Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Yuan Mei]

袁枚(1716-1798)﹐男﹐字子才﹐號簡齋﹐又名隨園﹐錢塘人(今浙江杭州)。Related Materials: 著有 《小倉山房詩文集》、《隨園詩話》、《隨園隨筆》、《子不語》、《隨園食單》。

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[ anthologies in this database containing works by 袁枚 Yuan Mei ]
Wu zhong nü shi shi chao (edited by Ren Zhaolin, Qing dynasty)

    愛蘭詩鈔﹕一卷 Ai lan shi chao: 1 juan - (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
Chang zhen ge ji: 7 juan, shi yu 1 juan (by Xi Peilan, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
Ting qiu xuan shi ji: 3 juan (by Luo Qilan, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
Lou ju xiao cao: 1 juan (by Yuan Zhu, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
Suwen nü zi yi gao (by Yuan Ji, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
Chang zhen ge ji: 7 juan (by Xi Peilan, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
Chang li ge ji: 1 juan (by Wang Caiwei, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
Lin xia ya yin ji: 5 zhong (edited by Mao Jun, Qing dynasty)

    長離閣集: 一卷 Chang li ge ji: 1 juan - (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
京江鮑氏三女史詩鈔合刻(清戴燮元輯)。清光緖八年(1882) 刻本。
Jingjiang Bao shi san nü shi shi chao he ke (edited by Dai Xieyuan, Qing dynasty)

    清娛閣詩鈔 Qing yu ge shi chao - (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
Xiu yu yin gao: 1 juan (by Yuan Tang, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
清娛閣吟稾﹕六卷(清鮑之蕙撰)。嘉慶16年 [1811]刻本
Qing yu ge yin gao : 6 juan (by Bao Zhihui, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
綠窗吟草: 一卷(清楊瓊華撰)。道光十二年壬辰(1832)刊本
Lü chuang yin cao: 1 juan (by Yang Qionghua, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
Ting qiu xuan shi ji: 6 juan (by Luo Qilan, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
Ting qiu xuan zeng yan: 3 juan (by Luo Qilan, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
培遠堂詩集:四卷(清張藻撰)。清乾隆間(1736-1795) 刻本
Pei yuan tang shi ji: 4 juan (by Zhang Zao, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
名花百詠:一卷(清王素襟撰) 。清嘉慶13年(1808)刻本
Ming hua bai yong:1 juan(by Wang Sujin, Qing Dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
不櫛吟:三卷,續刻:一卷(清潘素心撰) 。清刻本
Bu zhi yin:3 juan, Xu ke:1 juan(by Pan Suxin, Qing Dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
歷代婦女書信:一卷(民國程餘齋編注)。上海長風書店出版, 中華華民國三十六年九月初版
Li dai fu nü shu xin: 1 juan (Compiled by Cheng Yuzhai, Republican period)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁枚 Yuan Mei )
[ remarks and biographies on 袁枚 Yuan Mei ]
隨園先生輓辭(二首) Suiyuan xian sheng wan ci  作者/Author﹕ 鮑之蕙 Bao Zhihui
[ Correspondence, etc. ]
隨園先生道過里門以臥病未獲晉謁口占一律奉呈 Suiyuan xian sheng dao guo Limen yi wo bing wei huo jin ye kou zhan yi lü feng cheng  作者﹕鮑之蕙 Bao Zhihui
隨園先生見惠翠柏黃楊二盆走筆奉謝 Suiyuan xian sheng jian hui cui bai huang yang er pen zou bi feng xie  作者﹕鮑之蕙 Bao Zhihui
祝隨園先生八十壽同舸齋聯句 Zhu Suiyuan xian sheng ba shi shou tong Gezhai lian ju  作者﹕鮑之蕙 Bao Zhihui
祝隨園先生八十壽同舸齋聯句 Zhu Suiyuan xian sheng ba shi shou tong Gezhai lian ju  作者﹕張鉉 Zhang Xuan
和隨園先生越遊得女弟子五人喜作元韻 He Suiyuan xian sheng Yue you de nü di zi wu ren xi zuo yuan yun  作者﹕鮑之蕙 Bao Zhihui
隨園先生輓辭(二首) Suiyuan xian sheng wan ci  作者﹕鮑之蕙 Bao Zhihui
隨園先生道過里門以臥病未獲晉謁口占一律奉呈 Suiyuan xian sheng dao guo li men yi wo bing wei huo jin ye kou zhan yi lü feng cheng  作者﹕鮑之蕙 Bao Zhihui
隨園先生見惠翠柏黃楊二盆走筆奉謝 Suiyuan xian sheng jian hui cui bai huang yang er pen zou bi feng xie  作者﹕鮑之蕙 Bao Zhihui
隨園先生手書寫韻樓小額由郡城寄惠賦呈(二首) Suiyuan xian sheng shou shu Xie yun lou xiao e you jun cheng ji hui fu cheng (er shou)  作者﹕吳瓊仙 Wu Qiongxian
入山問隨園先生疾蒙惠竹葉粽詩次韻奉謝 Ru shan wen Suiyuan xian sheng ji meng hui zhu ye zong shi ci yun feng xie  作者﹕駱綺蘭 Luo Qilan
和隨園師預作重宴鹿鳴瓊林詩八首 He Suiyuan shi yu zuo chong yan lu ming qiong lin shi ba shou  作者﹕駱綺蘭 Luo Qilan
隨園先生祝雞近作命和原韻二首複第四句 Suiyuan xian sheng zhu ji jin zuo ming he yuan yun er shou fu di si ju  作者﹕駱綺蘭 Luo Qilan
枕上不寐舊疾復發隨園先生見招未赴仍用祝雞元韻再至 Zhen shang bu mei jiu ji fu fa Suiyuan xian sheng jian zhao wei fu reng yong zhu ji yuan yun zai zhi  作者﹕駱綺蘭 Luo Qilan
送竹士至白門兼呈隨園老人(三首) Song Zhushi zhi Baimen jian cheng Suiyuan lao ren (san shou)  作者﹕王倩 Wang Qian
上隨園夫子書(一) Shang Suiyuan fu zi shu(yi)  作者﹕席佩蘭 Xi Peilan

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