THE EXHIBIT   ~ United States ~
08_24 no 01a In vald cover.jpg Far aykh un ayere kinder (For you and your children) (New York: "Idish", l9l8-).
Nos. l-l0 of this series for children, issued by Farlag "Idish", are bound together. Most of the illustrations are done by Zuni Maud.

No.l. In vald (In the forest), by Herman Gold.

08_24b no.1 In vald tp.jpg
Title page
08_24 no 02a Der getrayer cover.jpg
No. 2. Der getrayer emes
08_24 no 03a Berel cover.jpg
No. 3. Berel Prager
08_24 no 04a Fablen cover.jpg
No. 4. Fablen
08_24 no 05 & 06a Yoysef cover.jpg
No. 5/6. Yoysef un zayne brider
08_24 no 07a Tsvey cover.jpg
No. 7. Tsvey briderlakh
08_24 no 08a Moysheh cover.jpg
08_24 no 09a Maysehlakh cover.jpg
08_24 no 10a Mayseh cover.jpg
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