Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Huarui furen]

花蕊夫人﹐蜀-五代人(fl. 935)﹐女﹐又名徐氏﹐青城人(今四川都江堰)。Related Materials: 著有 花蕊夫人宮詞一卷。古今女史﹐郡齋讀書志附志﹐四家宮詞﹐燼餘書錄﹐宋元名家詩集﹐三家宮詞﹐詩詞雜俎﹐十家宮詞﹐歷朝名媛詩詞﹐名媛彙詩﹐名媛詩歸有著錄。有王安國題﹐吳革跋。

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[ anthologies in this database containing works by 花蕊夫人 Huarui furen ]
Li chao ming yuan shi ci: 12 juan (edited by Lu Chang, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 花蕊夫人 Huarui furen )
Gu jin nü shi: 12 juan, shi ji: 8 juan, fu Xing shi zi li xiang jie: 1 juan (edited by Zhao shijie, Ming dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 花蕊夫人 Huarui furen )
Ming yuan hui shi: 20 juan (by Zheng Wenang, Ming dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 花蕊夫人 Huarui furen )
Ming yuan shi gui: 36 juan (edited by Zhong Xing, Ming dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 花蕊夫人 Huarui furen )
宮閨文選:二十六卷,姓氏小錄 : 一卷(清周壽昌輯訂)。道光二十六年(1846)開雕
Gong gui wen xuan: 26 juan, Xing shi xiao lu: 1 juan (edited by Zhou Shouchang)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 花蕊夫人 Huarui furen )
[ remarks and biographies on 花蕊夫人 Huarui furen ]
《歷代婦女著作考》 P. 37 著錄 作者: 胡文楷
花蘂夫人[略傳] Huarui fu ren [lüe zhuan]  作者/Author﹕ 陸昶 Lu Chang
花蕊夫人[略傳] Huarui Furen [lüe zhuan]  作者/Author﹕ 趙世杰 Zhao Shijie
徐氏[略傳] Xu shi [lüe zhuan]  作者/Author﹕ 趙世杰 Zhao Shijie
花蕊夫人[略傳] Huarui Furen [lüe zhuan]  作者/Author﹕ 鍾惺 Zhong Xing
[ Correspondence, etc. ]
題美人冊子花蘂夫人 Ti mei ren ce zi Huarui fu ren  作者﹕席佩蘭 Xi Peilan
留春令 Liu chun ling  作者﹕陳愛真 Chen Aizhen
題士女圖﹕花蕊夫人祀張仙於宮中 Ti Shi nü tu: Huarui fu ren si Zhang xian yu gong zhong  作者﹕季蘭韻 Ji Lanyun
題美人冊子﹕花蘂夫人 Ti mei ren ce zi: Huarui fu ren  作者﹕席佩蘭 Xi Peilan
以上方玉版箋作小楷書花蕋夫人宮詞數幅各題其後詩非一時所作今並錄於此五首(之一,二) Yi shang fang yu ban jian zuo xiao kai shu Huarui fu ren gong ci shu fu ge ti qi hou shi fei yi shi suo zuo jin bing lu yu ci wu shou  作者﹕曹貞秀 Cao Zhenxiu
跋自書蜀花蕋夫人宮詞 Ba zi shu Shu Huarui fu ren gong ci  作者﹕曹貞秀 Cao Zhenxiu
書花蕋夫人宮詞百首題辭 Shu Huarui fu ren gong ci bai shou ti ci  作者﹕曹貞秀 Cao Zhenxiu
以上方玉版箋作小楷書花蕋夫人宮詞數幅各題其後詩非一時所作今並錄於此五首(之三,四,五) Yi shang fang yu ban jian zuo xiao kai shu Huarui fu ren gong ci shu fu ge ti qi hou shi fei yi shi suo zuo jin bing lu yu ci wu shou  作者﹕曹貞秀 Cao Zhenxiu
花蘂夫人小影無逸女士仿仇十洲本也(四首) Huarui fu ren xiao ying Wuyi nü shi fang Qiu Shizhou ben ye (si shou)  作者﹕汪端 Wang Duan

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