Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Zhao Wopei]

趙我佩﹐清道光咸豐人﹐女﹐字君蘭﹐仁和人(今浙江杭州)。Related Materials: 著有 《碧桃仙館詞一卷》。崑山胡氏書目﹐小檀欒室彙刻百家閨秀詞﹐小黛軒論詩詩﹐閨秀詞話有著錄。

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[ anthologies in this database containing works by 趙我佩 Zhao Wopei ]
Xiao tan luan shi hui ke gui xiu ci: 10 ji 100 zhong 100 juan (edited by Xu Naichang, Qing dynasty)

    碧桃館詞﹕一卷 Bi tao guan ci: 1 juan - (All texts in this collection authored by 趙我佩 Zhao Wopei )
Cui luo ge shi ci gao: 5 juan, fu wu jing ji: 1 juan (by Ling Zhiyuan, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 趙我佩 Zhao Wopei )
Qian ying lou shi gao:1 juan;Qian ying lou ci gao:1 juan (by Lu Qian, Qing Dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 趙我佩 Zhao Wopei )
[ remarks and biographies on 趙我佩 Zhao Wopei ]
《歷代婦女著作考》 P. 704 著錄 作者: 胡文楷
論趙我佩詩 Lun Zhao Wopei shi  作者/Author﹕ 陳芸 Chen Yun
論趙我佩詞 Lun Zhao Wopei ci  作者/Author﹕ 雷瑨 Lei Jin
論趙我佩詞 Lun Zhao Wopei ci  作者/Author﹕ 雷瑊 Lei Jian
[ Correspondence, etc. ]
南鄉子 Nan xiang zi  作者﹕陳嘉 Chen Jia

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