Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project
Ming Qing Women's Writings Digitization Project

Author [ Yuan Jingrong]

袁鏡蓉(b. 1774)﹐女﹐字月蕖﹐華亭人(今上海松江)。Related Materials: 著有 《月蕖軒詩草》《月蕖軒傳述略一卷》。崑山胡氏書目﹐小黛軒論詩詩有著錄。有沈兆霖﹐袁克家﹐莊仲方﹐羅本周序﹐張金鏞題辭﹐莊斅 ﹐蔡振武﹐俞承德﹐楊鉅源跋。

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[ Individual collections in this database authored by 袁鏡蓉 Yuan Jingrong ]
Yue qu xuan shi cao: 1 juan, shi yu: 1 juan (by Yuan Jingrong, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁鏡蓉 Yuan Jingrong )
[ anthologies in this database containing works by 袁鏡蓉 Yuan Jingrong ]
Gui xiu zheng shi zai xu ji
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁鏡蓉 Yuan Jingrong )
Lü yun shan fang shi cao: 2 juan (by Lao Rongjun, Qing dynasty)
- (All texts in this collection authored by 袁鏡蓉 Yuan Jingrong )
[ remarks and biographies on 袁鏡蓉 Yuan Jingrong ]
《歷代婦女著作考》 P. 494 著錄 作者: 胡文楷
沈兆霖序 Shen Zhaolin xu  作者/Author﹕ 沈兆霖 Shen Zhaolin
袁克家序 Yuan Kejia xu  作者/Author﹕ 袁克家 Yuan Kejia
莊仲方序 Zhuang Zhongfang xu  作者/Author﹕ 莊仲方 Zhuang Zhongfang
羅本周序 Luo Benzhou xu  作者/Author﹕ 羅本周 Luo Benzhou
莊斅跋 Zhuang Xiao ba  作者/Author﹕ 莊斅 Zhuang Xiao
蔡振武跋 Cai Zhenwu ba  作者/Author﹕ 蔡振武 Cai Zhenwu
俞承德跋 Yu Chengde ba  作者/Author﹕ 俞承德 Yu Chengde
論袁鏡蓉詩 Lun Yuan Jingrong shi  作者/Author﹕ 陳芸 Chen Yun

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