Thurlow GO

Kelly Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Kelly William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kemp John Hastings Rawdon GO

Kennedy A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Kennedy Alexander Hastings Rawdon GO

Kennedy James Hastings Madoc GO

Kennedy James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kennedy John Hastings Sidney GO

Kennedy M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kennedy M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kennedy William L. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kent A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Kerby M. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Kerr George Hastings Madoc Madoc Wagon Maker Canada GO

Kerr Henry Hastings Hungerford GO

Kerr J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Kerr John Hastings Hungerford GO

Kerr Robert Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Kerr T. Hastings Hungerford GO

Kerr Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Kervine P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Kervine Patrick Hastings Hungerford GO

Ketchepaw A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ketchepaw William Hastings Thurlow GO

Ketcheson A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Ketcheson A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ketcheson A.M. Hastings Madoc Madoc Farmer and Stock Raiser Canada GO

Ketcheson Allen T. Hastings Sidney Farmer and General Agent Canada GO

Ketcheson Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Ketcheson Daniel C. Hastings Madoc GO

Ketcheson David Hastings Sidney GO

Ketcheson E.J. Hastings Sidney Carpenter and Joiner and Builder Canada GO

Ketcheson Edward Hastings Sidney GO

Ketcheson Elijah Hastings Sidney GO

Ketcheson Elijah Hastings Sidney GO

Ketcheson Elijah Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Thresher Canada GO

Ketcheson Elijah Hastings Sidney GO

Ketcheson Elijah Jr. Hastings Sidney GO

Ketcheson Elijah Sr. Hastings Sidney Fredericksburg GO

Ketcheson George Hastings Sidney GO

Ketcheson George M. Hastings Sidney Canada GO

Ketcheson J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ketcheson James H. Hastings Sidney GO

Ketcheson John R. Hastings Madoc Farmer; Township Clerk Sidney Tp, Hastings Co., Canada GO

Ketcheson John V. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Ketcheson Owen R. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Road Surveyor Canada GO

Ketcheson Peter C. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Ketcheson Philip Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Ketcheson Samuel Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Ketcheson T.H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ketcheson W. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ketcheson W.H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ketcheson W.H. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Ketcheson William Hastings Thurlow GO

Ketcheson William A. Hastings Sidney GO

Ketcheson William D. Hastings Sidney GO

Ketting E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Ketting J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Keys George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kielty A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Killnurry James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kilmurney P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kilpatrick R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Kilpatrick Samuel Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Kilpatrick William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Kilty D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kimmerley Andrew Hastings Sidney GO

Kimmerley Chester Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kimmerly Charles Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kincade John Hastings Hungerford GO

Kincaid Alexander Hastings Madoc GO

Kincaid James Hastings Madoc GO

Kincaid William Hastings Madoc GO

Kinchelea Charles Hastings Hungerford GO

Kindle James Hastings Rawdon GO

King Edward Hastings Hungerford GO

King James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kingston Charles Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Kingston John Hastings Rawdon GO

Kingston Paul Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Kingston Robert Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Kingston Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Kingston Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Kingston W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Kingston William Hastings Rawdon Farmer Ireland GO

Kingston William J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Kinlon John Hastings Hungerford GO

Kinlon Mary Hastings Hungerford GO

Kinlon S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Kinnear John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kinney M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kinney William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Kintons Samuel Hastings Madoc GO

Kirby M. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Kirk C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Kirk J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Kirk L. Hastings Madoc GO

Kirk M. Hastings Madoc GO

Kneenan T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Knight S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Knight Samuel P. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Knowles William Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower Canada GO

Knox David H. Hastings Sidney GO

Knox J.S. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Knox James Hastings Sidney GO

Knox James Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Knox Jeremiah Sr. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Knox William H. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Kuneyham Hastings Madoc GO

Kyle James Hastings Rawdon GO

Kyle P. Hastings Rawdon GO

Kyle Samuel Hastings Sidney GO

Kyle Samuel Hastings Madoc GO

Kyle W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Kyle William Hastings Rawdon Farmer Ireland GO

Kylie Patrick Hastings Hungerford GO

Labarge Charles Hastings Hungerford GO

Labarge F.X. Hastings Hungerford GO

Labarge J.B. Hastings Hungerford GO

Labarge P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Labarge Peter Hastings Hungerford GO

Labey George H. Hastings Sidney Farmer England GO

Lachapell L. Hastings Hungerford GO

Lafferty James Hastings Rawdon GO

Lafferty John Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Boot and Shoe Maker Ireland GO

Lafflin James Hastings Madoc GO

Lahey James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Lake Charles W. Hastings Sidney GO

Lally James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lally Joseph Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Lally Michael Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Lally P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lanagan Hastings Sidney GO

Lanahan James Hastings Rawdon GO

Lanahan James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lanahan John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lancaster J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Lancaster Mark Hastings Huntingdon Farmer England GO

Lancaster Robert Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Landon James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Landy J.J. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Bookbinder Ireland GO

Lane Barnabas W. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Lansing P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lansing Richard Hastings Hungerford GO

Lapred Eli Hastings Hungerford GO

Larabee Henry Hastings Hungerford GO

Larkin Daniel Hastings Hungerford GO

Larkin David Hastings Hungerford GO

Larkin Francis Hastings Hungerford GO

Larkin H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lasage M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Lashwa Henry Hastings Hungerford GO

Lashwa L. Hastings Hungerford GO

Lashwa N. Hastings Hungerford GO

Latandor Levia Hastings Hungerford GO

Latchford John Jr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Latchford John Sr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Latchford Joseph Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Latimer R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Latimer William Hastings Hungerford GO

Latimer William Hastings Hungerford GO

Latta A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Latta Albert Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Miller Canada GO

Latta Anson Hastings Thurlow Plainfield Cheese Factory Canada GO

Latta G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Latta J.D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Latta J.G. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Latta's Mills Village Hastings Thurlow GO

Laughery William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Laundry Edward Hastings Hungerford GO

Laundry H. Hastings Hungerford GO

Lavally Moses Hastings Hungerford GO

Laveck A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Laveck L. Hastings Hungerford GO

Laveck Patrick Hastings Hungerford GO

Lavis Ralph Hastings Rawdon GO

Lawrence Cornelius Hastings Sidney GO

Lawrence Gilbert Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Lawrence H. Hastings Sidney GO

Lawrence Oliver Hastings Sidney GO

Lawrence S. Hastings Sidney GO

Lawrence Sidney Hastings Sidney GO

Lawrence William H. Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower Canada GO

Lawrenson S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lazier J.M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lazier James A. Hastings Tyendinaga Lonsdale Proprietor, Woollen & Grist Mill Canada GO

Lazier Richard Hastings Sidney GO

Lazier Richard L. Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Shannonville, Tyendinaga Tp., Canada GO

Lazier S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lazier S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lazier S.A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lazier S.A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lazier Stephen Hastings Sidney GO

Lazier Thomas Appleby Hastings Thurlow Belleville Judge GO

Lazier W. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lazier William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Le Boutellier G. Hastings Sidney GO

Le Boutellier J. Hastings Sidney GO

Leavens D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Leavens J.B. Hastings Hungerford GO

Lee T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lehan M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lemon Angus Hastings Madoc GO

Lemon John Hastings Madoc GO

Lenox H.J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lenox Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Leonard M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lerance Hastings Hungerford GO

Lerance J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Leslie Hastings Thurlow GO

Leslie A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Leslie D. Hastings Hungerford GO

Leslie E. Hastings Hungerford GO

Leslie E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Leslie J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Leslie S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Leslie Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Leslie W.E. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Leverton John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Leverton William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lewis Charles Hastings Madoc GO

Lewis John Hastings Hungerford GO

Lewry George Hastings Rawdon GO

Liberty Joseph Hastings Rawdon GO

Liddell J.A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lidster G.C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Lidster G.C. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer England GO

Lidster J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Lime Lake P.O. Village Hastings Hungerford GO

Lingham J. Hastings Madoc GO

Lingham N. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lingham W.H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lingham's Brickyard Company Hastings Thurlow GO

Linn D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Linn H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Linn James Hastings Rawdon GO

Linn W.J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Linn William Hastings Rawdon GO

Liscott N.J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Little D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Little Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Livingston D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Livingston Hugh Hastings Rawdon GO

Livingston Hugh Jr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Livingston Hugh Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Lloyd Hastings Madoc GO

Lloyd A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Lloyd A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lloyd Henry Hastings Madoc GO

Lloyd Henry C. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Managing Director, B. & N.H. Railway England GO

Lloyd J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lloyd J. Hastings Madoc GO

Lloyd J.L. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lloyd J.M. Hastings Rawdon GO

Lloyd J.S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Lloyd John J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Lloyd L. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lloyd Moses Hastings Madoc GO

Lloyd R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lloyd Thomas Hastings Thurlow Plainfield Farmer Canada GO

Loan & Trust Co. Company Hastings Hungerford GO

Lockwood David Hastings Sidney GO

Lockwood David Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Lockwood I.J. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Coal Merchant Canada GO

Lombard Hastings Madoc GO

Long Archibald Hastings Madoc GO

Long Charles Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer England GO

Long John Hastings Madoc GO

Long Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Long Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Long William Hastings Madoc GO

Longwell Andrew Hastings Sidney GO

Longwell J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Longwill B. Hastings Sidney GO

Longwill George Hastings Sidney GO

Lott Andrew Hastings Sidney GO

Lott Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Lott Henry Jonas Hastings Sidney GO

Lott Hiram Hastings Sidney GO

Lott Ira Hastings Sidney GO

Lott Orison Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Lott W.H. Hastings Sidney Carpenter and Builder Canada GO

Loucks A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Loucks Charles Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Loucks S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lough William Hastings Madoc GO

Love Hastings Madoc GO

Love Alexander Hastings Hungerford GO

Love Irwin Hastings Madoc GO

Love John Hastings Madoc GO

Loveless C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Lovell James Hastings Rawdon GO

Lowery F. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lowery Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Lowery James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Lowery James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Lowery Robert Hastings Hungerford GO

Lowery Robert Hastings Hungerford GO

Lowry J.J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Lucas Amos Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lucas B.A. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Lucas George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Lucus A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lucus J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Luffman James Hastings Hungerford GO

Lusk Peter Hastings Hungerford GO

Lyle Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Lynch M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Lyons Hugh Hastings Sidney GO

Lyons William Hastings Sidney GO

Lytton George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mabey William K. Hastings Sidney Farmer and President of Cheese Factory Canada GO

Mack D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Mack D.B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Mack David Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Mack H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Mack James Hastings Rawdon GO

Mack L. Hastings Rawdon GO

Mack S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Mack S. Hastings Sidney GO

Mackey R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mackie James Hastings Sidney Belleville Proprietor, Dominion Hotel Canada GO

Mackintosh William Hastings Madoc Madoc Public School Ins. For N. Hastings Canada GO

Macoun John Hastings Thurlow Belleville Professor Ireland GO

Magrath J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Magrath John Hastings Hungerford GO

Magrath Nicholas Hastings Hungerford GO

Maguire C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Mahany B. Hastings Madoc GO

Mahon James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mahon John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mains Edward Hastings Hungerford GO

Mains F.W. Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower Canada GO

Mains Henry Hastings Hungerford GO

Mains James Hastings Hungerford GO

Mains William Hastings Hungerford GO

Maitland J. Hastings Madoc GO

Maitland James Hastings Madoc Bannockburn Proprietor of Maitland House Scotland GO

Malburn Hastings Thurlow Plainfield GO

Mallory A.B. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Mallory Bradley Hastings Sidney GO

Mallory Burnham Hastings Sidney GO

Malone L. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Malone M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Maloney Hastings Rawdon GO

Manahan F. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Manahan F. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Manion M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Maraund Francis Hastings Hungerford GO

Maraund T. Hastings Hungerford GO

Marlin Richard Hastings Hungerford GO

Marlin William Hastings Hungerford GO

Maroney Rachel Hastings Hungerford GO

Marrin James Hastings Madoc GO

Marrin Patrick Hastings Madoc GO

Marrin Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Marsh George Hastings Hungerford GO

Marsh Joseph Hastings Hungerford GO

Marsh L. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Marshall Hastings Sidney GO

Marshall George Hastings Sidney GO

Marshall Richard Hastings Hungerford GO

Marshall Samuel Hastings Madoc GO

Martin Charles Hastings Rawdon GO

Martin Francis Hastings Madoc GO

Martin George Hastings Hungerford GO

Martin J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Martin J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Martin James Hastings Hungerford GO

Martin John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Martin R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Martin T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Martin W.A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Martin W.S. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes Canada GO

Martin William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Martyn Charles Hastings Huntingdon Farmer England GO

Mason L. Hastings Rawdon GO

Mason M. Hastings Rawdon GO

Massey Levi Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Massey W.J. Hastings Sidney Belleville Farmer and Dairyman Canada GO

Masson Alexander Hastings Huntingdon Farmer, Stone Cutter and Builder Scotland GO

Masterson S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Mastin H.A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mastin I. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mather A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mather A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Mather James Hastings Thurlow GO

Mather John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mather John Hastings Thurlow GO

Mathews H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Mathews Isabelle Hastings Hungerford Tweed GO

Mathews Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Maxwell John Hastings Hungerford GO

Maxwell Robert Hastings Hungerford GO

May H. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Dentist France GO

Maybee A.H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Maybee Daniel Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Maybee E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Maybee E. Jr. Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Maybee E.W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Maybee James Hastings Rawdon GO

Maybee John Hastings Rawdon GO

Maybee Joseph T. Hastings Sidney GO

Maybee Marshall Hastings Madoc Madoc Cabinetmaker and Undertaker Canada GO

Maybee Robert Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Maybee William K. Hastings Sidney GO

Maybee William O. Hastings Sidney GO

Mayne F. Hastings Thurlow GO

Maynes E. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Maynes E. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Maynes J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Maynes Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Maynes S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Maynes S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Maynes William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Maynes William Hastings Madoc GO

McAnaney A.F. Hastings Rawdon GO

McAuley B. Hastings Sidney GO

McAuley B. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McAuley Charles Hastings Sidney GO

McAuley Daniel Hastings Thurlow Farmer Ireland GO

McAuley James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McAuley John Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Ireland GO

McAuley Mary Hastings Sidney GO

McAvoy Edward Hastings Hungerford GO

McAvoy Edward Hastings Huntingdon GO

McAvoy F. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McAvoy J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McAvoy J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McAvoy Owen Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McAvoy P. Hastings Rawdon GO

McAvoy P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McAvoy P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McBeath Hastings Madoc GO

McBeath Ann Hastings Madoc GO

McBeath William Hastings Madoc GO

McBowle Hastings Rawdon GO

McCabe Allen Hastings Rawdon GO

McCaffery John Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

McCale M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCallum William Hastings Madoc Bannockburn Miller and Accountant Canada GO

McCambridge Patrick Hastings Sidney GO

McCamon J.M. Hastings Hungerford Carpenter and Joiner Canada GO

McCamon N. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Commercial House GO

McCamon T. Hastings Hungerford GO

McCamon Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

McCamon William Hastings Hungerford GO

McCance James Hastings Tyendinaga Shannonville Trustee, S.S. No. 1 GO

McCance James Hastings Madoc GO

McCann E.M. Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

McCann Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

McCann William Hastings Sidney GO

McCarney G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McCarron John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCarthy Ina Hastings Madoc GO

McCarthy M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCaughan James Hastings Rawdon GO

McCauley Hastings Thurlow GO

McCaw D. Hastings Rawdon GO

McCaw J. Hastings Rawdon GO

McCaw James Hastings Madoc GO

McCaw John Jr. Hastings Rawdon GO

McCaw John Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

McClatchie Alfred Hastings Sidney Fruit Grower, etc. Canada GO

McClellan A. Hastings Thurlow GO

McCombe D. Hastings Rawdon GO

McCombe James Hastings Rawdon GO

McConaghey Alexander Hastings Sidney GO

McConnel Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McConnell E. Hastings Rawdon GO

McConnell Ira Hastings Rawdon GO

McConnell S. Hastings Rawdon GO

McConnell Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

McCormack Robert Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

McCormic J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCormic John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCormick William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

McCornock G.L. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Musical Instruments; Sewing Machines Canada GO

McCowliff James Hastings Hungerford GO

McCoy Gilbert Hastings Madoc GO

McCoy John Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Ireland GO

McCoy John Jr. Hastings Madoc GO

McCoy M. Hastings Madoc GO

McCoy William Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

McCrady William Hastings Hungerford GO

McCrae Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

McCreadie James Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Justice of the Peace Canada GO

McCready Thomas Jr. Hastings Thurlow GO

McCready Thomas Sr. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

McCready W.A. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

McCreary William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCristee E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCullough A. Hastings Hungerford GO

McCullough David Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCullough John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCullough M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCullough Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCullough William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCullough William Hastings Sidney GO

McCullough William F. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McCullough & Hynes Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Printers, Front Street Canada GO

McCumber J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McCumber P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McCurdy G. Hastings Rawdon GO

McCutcheon I. Hastings Sidney GO

McCutcheon J. Hastings Sidney GO

McDavitt William Hastings Thurlow GO

McDermott B. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McDermott M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McDermott M. Jr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McDermott M. Sr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McDonald Hastings Hungerford GO

McDonald A. Hastings Thurlow GO

McDonald Archibald Hastings Sidney GO

McDonald G. Hastings Thurlow GO

McDonald George Hastings Sidney GO

McDonald J. Hastings Thurlow GO

McDonald J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McDonald James Hastings Sidney GO

McDonald Noble Hastings Hungerford GO

McDonald R. Hastings Thurlow GO

McDonald Rancy Hastings Sidney GO

McDonald T. Hastings Thurlow GO

McDonald W.A. Hastings Sidney GO

McDonell C. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Tobaccos and Cigars Canada GO

McDonnell W.A. Hastings Sidney GO

McDougall J. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

McDougall P. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

McEwen John Hastings Sidney GO

McEwen Samuel Hastings Madoc Bannockburn Miller; Post Master Ireland GO

McFall P. Hastings Rawdon GO

McFarland James Hastings Hungerford GO

McFarlane Donald Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

McFarlane John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McFarlane William Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

McGee A. Hastings Rawdon GO

McGee Hamilton Hastings Madoc GO

McGee J. Hastings Rawdon GO

McGee S. Hastings Rawdon GO

McGilvery A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McGilvery C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McGinn John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGinnes Francis Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGinness P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McGinnis B. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGinnis H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGinnis J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGinnis James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGinnis P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGinnis William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGowan John Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

McGowan Robert Hastings Hungerford Tweed Meat Market Ireland GO

McGowen A. Hastings Hungerford Tweed Carriage Manufacturer Ireland GO

McGrath A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGreary William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGuiness William Hastings Madoc GO

McGuire Charles Hastings Huntingdon GO

McGuire James Hastings Thurlow Belleville Albion House Canada GO

McGuire James Hastings Thurlow Belleville Grocer Ireland GO

McGuire S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McGurn E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGurn Hugh Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGurn John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGurn Joseph Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

McGurn M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McGurn William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McHargh Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

McIlroy Patrick Hastings Madoc GO

McIninch C. Hastings Rawdon GO

McIninch P. Hastings Rawdon GO

McInroy Hastings Huntingdon GO

McInroy A. Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Scotland GO

McInroy Daniel Hastings Rawdon Farmer Scotland GO

McIntosh Malcolm Hastings Madoc GO

McIntosh William Hastings Sidney GO

McIntyre J. Hastings Hungerford GO

McKay Hastings Madoc GO

McKay A. Hastings Hungerford Tweed GO

McKay George Hastings Hungerford GO

McKee Charles Hastings Rawdon Farmer United States GO

McKee David Hastings Rawdon Stirling General Merchant Canada GO

McKee H.A. Hastings Rawdon GO

McKee J. Jr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McKee James Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

McKenney E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McKenney J.G. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McKenney James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McKenney P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McKenney T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McKenzie Donald Hastings Madoc GO

McKenzie Hugh Hastings Madoc GO

McKenzie J.F. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

McKenzie Roderick Hastings Madoc GO

McKeown Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

McKeown William Hastings Rawdon GO

McKewen James Hastings Hungerford GO

McKillop Daniel Hastings Sidney GO

McKim Charles Hastings Huntingdon GO

McKim D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McKim Edward Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

McKim Elias Hastings Rawdon GO

McKim I. Hastings Thurlow GO

McKinnon Alexander Hastings Madoc GO

McKinnon Donald Hastings Madoc GO

McKinnon Frederick Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Scotland GO

McKinnon John Hastings Madoc GO

McKinnon L. Hastings Madoc GO

McKinzie Hastings Rawdon GO

McKnight James Hastings Madoc GO

McKnight Robert Hastings Madoc GO

McKnight William Hastings Madoc GO

McLaren Alex Jr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McLaren Alex Sr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McLaren Charles Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McLaren Donald Hastings Sidney Farmer Scotland GO

McLaren F. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McLaren J.M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McLaren James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McLaren John Hastings Hungerford GO

McLaren William Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Scotland GO

McLaughlin William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McLean Charles Hastings Hungerford GO

McLennan Donald Hastings Tyendinaga Shannonville Merchant Scotland GO

McLeod Hugh J. Hastings Madoc Bannockburn General Blacksmith Scotland GO

McLure Alexander Hastings Madoc GO

McLure James Hastings Madoc GO

McLure John Hastings Madoc GO

McLure Margaret Hastings Madoc GO

McLure Neil Hastings Madoc GO

McMahan Hastings Madoc GO

McMahon E. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Barrister Canada GO

McMahon Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

McMann Michael Hastings Sidney GO

McMann Patrick Hastings Sidney GO

McMaster D. Hastings Rawdon GO

McMaster David Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

McMaster William Hastings Rawdon GO

McMechan Samuel Hastings Madoc GO

McMichael R. Hastings Thurlow GO

McMichael Robert Hastings Thurlow Phillipston Builder, Carpenter, Joiner Ireland GO

McMillan R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McMillan W.T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

McMullan Hastings Sidney GO

McMullan Alexander Hastings Rawdon GO

McMullan John Hastings Sidney GO

McMullan John F. Hastings Rawdon GO

McMullan John W. Hastings Sidney GO

McMullan R. Hastings Thurlow GO

McMullan Robert W. Hastings Sidney GO

McMullen A. Hastings Rawdon GO

McMullen H. Hastings Rawdon GO

McMullen Hugh Hastings Sidney GO

McMullen John Hastings Rawdon GO

McMullen John Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

McMullen L. Hastings Rawdon GO

McMullen Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

McMullen William P. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

McMurchy John Hastings Sidney GO

McMurray Joseph Hastings Rawdon GO

McMurray William Hastings Rawdon GO

McMurrey M. Hastings Rawdon GO

McMurry John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McMurry William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McNally Hastings Hungerford GO

McNamara John Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Ireland GO

McNarry Hastings Sidney GO

McNeil D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McNeil Daniel Hastings Sidney GO

McNeil James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McNeil Joseph Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McNeil Patrick Hastings Sidney GO

McNider T. Hastings Thurlow GO

McQuigg David Hastings Rawdon GO

McQuigg Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

McQuillan Patrick Hastings Madoc GO

McRae D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McRae Thomas Hastings Thurlow Belleville Planing Mill Scotland GO

McRae William Hastings Madoc GO

McSherry P. Hastings Hungerford GO

McTaggart G. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McTaggart George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McTaggart P. Hastings Sidney GO

McTaggart R. Hastings Huntingdon Moira Manufacturer of the Celebrated Ockerman Fanning Mill Canada GO

McTaggart S. Hastings Thurlow GO

McVicker D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

McWilliams A. Hastings Rawdon P. M. and Hotel Proprietor Canada GO

McWilliams J. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

McWilliams Jacob Hastings Rawdon GO

Meagher J.C. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Meagher J.S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Meagher James Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Ireland GO

Meagher John Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Ireland GO

Meagher M. Hastings Rawdon GO

Meagher P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Meagher T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Megisson William Hastings Sidney GO

Meikeljohn A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Meikeljohn John Hastings Rawdon Farmer Scotland GO

Meikeljohn John Hastings Rawdon GO

Meikeljohn John Jr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Meikeljohn Peter Hastings Rawdon Farmer Scotland GO

Meikeljohn William Hastings Rawdon GO

Meikeljohn William J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Melburn W.H. Hastings Thurlow Plainfield General Blacksmith; Carriage Maker Canada GO

Meraund Francis Hastings Hungerford GO

Meraund Francis Jr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Merrell J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Merrick A.B. Hastings Madoc GO

Merrick O. Hastings Rawdon GO

Merritt Calvin Hastings Sidney GO

Merritt Richard Hastings Sidney Frankford GO

Meyers Adam Henry Hastings Sidney Trenton Murray Tp., Canada GO

Meyers Alvah Peter Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Meyers G.W. Hastings Sidney GO

Meyers George E. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Meyers George W. Hastings Sidney GO

Meyers Harmon Hastings Sidney GO

Meyers J.W. Hastings Sidney GO

Meyers Peter D. Hastings Sidney GO

Meyers Tobias Hastings Sidney GO

Migginson George Hastings Thurlow Halloway Farmer England GO

Miller Alexander Hastings Sidney GO

Miller G.R. Hastings Hungerford Proprietor, Saw Mill, Grist Mill and Carding Machine Canada GO

Miller George Hastings Madoc GO

Miller Stephen Hastings Sidney Blacksmith United States GO

Miller W. Jr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Miller W. Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Milligan A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Milligan John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Milligan P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mills J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Mills Jane Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Milne P. Hastings Thurlow GO

Mitts A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Mitts D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Mitts G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Mitts George M. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Mitts L. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Mitts Lewis Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Moffatt James Hastings Rawdon GO

Moneymore P.O. Village Hastings Hungerford GO

Monro George Hastings Tyendinaga Shannonville Farmer; Councillor Scotland GO

Montgomery A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Montgomery A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Montgomery James Hastings Rawdon Farmer Ireland GO

Montgomery Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Montgomery William Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Montney James Hastings Madoc GO

Montney Joseph Hastings Madoc GO

Moon William Hastings Sidney GO

Moore A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Moore Albert Hastings Madoc Madoc Proprietor of Hastings House Canada GO

Moore D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Moore George W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Groceries and Glassware Canada GO

Moore James Hastings Thurlow Farmer Ireland GO

Moore James Hastings Madoc GO

Moore John Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Moore John N. Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Moore Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Moore W. Hastings Madoc Madoc Shoemaker Ireland GO

Moorecraft John Hastings Madoc GO

Moorman James Hastings Thurlow Farmer England GO

Moorman James Hastings Thurlow Belleville Carriage Factory, Ashley & Moorman, Ross' Corners Canada GO

Moorman William Hastings Thurlow GO

Morden Henry B. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Morden I. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Morden J.C. Hastings Sidney GO

Morden R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Morden Richard Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Morgan Daniel Hastings Sidney GO

Morgan J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Morgan William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Morrice David Hastings Thurlow Belleville Photographer Scotland GO

Morrill Hastings Madoc GO

Morris J.M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Morris M. Hastings Sidney GO

Morris M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Morrison C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Morrison William Hastings Rawdon GO

Morrison William Hastings Madoc GO

Morrow Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Morrow J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Morrow John Hastings Rawdon GO

Morrow William Hastings Rawdon GO

Mortimer J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Morton Hastings Sidney GO

Morton A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Morton Alexander Hastings Rawdon GO

Morton Alexander Hastings Hungerford GO

Morton B. Hastings Hungerford GO

Morton G.S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Morton James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Morton John Hastings Rawdon GO

Morton M.L. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Morton Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Morton Robert Sr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Morton Samuel Hastings Rawdon GO

Morton T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Morton Thomas Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Morton Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Morton W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Morton W.H. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Morton William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Mosier G. Hastings Rawdon GO

Mosier G. Hastings Rawdon GO

Mosier W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Mott E. Hastings Thurlow GO

Mott J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mott J.R. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Mott O. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mott R.M. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Empire House Canada GO

Mouck Henry Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower England GO

Moult S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mountany A. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mountany N. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mowerson John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Moxley Joseph A. Hastings Madoc Farmer England GO

Muir & Lawrance Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville New York Store: Manufacturers & Dealers in Hats, Caps, Furs, Gloves, Fancy Robes, Robertson Block, Front Street GO

Mullany James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mullen James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mullen Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Mullett A.N. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Mullett E.B. Hastings Huntingdon Carriage Builder & General Blacksmith Canada GO

Mullett H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Mullett J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Mullett James C. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer England GO

Mullett Joseph C. Hastings Huntingdon Moira Contractor, Builder & Manufacturer Canada GO

Mullett R. Hastings Madoc GO

Mullett W.H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Mullett W.H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Mullett Walter Hastings Madoc Madoc General Blacksmith Canada GO

Mullett William Hastings Madoc Madoc Harness and Saddlemaker Canada GO

Mullroney S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Mulrony J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Mulrony S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Mulrony T.D. Hastings Hungerford GO

Mulrony T.W. Hastings Hungerford Stoco Wagon and Carriage Maker Canada GO

Mumbey George Hastings Rawdon GO

Mumbey James Hastings Rawdon GO

Mumbey Joseph Hastings Rawdon GO

Mumbey William Hastings Rawdon GO

Mumby Thomas Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Butcher England GO

Munn James Hastings Sidney GO

Munn John Hastings Sidney Farmer and Carpenter Canada GO

Munro G.A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Munro G.A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Munro G.E. Hastings Hungerford Tweed Proprietor, Munro House Canada GO

Munroe Allen Hastings Sidney GO

Munroe James Hastings Sidney GO

Munroe Sanger Hastings Sidney GO

Murdif Hastings Thurlow GO

Murdiff J.H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Murdoff Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Murney Edmund Hastings Thurlow Belleville GO

Murphy Anthony Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Murphy B.I. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Priest Canada GO

Murphy C. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murphy Charles Hastings Hungerford GO

Murphy F. Hastings Hungerford GO

Murphy Francis Hastings Hungerford Merchant, Dry goods, Groceries, etc., Councilman Ireland GO

Murphy Francis Hastings Hungerford Merchant, Dry Goods Ireland GO

Murphy J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Murphy J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murphy J.B. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Physician Canada GO

Murphy James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murphy James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murphy John Hastings Hungerford GO

Murphy L. Hastings Hungerford GO

Murphy P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Murphy P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murphy P. & P. Hastings Hungerford Stoco General Merchants, and Post Masters Ireland GO

Murphy P. Jr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Murphy P. Sr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Murphy Pat Hastings Hungerford GO

Murphy Peter Jr. Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Murphy S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murphy T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murphy T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murphy T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murphy Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Murphy Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Murphy William Hastings Thurlow GO

Murraund M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Murray J. Jr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Murray J. Sr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Murray James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murray John Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Scotland GO

Murray P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murray William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Murrey A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Murry James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Murry John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Musgrove J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Myers G.W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Myre Hall P.O. Village Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Nafin B. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Nafin D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Nafin Darby Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Naphin Domnic Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Naphin James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Naphin John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Naphin M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Naphin P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Nash P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Nash S.L. Hastings Hungerford Bridgewater Physician Canada GO

Neil Isaac Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Neil John Hastings Rawdon GO

Neil T. Hastings Rawdon GO

Nelson Samuel Hastings Madoc GO

Nerrie D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Nerrie R. Hastings Rawdon GO

Nevell T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Neven D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Neven M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Newbery Robert Hastings Thurlow Belleville Town Clerk England GO

Newton John Hastings Hungerford Farmer Ireland GO

Nichol James Hastings Madoc GO

Nichol John Hastings Madoc GO

Nichol William Hastings Madoc GO

Nicholson D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Nicholson Donald Hastings Madoc GO

Nicholson Elisha Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Nicholson George Hastings Madoc GO

Nicholson John Hastings Thurlow Belleville Livery Business Ireland GO

Nickle John Hastings Madoc Madoc Farmer; Proprietor Nickle SawMill Ireland GO

Nicol John Hastings Sidney Merchant Miller Scotland GO

Nix Charles Hastings Rawdon GO

Nixon John Hastings Madoc GO

Norman R. Hastings Madoc GO

Norrie Samuel Hastings Rawdon GO

Norris M. Hastings Sidney GO

Northcott & Alford Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Contractors GO

Northup A.G. Hastings Madoc GO

O'Brien Hastings Madoc GO

O'Brien Christopher Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

O'Brien John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

O'Brien Lawrence Hastings Thurlow Belleville Livery Proprietor at O'Brien's Hotel Canada GO

O'Brien Patrick Hastings Thurlow Belleville Proprietor, O'Brien's Hotel Canada GO

O'Brien W. Hastings Thurlow GO

O'Brien William Hastings Hungerford GO

O'Carrol M. Hastings Thurlow GO

O'Coin F. Hastings Hungerford GO

O'Coin X. Hastings Hungerford GO

O'Connell D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

O'Connell Ellen Hastings Huntingdon GO

O'Connell J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

O'Connell James Hastings Huntingdon GO

O'Connell M. Hastings Huntingdon GO

O'Conner Charles Hastings Rawdon GO

O'Conner Dominick Hastings Madoc GO

O'Conner John Hastings Rawdon GO

O'Connor P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

O'Donnell D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

O'Flynn E.D. Hastings Madoc Madoc Justice of the Peace Lennox Co., Ontario, Canada GO

O'Flynn, E.D. & Bro. Company Hastings Madoc Madoc Merchants Canada GO

O'Hara Charles Hastings Madoc GO

O'Hara Henry Hastings Madoc GO

O'Hara James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

O'Hara James Jr. Hastings Madoc Farmer; Proprietor Saw Mill Canada GO

O'Hara James Sr. Hastings Madoc GO

O'Hara R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

O'Keefe D. Hastings Thurlow GO

O'Leary J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

O'Leary P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

O'Leary T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

O'Neil Hastings Thurlow GO

O'Neil John Hastings Hungerford GO

O'Neil L. Hastings Thurlow GO

O'Neil Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

O'Ray James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

O'Reilly M. Hastings Hungerford GO

O'Reilly Timothy Hastings Hungerford GO

O'Reilly William Hastings Hungerford GO

O'Reily J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

O'Riordan Robert Hastings Madoc Madoc Labourer Canada GO

O'Rourke P.J. Hastings Sidney Trenton Law Student Canada GO

O'Sullivan James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Oakley Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Oakley W.H. Hastings Tyendinaga Shannonville Farmer; Agent for Johnson Harvester Canada GO

Ockerman D. Hastings Sidney GO

Oliver C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Oliver William Hastings Hungerford GO

Orr G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Orr J.W. Hastings Sidney GO

Orr James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Orr James Hastings Hungerford GO

Orr John W. Hastings Sidney GO

Orr Samuel Hastings Sidney GO

Orr William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Orr William Hastings Rawdon GO

Orr William Hastings Hungerford GO

Orr, J.A. & Bro. Company Hastings Madoc Madoc Publishers and Proprietors of N. Hastings Review Canada GO

Orsborn Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Orsborn Samuel Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Orser Enoch Hastings Rawdon GO

Orser Gilbert Hastings Rawdon GO

Orser H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Orser William Hastings Rawdon GO

Orson Enoch Hastings Rawdon GO

Osborn F. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Osborn R.C. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Osborne R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Osburn J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ostram G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ostrom C. Hastings Sidney GO

Ostrom C.R. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Ostrom G. Hastings Sidney GO

Ostrom G.W. Hastings Sidney Trenton Barrister Canada GO

Ostrom Henry Hastings Hungerford GO

Ostrom Henry Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Post Master Canada GO

Ostrom I.B. Hastings Sidney GO

Ostrom I.B. Hastings Sidney GO

Ostrom J. Hastings Sidney GO

Ostrom J.B. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Ostrom J.R. Hastings Hungerford GO

Ostrom Luke Jr. Hastings Sidney GO

Ostrom S. Hastings Sidney GO

Ostrom Sylvester Hastings Thurlow Belleville Woollen Factory Canada GO

Ostrum H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Otis W. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Outwater P. Hastings Rawdon GO

Outwaters D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Outwaters H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ovens Thomas Hastings Rawdon Farmer Ireland GO

Pagan R.F. Sr. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Palliser S.M. Hastings Thurlow Foxboro Hotel Keeper Canada GO

Pallister John P. Hastings Sidney GO

Palmer Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Palmer Hastings Thurlow GO

Palmer A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Palmer A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Palmer Alexander Hastings Madoc GO

Palmer B. Hastings Hungerford GO

Palmer C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Palmer C. Hastings Thurlow GO

Palmer C.A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville GO

Palmer Francis Hastings Thurlow Belleville Carriage Maker Canada GO

Palmer George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Palmer J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Palmer John D. Hastings Hungerford GO

Palmer Leonard Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Carriage Maker Canada GO

Palmer P.R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Palmer Rufus Hastings Madoc Madoc Farmer Canada GO

Palmer S.M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Palmer W.J. Hastings Sidney Principal, Deaf and Dumb Institute United States GO

Palmer Wellington Hastings Thurlow Cannifton General Blacksmith; Carriage Maker Canada GO

Parfit J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Park Hastings Madoc GO

Parker F. Hastings Rawdon GO

Parker F.B. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Merchant Canada GO

Parker F.B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Parker James Hastings Hungerford GO

Parker Robert Hastings Rawdon Stirling Druggist Canada GO

Parks A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Parks A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Parks Archibald Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Bee and Honey Merchant Canada GO

Parks C. Hastings Madoc GO

Parks C. Hastings Thurlow GO

Parks Gilbert Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower Canada GO

Parks James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Parks Joseph Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Parks N. Hastings Hungerford GO

Parks William Hastings Sidney GO

Parks William Hastings Madoc GO

Parmer John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Parrott M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Parry William R. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Pashley Benjamin Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Patrick Gilbert Hastings Sidney GO

Patrick J.S. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Patrick John Hastings Sidney GO

Patrick William Hastings Sidney Contractor and Builder Canada GO

Patterson George W. Hastings Sidney GO

Patterson R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Patterson Samuel Hastings Rawdon GO

Patterson T.A. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Patterson William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Payn J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Payn M. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Pearson James Hastings Sidney GO

Peck I. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Peck James H. Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Insurance Agent Canada GO

Peck John Hastings Madoc GO

Pennells A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Pennick Joseph Hastings Rawdon Merchant and Grist Miller Canada GO

Pennick's Saw Mill Company Hastings Rawdon GO

Penny John Hastings Hungerford GO

Perry Hiram Hastings Sidney GO

Perry L.H. Hastings Sidney GO

Perry M. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Perry T. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Perry William H. Hastings Sidney GO

Perry William R. Hastings Sidney GO

Peterson C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Peterson C.H. Hastings Huntingdon Thomasburg Farmer Canada GO

Peterson Frank Hastings Tyendinaga Shannonville Shoemaker United States GO

Peterson N.H. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Grocer Canada GO

Peterson W. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Phelps A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Phelps E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Philips D. Hastings Hungerford GO

Philips Daniel Hastings Madoc GO

Philips J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Phillips A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Phillips A.L. Hastings Rawdon GO

Phillips Daniel Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Agricultural Impliments Agent Canada GO

Phillips E. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Phillips George Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Pstmaster; Justice of the Peace Canada GO

Phillips George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Phillips J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Phillips Lewis Hastings Sidney GO

Phillips M.B. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Phillips Norris Hastings Sidney GO

Phillips R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Phillips S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Phillips W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Phillips W.B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Phillips William Hastings Madoc Farmer; Clerk of Marmora and Lake Townships Scotland GO

Phillips William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Phillips William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Phillipston P.O. Village Hastings Thurlow GO

Pickett John Hastings Sidney GO

Pickett Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Pigden Joseph Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser England GO

Pike R.F. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Newfoundland, Canada GO

Pine William Hastings Hungerford GO

Pine William Hastings Madoc GO

Pitman A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Pitman Albert Hastings Tyendinaga Plainfield Farmer Canada GO

Pitman J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Pitman J.G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Pitman R.M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Pitman W.H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Pitt James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Pitt N. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Pitts James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Plane Christopher Hastings Madoc GO

Plane M. Hastings Madoc GO

Playter A. Hastings Sidney GO

Playter Frederick Hastings Sidney GO

Plunkett James Hastings Rawdon GO

Pluto John Hastings Madoc GO

Pollick William Hastings Rawdon GO

Pollock W. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Pomeroy C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Pomeroy P.P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Pomeroy T.E. Hastings Hungerford Tweed Physician and Surgeon, Chemist and Druggist, and General Dry Goods, Coroner for the County Canada GO

Ponton Hastings Thurlow GO

Ponton A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ponton J.W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Deputy Registrar Scotland GO

Ponton James W. Hastings Sidney GO

Ponton William H. Hastings Sidney GO

Ponton & Denmark Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Barristers, Front Street GO

Pool William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Port Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Port J.A. Hastings Sidney Trenton GO

Porter Elias Hastings Hungerford GO

Porter J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Porter John Hastings Hungerford Tweed GO

Porter Richard Hastings Hungerford Tweed Farmer Canada GO

Porter Robert Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Porter Samuel Hastings Hungerford GO

Porter William Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Breeder of good Horses Canada GO

Portt Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Portt Robert S. Hastings Tyendinaga Shannonville Farmer Canada GO

Portt William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Post Hastings Thurlow GO

Post E. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Post J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Post P. Hastings Thurlow GO

Potter John Hastings Rawdon GO

Potts Francis Hastings Rawdon GO

Potts G. Hastings Hungerford GO

Potts George Hastings Hungerford GO

Potts George J. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur. Late surgeon to H.B. Majesty's Consulate, E.Indies. Surgeon-in-Chief, 3rd Div, 9th Army Corps. U.S. Army during Rebell Ireland GO

Potts James Hastings Sidney GO

Potts John A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Potts William Hastings Rawdon GO

Potts William Hastings Hungerford GO

Powell W.F. Hastings Madoc GO

Powell William Hastings Thurlow Belleville Livery Stables Ireland GO

Power M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Powers E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Powers J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Powers William Hastings Sidney GO

Powers William Hastings Thurlow Cannifton Hotel GO

Prentice William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Stock Grower Canada GO

Prentiss Hastings Hungerford GO

Prentiss J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Presbyterian Church Church Hastings Madoc Madoc GO

Prest D. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Prest G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Prest John Hastings Huntingdon Farmer England GO

Prest William Hastings Thurlow GO

Prestley Munro Hastings Rawdon Farmer and Mechanic Canada GO

Preston J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Preston Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Price H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Price Rees Hastings Thurlow Belleville Grocer England GO

Prindle I. Hastings Hungerford Georgetown [in Tweed] GO

Pringle Albert Hastings Madoc GO

Pringle Andrew N. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Sash and Blind Factory Canada GO

Pringle Henry Hastings Madoc GO

Pringle S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Pringle W.H. Hastings Madoc Madoc Farmer; Proprietor Saw and Fulling Mills Canada GO

Provo Edward Hastings Hungerford Tweed GO

Purdy David Hastings Sidney GO

Purdy R.N. Hastings Sidney GO

Purdy S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Queen James Hastings Hungerford GO

Quinn Felix Hastings Hungerford GO

Quinn William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Raberton James Hastings Thurlow GO

Radford William Hastings Rawdon GO

Ragot Mitchel Hastings Hungerford GO

Ragot Mitchel Hastings Hungerford GO

Ragot P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Ragot Paul Hastings Hungerford GO

Ralph John Hastings Rawdon GO

Ramler Hastings Sidney GO

Ramsay G.W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Civil Engineer Canada GO

Ramsey Samuel Hastings Hungerford GO

Rannie James Hastings Rawdon GO

Ranson John S. Hastings Huntingdon Tailor and Cutter Canada GO

Rath Charles Hastings Hungerford GO

Rath Henry Hastings Hungerford GO

Rath James Hastings Hungerford GO

Rath Joseph Hastings Hungerford GO

Rath William Hastings Hungerford GO

Rathburn, H.B. & Sons Company Hastings Tyendinaga Mill Point Manufacturers United States GO

Rawe G.D. Hastings Madoc Madoc Clerk, Division Court; Watchmaker and Jeweller Portsmouth, England GO

Rawley William H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ray Irvin Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ray J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ray James Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Ireland GO

Ray R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ray S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ray S. Jr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ray S. Sr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ray William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Read Edwin Hastings Sidney GO

Read Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Redcliff L. Hastings Rawdon GO

Redcliff R. Hastings Rawdon GO

Redcock H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Reddick George Hastings Sidney GO

Reddick J. Hastings Sidney GO

Reddick S. Hastings Sidney GO

Redick & Farley Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Sash, Door, & Blind Factory Mill St. Canada GO

Reed Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Reed A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Reed A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed Alexander Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Reed Allen Hastings Rawdon GO

Reed Andrew Hastings Rawdon GO

Reed Benjamin Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Reed C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed C. Hastings Thurlow GO

Reed D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Reed G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed G.F. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Reed H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Reed I. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed I. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed J.H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Reed J.W. Hastings Huntingdon Grist and Saw Mills Canada GO

Reed John Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Reed John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Reed Joseph Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Reed L. Hastings Thurlow GO

Reed M. Hastings Thurlow GO

Reed M. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed N. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed N. Hastings Thurlow GO

Reed N. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed Owen Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Lumber Dealer Canada GO

Reed R. Sr. Hastings Thurlow GO

Reed Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Reed S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Reed S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reed T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Reed William Hastings Rawdon GO

Reeves Joseph P. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Saddler England GO

Reid Allen Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Reid George Hastings Hungerford GO

Reid J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Reid James Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Reid James Hastings Hungerford GO

Reid John Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Reid Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Reid Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Reid S. Hastings Madoc GO

Remington Benjamin Hastings Madoc GO

Remington Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Reynolds Francis Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Reynolds J.F. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reynolds J.T. Hastings Hungerford Farmer Ireland GO

Reynolds N. Hastings Thurlow GO

Reynolds S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reynolds T. Hastings Madoc GO

Reynolds William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Reynolds William Hastings Sidney GO

Rhodes John Hastings Madoc GO

Richardson John Hastings Sidney GO

Richardson John Hastings Madoc Retired Farmer Ireland GO

Richardson Joshua Hastings Sidney GO

Richardson Robert Hastings Thurlow Belleville Banker England GO

Richley J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Rickley Jacob Hastings Madoc GO

Ridley G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Rimington John Hastings Madoc Shoemaker and Post Master Canada GO

Rimington Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Rimington P.O. Village Hastings Madoc GO

Ring M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ritchie George & Co. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Importers of Dry Goods, Front St. GO

Ritledge J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Roach J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Roach M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Roan William Hastings Sidney GO

Robert Patterson Jellett Hastings Thurlow Belleville Judge Belfast, Ireland GO

Roberts A.L. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Roberts A.L. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Roberts L.A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Robertson Hastings Thurlow GO

Robertson A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Manufacturer of fine clothing, and dealer in Gents Furnishings, &c., Front Street Canada GO

Robertson Alexander Hastings Thurlow Belleville Barrister; Mayor, Bridge St. Trenton, Hastings Co., Canada GO

Robertson Alexander Hastings Sidney GO

Robertson D.B. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Barrister, &c., Bridge St. Scotland GO

Robertson J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Robertson J. Hastings Hungerford Thomasburg GO

Robertson James Hastings Thurlow Belleville Importer of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods - Ordered Clothing a specialty, Front St. GO

Robertson James Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer; Stone Mason Scotland GO

Robertson John Hastings Madoc Madoc General Merchant Canada GO

Robertson R. Hastings Hungerford Thomasburg GO

Robertson William Hastings Thurlow Belleville Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Trunks, &c., 300 Front Street Scotland GO

Robinson Henry Hastings Madoc GO

Robinson James Hastings Madoc GO

Robinson John Hastings Rawdon GO

Robinson Matthew Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Robinson Robert Hastings Hungerford Tweed Cheese Maker Ireland GO

Robinson Samuel Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Robinson T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Robinson Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Robinson Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Robinson W.B. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Principal, Ontario Business College Canada GO

Roblin Hastings Sidney GO

Roblin Hastings Sidney Frankford GO

Roblin David M. Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower Sidney Tp, Hastings Co., Canada GO

Roblin Ivy R. Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Dairyman Canada GO

Roblin J.A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Roblin John J. Hastings Sidney GO

Roblin Owen Hastings Tyendinaga Ashery Canada GO

Roblin P.O. Hastings Thurlow GO

Roblin P.O. Hastings Thurlow GO

Roblin Philip Hastings Sidney GO

Roblin W.A. Hastings Madoc Bannockburn Blacksmith; General Merchant Canada GO

Rock Joseph Hastings Hungerford GO

Rodgers E. Hastings Hungerford GO

Rodgers J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Rodgers John Hastings Madoc GO

Rodgers L. Hastings Hungerford GO

Rodgers Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Rodgers William Hastings Hungerford GO

Rodgers William Hastings Rawdon GO

Roenigh Lewis Hastings Thurlow Belleville Cabinet Maker Russia GO

Rogers John Hastings Sidney GO

Rogers M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Rogers R. Hastings Rawdon GO

Rogers William Hastings Rawdon GO

Rollins G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Rollins George Hastings Madoc GO

Rollins J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Rollins R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Rollins Robert Hastings Madoc Madoc Cheese Maker Canada GO

Rollins S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Rollins Samuel Hastings Madoc Farmer, Brick Manufacturer and President Madoc Cheese Factory Ireland GO

Rollins William J. Hastings Madoc GO

Root Hastings Thurlow Plainfield GO

Rose Baltis Hastings Sidney Farmer and Township Reeve Canada GO

Rose Benjamin Hastings Sidney GO

Rose Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Rose George Hastings Sidney GO

Rose George Hastings Sidney GO

Rose George W. Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

Rose Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Rose John Hastings Sidney GO

Rosebush Edward Hastings Rawdon GO

Rosebush H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Rosebush J.W. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Groceries and Liquors Canada GO

Ross A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Ross A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross A.B. Hastings Madoc Madoc Merchant Canada GO

Ross A.Z. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Farmer Canada GO

Ross Albert Hastings Thurlow Foxboro Farmer Canada GO

Ross Algernon Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Ross D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ross E. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross G. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ross G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross G.A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross George Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Ross H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ross John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ross John Hastings Madoc GO

Ross L. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ross W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ross William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ross & Stevenson Company Hastings Sidney GO

Roushorn James Hastings Madoc GO

Row Benjamin Hastings Sidney GO

Row Charles G. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Row George B. Hastings Sidney GO

Row James J. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Row John Hastings Sidney GO

Row John B. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Row John H. Hastings Sidney Farmer and Stock Dealer Canada GO

Rowe Hastings Sidney GO

Rowe J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Rowe J.H. Hastings Sidney GO

Roy J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Roy James Hastings Madoc GO

Roy William Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Scotland GO

Runnolls John Hastings Rawdon GO

Rupert Edward Hastings Sidney GO

Rupert Leonard Hastings Sidney GO

Rupert Peter Hastings Rawdon GO

Ruport Charles Hastings Madoc GO

Rush Charles Hastings Hungerford GO

Rush James Hastings Hungerford GO

Rushnell Adam Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Rushnell J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Russell Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Russell J.B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Rutherford Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Rutledge George Hastings Hungerford GO

Rutledge James Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and General Merchant Ireland GO

Rutter A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Rutter Alexander Hastings Hungerford GO

Rutter George Hastings Hungerford GO

Ry B. & N.H. Hastings Madoc GO

Ryan F. Hastings Rawdon GO

Ryan J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ryan James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ryan James S. Hastings Sidney Trenton Retired gentleman Canada GO

Ryan John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ryan Nancy Hastings Huntingdon GO

Ryan Nancy Hastings Huntingdon Canada GO

Ryan Patrick Hastings Rawdon GO

Ryan R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ryan T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Ryan Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Ryan W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Ryan William Hastings Rawdon GO

Rylott J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Rylott William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Sager Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Sager James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sager John Hastings Madoc GO

Sager S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sager W.B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sager William Hastings Madoc GO

Salisbury G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Salisbury J.H. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer, Master of Moira Grangers Canada GO

Salisbury Jacob Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Salisbury James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Salisbury Samuel Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Sampson Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sanders B.F. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Sandford C.W. Hastings Madoc Bannockburn Farmer; Stock Raiser England GO

Sandford Charles Hastings Madoc GO

Sandford Ebenezer Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

Sandford George Hastings Madoc GO

Sandford Mark Hastings Madoc GO

Sandford Peter Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

Sandford & Jones Company Hastings Madoc GO

Sandycock William Hastings Sidney GO

Sargent Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Sargents E. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Sargents S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Sarles Elijah Hastings Rawdon Farmer and Carpenter Canada GO

Sarles Joseph Hastings Sidney GO

Sarles L. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sarles Thomas Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Sarles William Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Sarls E. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Satchell D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Satchell J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Savage John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sayers Henry Hastings Hungerford GO

Sayers John Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Sayers Robert Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Sayers William Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Saylor C.B. Hastings Sidney Retired Farmer Canada GO

Saylor Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Saylor H. Hastings Sidney GO

Scanlon Charles Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Schryver G.R. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Schryver J.R. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Scott A.G. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Hotel Proprietor Canada GO

Scott Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Scott George Hastings Hungerford GO

Scott H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Scott James Hastings Sidney GO

Scott James Hastings Sidney GO

Scott John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Scott Peter Hastings Sidney GO

Scott Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Scott Thomas Hastings Rawdon Farmer Ireland GO

Scrimshaw J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Scrimshaw M. Hastings Madoc GO

Scrimshaw W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Searls Selah Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Seeley J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Seeley Levi Hastings Sidney GO

Seeley Martin Hastings Rawdon Farmer and Lumber Manufacturer Canada GO

Seeley Peter Hastings Madoc GO

Seeley Samuel Hastings Rawdon GO

Seely Lyman W. Hastings Huntingdon General Blacksmith Canada GO

Sexsmith George Hastings Madoc GO

Sexsmith John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sexsmith M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Sexsmith Simon Hastings Hungerford GO

Sexsmith T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sexsmith Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Seymour B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Seymour F. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Seymour Frederick E. Hastings Madoc GO

Seymour Frederick E. Hastings Madoc Madoc Gentleman Canada GO

Seymour Horace Hastings Madoc Farmer United States GO

Shaltry Joseph Hastings Madoc Madoc Livery, Blacksmith and Bakery Canada GO

Shannon Felix Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Shannon P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Shannon Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sharbenau P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Sharp James P. Hastings Sidney Farmer United States GO

Sharp John Hastings Sidney GO

Sharp John O. Hastings Sidney GO

Sharp S. Hastings Thurlow Blacksmith Canada GO

Sharp William Hastings Rawdon Farmer England GO

Shaughnessy John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Shaw G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Shaw Henry Hastings Madoc GO

Shaw James Hastings Madoc GO

Shaw James Hastings Rawdon GO

Shaw James Sr. Hastings Madoc GO

Shaw John Hastings Sidney GO

Shaw Lewis Hastings Madoc GO

Shaw Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Shaw S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Shaw William Hastings Thurlow GO

Shaw William Hastings Hungerford GO

Shaw William Hastings Madoc GO

Shea D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Shea James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Shea John Hastings Sidney GO

Sheffield J.R. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Sheffield James Hastings Thurlow GO

Sheffield W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sheldrake Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Shelter David Hastings Thurlow Foxboro Carpenter and Joiner Canada GO

Shepard William A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Printer United States GO

Sheran P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sherbernau P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Sherman A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sherman George Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Sherry Forbes Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Councilman Canada GO

Sherry George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sherry George Hastings Hungerford GO

Sherry T. Hastings Hungerford GO

Sherwood George Hastings Thurlow Belleville Judge, County Court Leeds Co., Ontario, Canada GO

Sherwood Marianne Hastings Thurlow Belleville Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada GO

Shillabeer T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Shoolt R.J. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Photographer, Front St. United States GO

Shorey Chester G. Hastings Sidney GO

Shorey I.O. Hastings Thurlow GO

Shorey N. Hastings Thurlow GO

Shorey W.A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Short A.G. Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Shortt M. Hastings Rawdon GO

Shurrie J.H. Hastings Sidney Trenton Merchant Tailor Scotland GO

Shuttler M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sicar John J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Sills A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sills B.S. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Sills C. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Sills G.W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Photographer, Front St. Canada GO

Sills H. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Sills J.A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sills J.W. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Sills Jacob Hastings Thurlow Cannifton Farmer; Lumber Merchant; Clerk of Division Court Canada GO

Sills John Hastings Sidney GO

Sills L. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sills N. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Sills N.W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sills P.D. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sills Q. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sills S.D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sills Samuel Hastings Sidney GO

Sills W.H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sills W.L. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sills William Jr. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sills & Bros. Company Hastings Sidney GO

Sills & Bros. Company Hastings Sidney GO

Sills & Bros. Company Hastings Sidney Frankford Manufacturers Canada GO

Sills & Bros. Company Hastings Sidney GO

Simmons Hastings Sidney GO

Simmons J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Simmons J.F. Hastings Thurlow GO

Simmons James Hastings Sidney GO

Simmons P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Simmons Robert Hastings Madoc Madoc Proprietor of Madoc House Canada GO

Simmons Samuel Hastings Sidney GO

Simmons W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Simpkins B. Hastings Hungerford GO

Simpkins James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Simpkins S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Simpson G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Simpson George Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Simpson George Hastings Rawdon GO

Simpson George A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville C.E. & Partial Line Surveyor, Dafoe House Canada GO

Simpson J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Simpson James Hastings Sidney GO

Simpson William Hastings Rawdon GO

Simpson William Hastings Rawdon Farmer England GO

Sinclair N. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sinclair S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sinclar A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Sine Hastings Rawdon GO

Sine Aaron Hastings Sidney GO

Sine B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sine C. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sine C. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sine Darius Hastings Sidney GO

Sine David Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Sine Elijah Hastings Rawdon GO

Sine Frederick Hastings Rawdon Carpenter and Joiner Canada GO

Sine George W. Hastings Sidney GO

Sine J.E.E. Hastings Sidney GO

Sine P. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sine P.R. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sine S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sine S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sine Silas Hastings Rawdon Farmer and Carpenter Canada GO

Sine Stephen Hastings Sidney GO

Sine Sylvester Hastings Sidney GO

Sine T. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sine Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Sine Tobias Hastings Rawdon GO

Sine W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sines Simeon Hastings Sidney GO

Skelly John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Skelly John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Skelly W.J. Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Sloan C. Hastings Thurlow GO

Slush Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Smith Hastings Sidney GO

Smith A.S. Hastings Sidney GO

Smith Charles B. Hastings Sidney GO

Smith D. Hastings Hungerford GO

Smith Daniel Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Smith G.C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Smith George Hastings Madoc GO

Smith H.R. Hastings Sidney GO

Smith J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Smith J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Smith J.B. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Smith James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Smith James H. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Smith John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Smith John Hastings Hungerford GO

Smith Joseph Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Smith Lewis Hastings Sidney GO

Smith P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Smith S.W. Hastings Sidney GO

Smith Simeon R. Hastings Sidney GO

Smith Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Smith Thomas Hastings Hungerford Stoco Builder, Carpenter and Joiner England GO

Smith Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Smith Thomas J. Hastings Sidney GO

Smith W. Hastings Sidney GO

Smith Wheeler Hastings Sidney GO

Smith William Hastings Sidney GO

Snarr George Hastings Rawdon GO

Snarr John Hastings Rawdon GO

Snarr Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Snider A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Snider House, Bridge St. Canada GO

Snider Andrew Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Snider G. Hastings Thurlow GO

Snider J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Snider J.O. Hastings Thurlow Foxboro Insurance Agent, Agricultural Mutual of Canada Canada GO

Snider R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Snider V. Hastings Thurlow GO

Snyder D. Hastings Sidney GO

Southard Jesse Hastings Sidney GO

Spafford Frederick A. Hastings Sidney GO

Spafford Warren W. Hastings Sidney GO

Sparrow R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Sparrow William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Spence James Hastings Huntingdon GO

Spence John Hastings Huntingdon GO

Spence William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Spencer Hastings Sidney GO

Spencer Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Spencer Charles Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Spencer R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sprague G. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sprague J.S. Hastings Rawdon Stirling Physician Canada GO

Sprague S. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sproule William Hastings Thurlow GO

Spry James Sr. Hastings Rawdon GO

Spry James W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Spry John Hastings Rawdon GO

Spry R. Hastings Rawdon GO

Spry S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Squires Hiram Hastings Madoc GO

St. Charles Charles Hastings Madoc GO

St. Charles John Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

St. Charles S. Hastings Madoc GO

Stafford P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Stapley Daniel Hastings Sidney GO

Stapley Daniel Hastings Rawdon GO

Steele John Hastings Sidney Farmer Scotland GO

Steele Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Stephenson W.H. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sterling Village Village Hastings Sidney GO

Stevens C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Stevens George S. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Agent Ireland GO

Stevenson John Hastings Sidney GO

Stewart D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Stewart G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Stewart Hugh Hastings Rawdon GO

Stewart James Hastings Rawdon GO

Stewart John Hastings Rawdon GO

Stewart John Hastings Madoc GO

Stewart T. Hastings Rawdon GO

Stewart Company Company Hastings Sidney GO

Stickle A. Hastings Sidney GO

Stickle E.O. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Stigney Farley Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Stigney R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Stiles B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Stiles B.J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Stiles G. Hastings Rawdon GO

Stiles John Hastings Rawdon GO

Stiles S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Stimers Alexander A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Proprietor, City Hotel, Front St. Canada GO

Stinson James Hastings Hungerford GO

Stinson W.H. Hastings Thurlow Belleville GO

Stoakes Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Stokes Thomas Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Stoneburgh Hastings Sidney GO

Stout Adam Hastings Madoc Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

Stout J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Stout N. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sullivan D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sullivan Dennis Hastings Thurlow GO

Sullivan J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sullivan J.D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sullivan James Hastings Sidney GO

Sullivan James Hastings Sidney Frankford GO

Sullivan John Hastings Sidney GO

Sullivan John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sullivan John Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Sullivan M. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sullivan M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sullivan Michael Hastings Sidney GO

Sullivan P. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sullivan Patrick Hastings Sidney GO

Sullivan T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sullivan William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Summerville Alexander Hastings Hungerford GO

Sutherland A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Lumberman, Cannifton Scotland GO

Sutherland A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Sutherland Alexander Hastings Rawdon GO

Suttle John Hastings Hungerford GO

Suttle Joseph Hastings Sidney General Blacksmith Ireland GO

Sutton J.J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Swales Benjamin Hastings Madoc GO

Sweeney D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sweeney John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sweeney M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sweeney P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sweeney Thomas Hastings Sidney GO

Sweeney Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sweeny M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Sweet D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Sweet Martin Hastings Madoc GO

Swetman E. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Swetman E.B. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Symmington John Hastings Sidney GO

Sympson James Hastings Madoc GO

Sympson Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Tanner Edward Hastings Rawdon GO

Tanner James Hastings Rawdon GO

Tanner James Hastings Rawdon GO

Tanner John Hastings Rawdon GO

Tanner William Hastings Rawdon GO

Taugher Hastings Sidney GO

Taylor Charles W. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Taylor F.W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Taylor G. Hastings Sidney GO

Taylor George Hastings Rawdon GO

Taylor J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Taylor John Hastings Rawdon GO

Taylor L. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Taylor Richard Hastings Hungerford GO

Taylor S.D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Taylor Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Teal J.W. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Teskey John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Thain Jonathan Hastings Rawdon Farmer Scotland GO

Thomas Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Thomas William Hastings Madoc GO

Thompson Alexander Hastings Sidney GO

Thompson Charles Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Thompson Charles Hastings Madoc General Store and Mill Wright Canada GO

Thompson George Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Thompson H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Thompson Hercules A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Planing Mill, Sash, Doors, Blinds and Shingles Ireland GO

Thompson J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Thompson J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Thompson James Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Ireland GO

Thompson James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Thompson John Hastings Madoc GO

Thompson John Hastings Hungerford GO

Thompson Joseph Hastings Madoc GO

Thompson Leman Hastings Sidney GO

Thompson Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Thompson Robert Hastings Madoc GO

Thompson Robert Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Thompson Susan Hastings Madoc GO

Thompson Thomas Hastings Madoc GO

Thompson Uriah E. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Agent, Canadian Express Co., and Mon. Telegraph Co., Bridge St. Canada GO

Thompson W.T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Thompson William Hastings Madoc GO

Thompson William Hastings Rawdon GO

Thomson Robert Hastings Thurlow Belleville Banker Scotland GO

Thrasher A. Hastings Thurlow GO

Thrasher Albert A. Hastings Sidney GO

Thrasher Edward Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Thrasher Gilbert Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Thrasher Gilbert B. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Thrasher Joseph Hastings Thurlow GO

Thrasher S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Thrasher S. Hastings Thurlow GO

Thrasher W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Thrasher Zadock Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Tickell George S. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Upholsterer, Front St.; Undertaker England GO

Tighe D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Tighe Patrick Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Tighe Peter Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Tillinghast T.C. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Merchant Tailor, 275 Front St. England GO

Tinley William Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Tipper Richard Hastings Hungerford GO

Todd Charles Hastings Rawdon GO

Todd John A. Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Scotland GO

Todd W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Toledo Mining Co. Company Hastings Madoc GO

Tomkins Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Tomkins J.A. Hastings Sidney GO

Tomkins J.A. Hastings Sidney Frankford GO

Tomkins W.H. Hastings Sidney GO

Tomkins W.H. Hastings Sidney Frankford GO

Tompkins Albert Hastings Rawdon GO

Totton I.W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Totton John Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Totton Robert Hastings Rawdon GO

Totton William Hastings Rawdon GO

Tower William Hastings Thurlow GO

Townsend John Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Townsend W. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Tracey Francis Hastings Hungerford GO

Tracey J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Tracey John P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Tracey Joseph Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Grower Canada GO

Tracey Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Traver C. Hastings Sidney GO

Traver J.E. Hastings Sidney GO

Treadway Hastings Thurlow GO

Treadway E. Hastings Thurlow GO

Treadway F. Hastings Thurlow GO

Trevorton Samuel Hastings Sidney GO

Tripp Hastings Thurlow Plainfield GO

Tripp D.M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Tripp I. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Tripp Richard Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Tripp Samuel Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Tripp W. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Trotter Alexander Hastings Madoc GO

Trotter Frank Hastings Madoc GO

Trover Theodore Hastings Thurlow Plainfield Carpenter and Joiner United States GO

Trudo Francis Hastings Hungerford GO

Trudo M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Trumbull William Hastings Madoc GO

Trumper J. Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Trumpour M. Hastings Hungerford GO

Trumpour William Hastings Hungerford GO

Trust & Loan Co. Company Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Tucker A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Tucker David Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Tucker George E. Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Tucker Henry Hastings Sidney Farmer England GO

Tucker Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Tucker James Hastings Hungerford GO

Tucker Luther Hastings Rawdon Farmer United States GO

Tucker M. Hastings Rawdon GO

Tucker Richard Hastings Rawdon GO

Tufts Robert Jr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Tufts Robert Sr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Tufts S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Tufts Stephen Hastings Sidney GO

Tuller W.H. Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

Tuller Wareham Hastings Madoc Farmer United States GO

Tulloch James Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Tulloch W. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Tulloch William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Tumelty Thomas Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

Tumelty W.H. Hastings Madoc GO

Tummon C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Tummon William Hastings Huntingdon GO

Turkington David Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Dealer Ireland GO

Turley Patrick Hastings Sidney Frankford Retired Contractor Ireland GO

Turley Patrick Hastings Sidney Retired Contractor Ireland GO

Turner B.S. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Chancery Office Canada GO

Turner Reuben Hastings Sidney GO

Tuttle L. Hastings Hungerford Tweed Physician and Druggist Canada GO

Twamley Henry Hastings Hungerford GO

Tweedy Hastings Huntingdon GO

Tweedy John Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Tweedy S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Tyendinaga Station Company Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Utman George & Son Hastings Huntingdon Moira Boot & Shoe Manufacturers Canada GO

Vail E.W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Commercial Traveller, Front St. United States GO

Vallier M. Hastings Madoc GO

Vammeer J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Van Allen L. Hastings Thurlow GO

Van Allen Luke Hastings Sidney GO

Van Allen P. Jr. Hastings Thurlow GO

Van Cleek Peter Hastings Madoc GO

Van Derwater Daniel Hastings Sidney GO

Van Dewaters Hastings Sidney GO

Van Dewaters David Hastings Sidney GO

Van Dewaters Gilbert Hastings Sidney GO

Van Dewaters Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Van Dewaters Marshall Hastings Sidney GO

Van Mear James Hastings Sidney GO

Van Norman Romaine Hastings Thurlow Belleville Bookseller, Front St. United States GO

Van Tassell S. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Vanalor P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Vanalstine D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Vanblaricom J.W. Hastings Sidney GO

Vanblaricom William Hastings Sidney GO

Vanblaricum F.M. Hastings Sidney GO

Vance Henry Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Vance R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Vance S. Hastings Hungerford GO

Vance Samuel Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Vance Samuel Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Vance William Hastings Hungerford GO

Vancott B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Vancott W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Vandervoort Benjamin Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Vandervoort J.A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Vandervoort John Hastings Sidney GO

Vandervoort John A. Hastings Sidney GO

Vandervoort Oakley Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Vandervoort S.S. Hastings Rawdon Farmer and Cheese Manufacturer Canada GO

Vandervoort W. Hastings Sidney Farmer United States GO

Vandervoort W.R. Hastings Sidney GO

Vandervoort William Hastings Rawdon GO

Vandervoort William Hastings Sidney GO

Vanderwater Hastings Madoc GO

Vanderwater D. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Vanderwater Daniel Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Vanderwater J.B. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Vanderwater P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Vanderwaters H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Vanderwaters J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Vanderwaters J.W. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Vandusen A.M. Hastings Hungerford Tweed Groceries, Confectn'ry, & Stationery Canada GO

Vankleeck William Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Vankleek Barnabas Hastings Madoc Hawkesbury Tp., Prescott Co., Canada GO

Vankleek Peter Hastings Madoc Farmer; Deputy Reeve Canada GO

Vanmeer Nathaniel Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Vanornam A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Vantassel S.P. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Vardy Peter Hastings Hungerford GO

Vermilyea John Hastings Sidney GO

Vermilyea John C. Hastings Thurlow Farmer and Fruit Grower Canada GO

Vermilyea N. Hastings Thurlow Farmer; School Teacher Canada GO

Vermilyea Reuben Hastings Sidney GO

Vermilyea Thomas Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Vestervelt J. Hastings Madoc GO

Vickers William D. Hastings Thurlow Cannifton Builder and Contractor Canada GO

Vincent E. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Vincent Elijah Hastings Huntingdon Farmer, &c. Canada GO

Vivian H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Vivian J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Vivian Stephen Hastings Thurlow GO

Vollick James Hastings Rawdon GO

Vrooman J.H. Hastings Sidney Trenton General Merchant United States GO

Vye John Hastings Madoc GO

Waddell J. Hastings Sidney GO

Waddell R. Hastings Sidney GO

Wager E. Hastings Hungerford GO

Waldron J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Waldron T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Walker Hugh Hastings Thurlow Belleville Groceries, Front St. Scotland GO

Walker J.W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Hardware, Front St. Canada GO

Walker James Hastings Sidney GO

Walker James Hastings Rawdon GO

Walker John Hastings Hungerford GO

Walker Robert Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Walker Thomas Hastings Rawdon Farmer - Warden and Reeve Scotland GO

Walker W.J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Walker, I.M. & Co. Company Hastings Thurlow Belleville Iron Founders & Machinists, Front St. GO

Wallace A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wallace A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wallace J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wallace J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wallace J. & Son Hastings Rawdon Blacksmiths and Farmers Scotland GO

Wallace James Hastings Rawdon GO

Wallace John Hastings Hungerford GO

Wallace Oliver Hastings Hungerford GO

Wallace Samuel Hastings Sidney GO

Wallbridge A.H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Wallbridge Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Wallbridge Henry Hastings Madoc GO

Wallbridge L. Hastings Madoc GO

Wallbridge L. Hastings Madoc GO

Wallbridge T.C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wallbridge T.C. Hastings Hungerford GO

Wallbridge W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Wallbridge W.H. Hastings Thurlow GO

Wallbridge William Hastings Sidney GO

Waller T.E. Hastings Hungerford Tweed Teacher Canada GO

Walsh D. Hastings Hungerford GO

Walsh J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Walsh James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Walsh James D. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Walsh John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Walsh John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Walsh M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Walsh P. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Walsh W. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Walsh William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Wanamaker Huram Hastings Madoc GO

Wanamaker Jacob Hastings Madoc GO

Wanamaker John Hastings Madoc Farmer; Stock Raiser Canada GO

Wanamaker M. Hastings Madoc GO

Wanamaker Samuel H. Hastings Madoc Farmer Canada GO

Ward Augustus Hastings Sidney GO

Ward Robert Hastings Sidney GO

Ward S. Hastings Rawdon GO

Ward Samuel Hastings Sidney GO

Ward William Hastings Sidney GO

Ware T. Hastings Thurlow GO

Waterhouse Richard Hastings Hungerford GO

Waters M. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Waters P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Watson George Hastings Rawdon GO

Watson James Hastings Rawdon GO

Watson R.D. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Way H.N. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Way I. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Way J.F. Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Way Joseph F. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Crown Timber Agent, Bridge St. Canada GO

Way Joseph F. Hastings Sidney Farmer, Manufacturer Scotland GO

Way Sidney Hastings Hungerford Farmer Prince Edward Co., Ontario, Canada GO

Way Thomas Hastings Huntingdon Thomasburg Farmer Canada GO

Weadock James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Weaver O. Hastings Rawdon GO

Weaver P.J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Weaver Peter Hastings Sidney GO

Webb C. Hastings Rawdon GO

Webb George Hastings Rawdon GO

Webb H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Webb John Hastings Rawdon GO

Webb Thomas Hastings Rawdon GO

Weekes M.A. Hastings Thurlow Belleville GO

Weese O.R. Hastings Thurlow GO

Weese W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Weese William Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Weighill J.N. Hastings Hungerford GO

Weighill Joshua Hastings Hungerford GO

Weir James Hastings Hungerford GO

Weir Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Weiss E.L. Hastings Madoc Madoc Watchmaker Germany GO

Weiss Louis Hastings Madoc Madoc Boot and Shoe Maker Germany GO

Welch M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Welch Patrick Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Welch Peter Hastings Rawdon P.M and Shoemaker Canada GO

Wellington J.W. Hastings Madoc Madoc Butcher Canada GO

Wellman B. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wellman D. Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Welsh C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Welsh John Hastings Madoc GO

Wensley Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Wensley Henry Hastings Sidney GO

Wescott A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wescott A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wescott H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wescott J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wescott James Hastings Rawdon GO

Wescott N. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wescott S.N. Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Wescott William Hastings Rawdon GO

West F. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

West Jeremiah Hastings Hungerford Thomasburg Retired Farmer Ireland GO

West Jerry Hastings Hungerford GO

West Jerry Jr. Hastings Hungerford GO

West John Hastings Madoc GO

West Uriah Hastings Hungerford GO

West William Hastings Hungerford GO

West William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

West William Hastings Madoc GO

Westcott Peter Hastings Sidney GO

Westfall James Hastings Sidney GO

Westover Noah Hastings Sidney GO

Westover S. Hastings Thurlow Foxboro Butcher; General Trader in Stock Canada GO

Wetman P. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Weymark Henry Hastings Thurlow Cannifton Farmer England GO

Whalen Mary Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Whalon John Hastings Hungerford GO

Whalon P. Hastings Hungerford GO

Whalon Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Wheeler Anson Hastings Hungerford GO

Wheeler George Hastings Hungerford GO

Wheeler J.H. Hastings Hungerford GO

Wheeler John Hastings Hungerford GO

Wheeler Lyman Hastings Sidney GO

Wheeler N. Hastings Rawdon GO

White A.C. Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

White Aaron B. Hastings Sidney GO

White Benjamin Hastings Sidney GO

White Benoni Hastings Sidney GO

White Charles Hastings Madoc GO

White E. Hastings Hungerford Stoco School Teacher Canada GO

White E. Hastings Rawdon GO

White George Hastings Madoc GO

White H. Hastings Rawdon GO

White James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

White John Hastings Sidney GO

White John Hastings Hungerford GO

White John Hastings Tyendinaga Foundryman, MP and Reeve Donegal Co., Ireland GO

White L. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

White M. Hastings Rawdon GO

White P. Hastings Rawdon GO

White P.M. Hastings Sidney Teacher Canada GO

White R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

White Reuben Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

White T. Hastings Rawdon GO

White W.H. Hastings Thurlow Cannifton Carpenter and Joiner Canada GO

White Webster Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

White William Hastings Hungerford Tweed Tinsmith, Ex-Deputy Reeve of Hungerford England GO

Whiteman James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Whittaker J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Whittington W.S. Hastings Tyendinaga Lonsdale Farmer Canada GO

Whittington William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Whytock James Hastings Madoc Madoc General Merchant Scotland GO

Wickens G. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wickens J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wickens William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer England GO

Wickett Daniel Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Pathmaster Canada GO

Wickett Emanuel Hastings Sidney GO

Wickett Richard Hastings Thurlow Farmer; Builder Canada GO

Wickett William Hastings Thurlow Foxboro Contractor England GO

Wiggins G.D. Hastings Rawdon Merchant Canada GO

Wiggins James Hastings Rawdon GO

Wiggins Jennie Hastings Rawdon Canada GO

Wilcox Hastings Sidney GO

Wilcox Asa Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Wilcox Asa Hastings Sidney GO

Wilcox E. Hastings Sidney GO

Wildman R. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Wilkins Charles Hastings Sidney GO

Willard Robert Hastings Sidney GO

William Ketcheson Hastings Sidney GO

Williams A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Williams A. Hastings Rawdon GO

Williams Calvin Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Williams David Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Williams James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Williams John Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Williams M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Williams M.S.B. Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Williams N. Hastings Hungerford GO

Williamson R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wills Thomas Hastings Thurlow Belleville MPP; County Clerk GO

Wilmot Samuel T. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Wilson Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wilson Hastings Rawdon GO

Wilson A. Hastings Hungerford GO

Wilson A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wilson Alexander Hastings Madoc GO

Wilson B.S. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Physician & Surgeon GO

Wilson Baptist Hastings Tyendinaga Farmer Canada GO

Wilson Edward Hastings Hungerford GO

Wilson G.H. Hastings Sidney Trenton Canada GO

Wilson G.S. Hastings Hungerford Tweed School Teacher Canada GO

Wilson George Hastings Rawdon Farmer Ireland GO

Wilson J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Wilson J.B. Hastings Thurlow GO

Wilson J.C. Hastings Rawdon Farmer Canada GO

Wilson J.C. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wilson J.H. Hastings Hungerford GO

Wilson James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Wilson James Hastings Hungerford GO

Wilson James Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Wilson John W. Hastings Hungerford Farmer and Stock Raiser GO

Wilson John W. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Wilson R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wilson Robert Hastings Rawdon Farmer Ireland GO

Wilson Thomas Hastings Hungerford GO

Wilson W. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wilson W.H. Hastings Hungerford GO

Wilson W.J. Sr. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wilson William Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Wims T. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Windon Thomas Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Windover John Hastings Sidney GO

Windsor Samuel Hastings Sidney GO

Windsor William Hastings Sidney GO

Winter Glasgow Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Winters M. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Wishart D. Hastings Madoc Madoc Pastor, Presbyterian Church GO

Wolf Hastings Thurlow GO

Wood A.F. Hastings Madoc Madoc Reeve of Madoc Township Fredericksburg GO

Wood Duncan A. Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Wood H. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wood Hugh Hastings Rawdon GO

Wood J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wood J. Hastings Sidney GO

Wood James Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Scotland GO

Wood John Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wood Joseph Hastings Rawdon GO

Wood O.F. Hastings Madoc GO

Wood R. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wood Thomas Jr. Hastings Hungerford GO

Wood William Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Woodbeck E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Woodbeck E. Hastings Rawdon GO

Woodbeck M. Hastings Rawdon GO

Woodcock I. Hastings Hungerford GO

Woodcock J.J. Hastings Hungerford Tweed Proprietor, Albion Hotel Canada GO

Woodcock James Hastings Hungerford GO

Woodcock Joseph Sr. Hastings Hungerford Farmer Canada GO

Woods Henry Hastings Madoc GO

Woods J. Hastings Thurlow GO

Woods John Hastings Madoc GO

Woolman J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wooton D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wray W. Hastings Hungerford Tweed Township Clerk, Conveyancer and Commissioner Ireland GO

Wright A. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wright Albert Hastings Rawdon GO

Wright Alexander Hastings Madoc GO

Wright Anson Hastings Sidney GO

Wright Charles Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Wright Charles Hastings Rawdon GO

Wright D. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wright D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wright D. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wright Daniel Hastings Sidney GO

Wright Edmund Hastings Sidney GO

Wright Enoch Hastings Huntingdon Farmer United States GO

Wright G. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wright George Hastings Hungerford GO

Wright George Hastings Rawdon GO

Wright H. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wright J. Hastings Rawdon GO

Wright J. Hastings Huntingdon GO

Wright Jacob Hastings Rawdon GO

Wright James Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Canada GO

Wright James Hastings Huntingdon Farmer Ireland GO

Wright Joshua Hastings Tyendinaga Melrose Laborer Ireland GO

Wright Peter Hastings Huntingdon Farmer and Preacher of the Gospel Canada GO

Wyman Peter Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Yager P.F. Hastings Thurlow GO

Yager W. Hastings Thurlow GO

Yates John Hastings Hungerford GO

Yates W.S. Hastings Sidney Farmer Canada GO

Yeomans H. Hastings Sidney GO

Yeomans Lewis W. Hastings Thurlow Belleville Chemists & Druggists, Front St. Canada GO

Yoomans Samuel Hastings Hungerford GO

York J. Hastings Thurlow GO

York P. Hastings Thurlow GO

Youker Samuel Hastings Thurlow Farmer Canada GO

Young Hastings Sidney GO

Young C.W. Hastings Sidney GO

Young Charles Hastings Hungerford GO

Young E. Hastings Sidney GO

Young George Hastings Sidney Trenton Publisher of Trenton Courier Ireland GO

Young George Hastings Hungerford GO

Young J. Hastings Hungerford GO

Young J.B. Hastings Sidney GO

Young James Hastings Sidney Trenton Proprietor of Planing Mill, Deputy Reeve Canada GO

Young James Hastings Hungerford GO

Young P. Hastings Madoc GO

Yourex Hastings Thurlow GO

Yourex E. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Yourex E. Hastings Thurlow GO

Yourex J. Hastings Tyendinaga GO

Yourex W.P. Hastings Thurlow GO

Zwick James Hastings Sidney GO

Zwick Philip Hastings Sidney GO

Zwick Sheldon Hastings Sidney GO