THE EXHIBIT   ~ Literary Authors ~
04_07a Matoneh poema.jpg Many Yiddish literary authors were bilingual, in Hebrew and Yiddish. Some focussed on one or the other language, and others had works published in both.    (We recall that many of the poems Fishstein transcribed into his personal notebook in his youth were in Hebrew as well.  )
Mendele is considered to be the "grandfather" of modern Hebrew, as well as of Yiddish, poetry. I.L. Peretz   and Sholem-Aleichem originally published in Hebrew, before choosing to switch to Yiddish - the mam'e loshn, or mother tongue, of the vast majority of Ashkenazi Jews. Hayyim Nahman Bialik was gifted in both languages  

Works by well-known Hebrew writers:-

A matoneh: poema (A gift: poem), by Zalman Shneour. Translated from the Hebrew into Yiddish and reworked by the author (Warsaw: Ha-Shahar, 1908-1909).

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Title page