Digization Web Sites - Full-text server statistics - November 2006

NB. Full-text search statistics represent requests for pages. I.e. if for a single search the user inspects, for example, two pages of results, this will be logged as two searches.

Full-text searches: 5093

The Canadian Journal of Nursing Research                    3625     71.2%
Electronic Theses (Pilot Project, 2002) (citation searches)   75     1.5%
Electronic Theses (Pilot Project, 2002) (full-text searches) 101     2.0%
The Furtrade in Canada and the North-West Company            215     4.2%
Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada              129     2.5%
Water Quality Research Journal                               948    18.6%

Web site searches: 292

Arthur Erickson                                               20    6.8%
The Furtrade in Canada and the North-West Company             61    20.9%
The Moshe Safdie Hypermedia Archive                          211    72.3%