The Exhibit:   ~ Illustrators ~
Yidishe kinstler
Lider / Daniel CharneyUnter fremde himlenUriel Birnboym album
Lider un poemen / Abraham Liessin / illus. Marc ChagallMekhires-Yoysef / illus. Iosif ChaikovAlte vegen / illus. Todros GellerFun land tsu land / illus. Todros Geller
"Idishe oygn" / Todros GellerMinutn / illus. A.J. GoodelmanAvreml Broide / illus. William GropperMayn alef beys / illus. Nota Koslowsky
Self-portrait. "Adam and Eve" / E.M. LilienSihes hulin / illus. El LissitzkyGel'e bleter / illus. Zuni MaudFun a lib'e / illus. Zuni Maud
Lines / Zuni MaudShtot fun palatsn / illus. Diego RiveraAnonymous printsAlbert / illus. Maurice Sochachewsky
Lider / Meyer Stiker / illus. Yehudah TofelOyf Gots velt / illus. Yehudah TofelDrawing / A. WalkowitzNiseles trer / illus. Szyfra Werber

Graphic art played an important role in the publication of Yiddish literature, especially poetry. The work of more than 400 illustrators adorn the pages of the collection. Some of the artists became world famous, such as Marc Chagall and El Lissitzky.

For those who are interested in the work of Jewish illustrators during the earlier part of the twentieth century, the names in the Illustrator Index may be supplemented by consulting the following works in the Fishstein Collection. They generally contain, or discuss, the work of artists that could not be included in catalogue entries because of the constraints of time and space. Please see the following entries: 194, 881, 938, 1125, 1617-1619, 1664, 1745, 1756, 1771, 1773, 1843, 1924, 1933, 1990, 2109, 2209, 2215, and 2217. (Cf. Sandel, 1957)
