Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ He Lü]

賀綠﹐明人﹐女﹐字宜君﹐號鶴行內史﹐丹陽人(今江蘇丹陽)。Related Materials: 著有 奩餘詩詞草。(徐乃昌)閨秀詞鈔有著錄。

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[ anthologies in this database containing works by 賀綠 He Lü ]
Gui xiu ci chao: 16 juan (edited by Xu Naichang, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 賀綠 He Lü )
[ remarks and biographies on 賀綠 He Lü ]
賀綠[略傳] He Lü [lüe zhuan]  作者/Author﹕ 徐乃昌 Xu Naichang

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