Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Tang Huiyi]

唐慧儀(fl.1830)﹐女﹐字婉珠﹐善化人(今湖南長沙)。Related Materials: 著有 剪燈草。柳絮集﹐小黛軒論詩詩有著錄。

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Writings of 唐慧儀 Tang Huiyi﹕
In 茶香閣遺草﹕二卷(清黃婉璚撰)。清道光十年(1830)刻本。 Cha xiang ge yi cao: 2 juan (by Huang Wanqiong, Qing dynasty)
詩 shi: 唐慧儀婉珠同作: Tang Huiyi Wanzhu tong zuo 1.3b
詩 shi: 慧儀同作: Huiyi tong zuo 1.4a
詩 shi: 夏夜聯句: Xia ye lian ju 1.11b
詩 shi: 竹床聯句 (與慧儀潤儀): Zhu chuang lian ju (yu Huiyi Runyi) 1.12a
詩 shi: 夏夜聯句: Xia ye lian ju 1.12a
詩 shi: 竹床聯句 (與慧儀潤儀): Zhu chuang lian ju (yu Huiyi Runyi) 1.12b
詩 shi: 慧儀七憶詩有序: Huiyi Qi yi shi you xu 2.25a
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