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Articles:      Revenez à index

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Dissertations:      Revenez à index

Carlos, Ann Martina. 1980. The North American Fur Trade, 1804 - 1821: A Study In The Life-Cycle Of A Duopoly. Ph.D. The University Of Western Ontario.

Davidson, Gordon Charles. 1916. The North West Company. Ph.D. University Of California, Berkeley.

Hamilton, James Scott. 1990. Fur Trade Social Inequality And The Role Of Non-Verbal Communication. Ph.D. Simon Fraser University.

Mclaughlin, Merlyn. 1952. Imperial Aspects Of The North West Company In Western Canada To 1870. Ph.D. University Of Colorado At Boulder.

O'neil, Marion. 1941. The North West Company On The Pacific Slope. Ph.D., University Of California, Berkeley.

Peers, Laura. 1996. Playing Ourselves: Native Histories, Native Interpreters, And Living History Sites. Ph.D. , McMaster University.

Pendergast, Russel Anthony. 1957. The XY Company 1798 to 1804. Thèse de Ph.D. Université d'Ottawa,

Schworer, Ute. 1987. The Reorganization Of The Fur Trade Of The Hudson's Bay Company After The Merger With The North West Company, 1821 To 1826. M.A. Thesis. York University.

Sloan, William Alexander. 1985. Contact And Enlightened Co-Operation: A History Of The Fur Trade In The Arctic Drainage Lowlands, 1717-1821. Ph.D. , The University Of Manitoba.

White, Bruce M., 1985. Give Us A Little Milk: Economics And Ceremony In The Ojibway Fur Trade. M.A. McGill University.

Bibliographies sur le Web:      Revenez à index

European Contact: Fur Trade Native American Bibliography Source: Clarke Historical Library Central Michigan University

Fur Trade Reference Books Source: