Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Zhu Meiying]

朱美英﹐清人﹐女﹐字蕊生﹐海鹽人(今浙江海鹽)。Related Materials: 著有 倚雲樓集。杭州府志﹐(徐乃昌)閨秀詞鈔﹐兩浙輶軒續錄﹐小黛軒論詩詩有著錄。

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Writings of 朱美英 Zhu Meiying﹕
In 閨秀詞鈔﹕十六卷(清徐乃昌輯)。清宣統元年(1909)小檀欒室刻本。 Gui xiu ci chao: 16 juan (edited by Xu Naichang, Qing dynasty)
詞 ci: 沁園春﹕茉莉 Qin yuan chun﹕Mo li 15.17b
In 閨秀正始再續集(民國單士釐輯)。民國元年(1911)活字印本 Gui xiu zheng shi zai xu ji
詩 shi: 瓶中紅梅: Ping zhong hong mei 四下.53b
詩 shi: 別歲: Bie sui 四下.54a
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