
Beschreibendes Verzeichniss der Gemalde - Cover

Schlesisches Museum der Bildenden Künste zu Breslau (Wroclaw, Poland)
Beschreibendes Verzeichnis der Gemälde. 5th ed. Breslau: W.G. Korn, 1908.
Catalogue Number
N3165.8 A53 1908 Rare Book Division Max Stern Collection
The Collection has the only two copies in North America of this extremely rare catalogue. One copy of this catalogue of the paintings in the former Silesian Museum of Fine Arts in Breslau (today Wroclaw, Poland) has a ms. inscription on the cover: (Julius) Stern, Düsseldorf. The preface to this 5th edition is signed by Janitsch. A 15-page supplement, "Nachtrag zur V. Aufl." issued in 1914 is laid in. The ms. inscription reads: Dr. Max Stern, XII 42 (in Max Stern's library classification code, XII is the number for museums). The other copy has the stamp: Dominion Gallery. Julius Stern probably visited this museum on his travels.

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