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Abensberg, Battle of (20 April 1809)
Aboukir, Battle of (25 July 1799)
Adieux de Fontainebleau (20 April 1814)
Aïcha, Battle of (9 October 1805)
Albaredo, Crossing of the (21 May 1800)
Albenga, Arrival at (4 April 1796)
Albuera, Battle of (16 May 1811)
Aldenhoven, Battle of (2 October 1794)
Alexandria, Convention of (15 June 1800)
Alexandria, Taking of (2 July 1798)
Algesiras, Naval Battle in the Bay of (5 July 1801)
Almeida, taking of (11 May 1810)
Alps, Crossing, at Mont Saint-Bernard (1800)
Altenkirchen, Battle of (4 June 1796)
Amiens, Peace of (1802)
Amiens, Peace of -- breach of (May 1803)
Amsterdam, Entry of the French into (19 January 1795)
Amstetten, Combat of (5 November 1805)
Arapiles, battle of (22 June 1812)
Arcis-sur-Aube, Battle of (20-21 March 1814)
Arcole, Battle of (15-17 November 1796)
Assassination attempt on Napoleon, "Infernal Machine" (24 December 1800)
Assaye, Battle of (23 September 1803)
Astorga, Napoleon is shown the English prisoners at (January 1809)
Augsburg -- Napoleon harangs the army before (12 October 1805)
Augsburg, battle of (1805)
Austerlitz, Battle of (2 December 1805)
Austerlitz, Battle of (2 December 1805) -- Eve of
Austerlitz, Battle of (2 December 1805) -- Standards captured from the Austrians

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