Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Zhong Zhenkui]

仲振奎﹐清乾隆嘉慶人﹐男﹐字雲磵﹐號春龍﹐又名紅豆山樵﹐泰州人(今江蘇泰州)。Related Materials: 著有 《葬花》﹐《红楼梦传奇》。

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Writings of 仲振奎 Zhong Zhenkui﹕
In 泰州仲氏閨秀集合刻﹕七種(清仲蓮慶等撰)。清嘉慶十二年(1807)刻本。 Taizhou Zhong shi gui xiu ji he ke: 7 zhong (by Zhong Lianqing, Qing dynasty)
文 wen: 碧香女史遺草序言: Bi xiang nü shi yi cao xu yan 1a
文 wen: 辟塵軒詩鈔序言: Pi chen xuan shi chao xu yan 39a
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