THE EXHIBIT   ~ The Man ~
01_09 Tribute Sampling.jpg A sampling of tributes to Fishstein by various Yiddish poets, photocopied from the flyleaves of their books. The dedication on top right is by the great poet, Avrohm (Abraham) Reisen, found in Fishstein's copy of his book, Naye lider (Vilna: B. Kletskin, 1929):-

Translation: "A keepsake to a good friend, a working man, who possesses the entire treasure trove of Yiddish literature, lovingly purchased with his hard-earned money. A connaisseur of the works of the Yiddish poets and writers. The joy and the consolation of Yiddish writers in America -- Joe Fishstein. With friendship and appreciation, from the author Abraham Reisin, N.Y. 21 November 1932."

Other dedications shown here include autographs by Henich Akerman, Zishe Weinper, Eliezer Greenberg, and Meyer Stiker.